How to cash with patenting your ideas Ebook
Title: How to cash with patenting your ideas
Attention Inventors!
How To Cash In With Your Million Dollar Idea!
Are you so excited about your new million dollar idea you can't sleep?
Good. That's the first step. But do you know what's next? Do you know how to protect your idea while bringing it to the marketplace - where you can really cash in?
Fortunes have slipped by simply because a person with a great idea didn't know how to move forward. But you won't have this problem when you discover how to...
- Protect your idea from others through patents, trademarks, copyrights and more!
- Streamline your idea's progress from concept to marketplace!
- Profit like crazy from your winning idea!
Dear Innovator,
If you think your idea is a winner, don't you owe it to yourself to get started making it a reality?
Just imagine if Alexander Graham Bell hadn't moved forward. Or Edison or Ben Franklin. What if Bill Gates had abandoned his million billion dollar idea. (It was his innovation that's made him the richest man in the world for over a decade.)
If your idea could change your life, wouldn't you like to know how? Now you can...
The Secret To Perfecting, Protecting And Profiting From Your Innovation!
Most people don't know the ins and outs of innovation. There's a lot of paperwork and red tape to go through to make sure you get credit (and paid) for your million dollar idea.
- Plus, if you want to bring your idea to market, you must know things like...
- Does your innovation need a patent, trademark or copyright? Or something else all together?
- Who can you license your idea to - so they can produce, market and sell your innovation while you cash in?
How to manufacture, package and market your idea if you would rather go it on your own.
Armed with this knowledge, you have a great shot at producing and cashing in with your million dollar idea.
Are You Ready To Bring Your Million Dollar Idea To Market?
If you're ready to turn your dreams into a reality. It's time to get started.
And now you can with my 54 page ebook, "How To Capitalize On Your Million Dollar Idea!" This short read will tell you everything you need to know to get started protecting, licensing, manufacturing and marketing your idea.
Plus, you can be discovering all these secrets in just minutes from now! That's because it's a downloadable ebook that you don't have to wait weeks for to arrive in the mail for! is just SOME of the secrets you'll find inside:
- The difference between patents and copyrights.
- 3 main ways great ideas turn into millions in profits.
- How ideas are legally considered just like property.
- How laws are crafted to let owners and inventors of great ideas reap the reward.
- 11 differences between Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Design Rights and Trade Secrets.
- Discover which is more powerful - copyrights or trademarks, and which is the right one for you.
- 13 questions to ask yourself before you get started marketing your idea.
- 14 different types of intellectual property you can invent and own.
- 3 questions that will help you determine whether your idea has any legs.
- How a patent will protect your intellectual property from others, in detail.
- The 6 characteristics of a patent.
- 11 tips and tidbits for filing a patent.
- 4 reasons why your invention could be granted a patent... and when it wouldn't.
- The ins-and-outs of patent licensing agreements.
- How licensing your idea can be the quickest way to get your product to market.
- The importance of choosing your partners wisely.
- How to take the first steps of getting your product to market all by yourself.
- How to distribute risks evenly between all partners.
- Which intellectual property protection will you need - a patent, trademark or copyright.
- The secret to keeping sales and marketing expenses low.
- A checklist to follow when filling out a patent application.
- 48 word glossary of legal terms you will need to know.
- 30 ways to protect and capitalize on your million dollar idea.
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!
If You Let Someone Else Beat You To The Punch, You'll Hate Yourself Later!
People are coming up with new ideas everyday. And often, two people can come up with the same idea without ever even knowing each other!
It's important, that if you have a gem right now. If you have an idea, invention or innovation that could change the lives of thousands - and yours - forever, the time to act is now.
Inventors can make millions, even billions from their ideas. (Just ask Bill Gates!) Most people have to pay thousands of dollars to hire consultants to get started perfecting, producing, and profiting from their idea.
But if you act right now, I'll show you how you can get started today for just $7. And you don't have to worry...
Table Of Contents:
- Introduction, Foreword, Overview And Layout Of The Book
- Creation And Birth Of Ideas, Innovations, Patents And Brilliant Million Dollar Thoughts, Products And Services (From Need To Needed!)
- Defining And Protecting Innovation - THREE QUESTIONS
- Is This A Truly Original Idea?
- Is There A Need For This?
- What Is The Potential Of This New Idea Of Patent?
- Patents, Copyright And Trademarks
- Packaging, Pitching And Presenting Your New Idea Or Patent
- Securing Capital, Funding And Dollars
- The Intricacies And Complexities That Are Contracts And Profits
- New Economy And Online Marketing, Virtual Marketplace
- How Licensing Helps You Optimize Your New Idea, Patent And Innovation
- A Frequently Asked Question About Ideas, Patents And New Ideas
- Conclusion
- Glossary
- Resources
"Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship... the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth."
Peter Drucker (1909 - 2005), Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1985
Walt Disney
He who builds a better mousetrap these days runs into material shortages, patent-infringement suits, work stoppages, collusive bidding, discount discrimination--and taxes."
H. E. Martz
This is patently absurd;but whoever wishes to become a philosophermust learn not to be frightened by absurdities.
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
Everything that can be invented has been invented.
Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. patent office, 1899 (attributed)
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