One of the secrets of life is to keep our intellectual curiosity acute.
William Lyon Phelps

Humor ebooks

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Category: Dogs, Humor

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Title: On Being A Dog With A Bone
Author: Peggy McColl

You'll get the complete ebook "On Being A Dog With A Bone". To never give up on your dreams! "On Being A Dog With A Bone" is a unique, inspiring and humorous ebook that teaches us the lessons we can learn from our dogs about never giving up on our dreams.

Bonus to the "Wealth Bible"

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Humor, Travel

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Title: Mike's China
Author: Mike Dixon

TRUE TALES AND TRAVEL ADVICE for independent visitors to China. Discover what China has to offer: accommodation, transport, visas, modern cities, ancient past, ethnic minorities, temples, monasteries, fantastic scenery, great food and lots more. Mike has been a frequent visitor to China over the past twenty years, on climbing expeditions and as a general traveller. Mike's China (pdf/2.60MB) is illustrated with lots of pics.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Humor, Travel

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Title: Mike's Japan
Author: Mike Dixon

TRUE TALES AND TRAVEL ADVICE for independent travellers to Japan. Discover what Japan has to offer: accommodation, transport, hiking, touring, modern cities, ancient past, temples, monasteries, fantastic scenery, great food and lots more. Mike has been a frequent visitor to Japan over the past twenty years, speaks Japanese (badly) and has lots of Japanese friends. MIKE'S JAPAN (pdf/2.71MB) has 51 pages and is illustrated with lots of pics.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Humor, Travel

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Title: Mike's Australia
Author: Mike Dixon

TRUE TALES AND TRAVEL ADVICE for visitors to Australia. Discover what Australia has to offer: surfing, diving, hiking, rainforest, aboriginal, outback, strange animals, amazing plants, fantastic birds and lots more. Mike is widely travelled and has lived in Australia for over forty years. He built one of Australia's first backpacker hostels. MIKE'S AUSTRALIA (pdf/2.85MB) has 83 pages and is illustrated with lots of pics.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Humor, Poetry, Religion

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Title: Help for Hysterical Humans who Hope to Be Happy in Heaven
Author: James Sterngram

Help for Hysterical Humans (etc.) is a slender PDF densely packed with music, magic, meditation, and humor. Author James Sterngram is a poet for the Associated Individuals Desiring Enlightenment (Sometimes). AIDE(S) is a global prophet-making organization currently boasting roughly seven billion members.

A shorter sample poem:

True Discipline

Perfect discipline is this:
never waiting till you're done
with this task, this life, this sun
before you take it all in fun.

I'm still 'working' on this one,
but I have learned that, deep within,
my somber psyche has a friend
who never lacks for discipline.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Dogs, Humor

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Title: THE HAROLD ANGEL - The Tale of an Almost Good Dog

THE HAROLD ANGEL, the story of an almost good dog, is a chapter ebook for young readers. Harold wants to be good. He wants to help his family but he is always getting things wrong. When he hears the children sing "Hark the Herald Angel," Harold thinks everyone is singing about him. At last they all think he is good! An angel dog! Now he can sleep in the Dad's bed! share the Xmas turkey! But Harold is making a big mistake...

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Category: Children, Fiction, Humor

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Title: Diary of a Wimpy Schoolgirl
Author: A. R. Rand

The humorous tale of a third grader and her teacher when an improbable accident happens. The little girl's diary becomes her only friend as she writes about what occurred. On a typical school day, Eloisa Mae, nicknamed Beam (she's her mother's little sunbeam) is very tired after a weekend spent traveling to the home of her grandparents. Beam is barely awake when her teacher, Mrs. Binklemeyer, asks her a question. Beam yawns and yawns with such force that she sucks her teacher right into her mouth. Whoops! Naturally, the mishap shocks Beam and her teacher. Beam's parents freak out as does the principal and her classmates. Everyone in the town tries to keep it a secret. However, word gets out and reporters hound Beam. People laugh at her. Some call her a freak. Do-gooders try various ways to separate Beam and Mrs. Binklemeyer but nothing works. In their present condition, Beam will never grow up and Mrs. Binklemeyer will never teach again. Will some clever person step up to help? Hope so.

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Category: Sports, Fantasy, Humor

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Title: Sticks - A Golfer's Tale
Author: Walt Sautter

I wrote "Sticks" not just as an entertaining story but also as a satire of the spectacular claims made by golf manufacturers about their equipment.

Playing golf is a rewarding experience. Unfortunately, playing it well requires skill, practice, patience and dedication. These are the things which most of us are unwilling or incapable of doing.

Most, myself included, would like to find a short cut to success whether it be in golf or anything else.

In golf, the short cut is usually a new well-advertised driver, the latest putter or even a "super ball" guaranteed to add an extra fifty yard to your drive. These rarely if ever, fulfill the average golfer's dream of spectacular play. The only improvement of his game that they might make is that his wallet is a bit lighter and his walk around the links is then possibly a bit less tiring.

So is there really a magic piece of equipment that will allow one to circumvent all required hard work?

"Sticks" addresses the question - "What if?

What if a magic shortcut really did exist and someone found it?"

Bob Andrews, the book's central character, may have found it!

How did he find it and what happens when he does?

You'll find out when you read "Sticks - A Golfer's Tale", the ultimate golf fantasy.

More Books By Walt

  • Skeet Shoot
  • Fish Farm
  • The Three Dollar
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Humor, Romance, Young Adult

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Title: The Perfect Guy
Author: Ann Herrick

Rebecca is crushing on her new stepbrother, Pres. Celeste, her friend, tells her that Pres could feel differently, but Rebecca ignores the advice. Celeste's brother, Josh, who is also friends with Pres, volunteers to help Rebeccca with a school project, and Rebecca comes to depend on his help more than she realizes.

Rebecca also struggles to find a way to connect with her new stepfather. Through several twists and turns, Rebecca learns that perfect is not necessarily what she first thought.

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Category: Poetry, Nature, Humor

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Title: Modern Day Japanese Haiku
Author: Denise Morgan

Besides painting and writing fiction, another of my passions is poetry... especially raw, free verse, without rhyming. However, I just love writing haikus! Traditional Japanese Haiku, pronounced high-koo, or, some language connoisseur of accents actually pronounce it, 'ha-ku', is a short poem of seventeen syllables in three lines of five, seven, five, usually inspired by the observation of the natural world. Modern Day Japanese Haiku has kept close to the structure and essence of a traditional haiku but in some of the haiku poems, stray away from the natural world as its main subject. Modern Day Japanese Haiku, give meaning to the insignificant and the mundanities of everyday life which provokes an emotional reaction. Of the one-hundred-and-seventy-two or so haikus in this amazing and tantalizing poetry book, some are thought provoking, comical, sensual, erotic, silly... a few mind-blowing.

Here are a few below for you to sample and enjoy.

Inflated by love

Deflated by rejection

Heart's fluctuation.


He and I are one,

the other face of the mask-

Standing back to back.


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