How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business Ebook
Title: How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business
I don't even know you...
...but I know your type. I bet you love to rearrange the furniture in your house. Even if it's only in your head. You say to yourself...
"I bet that'd look good over there. And this over here!" And you know what, you're probably right. You have it in your blood to be an interior designer.
Right now, you may not believe me. You may have never considered a career as an Interior Designer. But if you're already doing the work in your head for free...
...why not get paid for it! You're just doing what comes natural.
Being an Interior Designer can be well worth your time - and yes I am talking money. How would you like to work for yourself doing something that you enjoy?
Well you can. And I can show you how. It's something I call...
"How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business"
Greetings Friend,
If you are interested in Interior Design, you can start your own career with just a little guidance.
Has anyone ever told you that you have an eye for design? The last time you helped someone move, did people ask your opinion when trying to situate furniture? Maybe you just enjoy rearranging and decorating rooms in your head.
All the same... if you have the itch, or even an interest, you have already taken the first step to becoming an Interior Designer.
How would it feel to do something that you love... and get paid for it? Not many people get that chance.
But in "How To Break Into The Interior Design Industry," you will find out how you can do exactly that.
"Secrets of Tackling the Interior Design Industry Revealed Here!"
"How To Break Into The Interior Design Industry" is a thoroughly researched report on how to take your interest and turn it into a full fledged career. It takes you from the beginning - helping you figure out if this is really for you - all the way to finding clientele for your new business.
In fact...
...Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:
- 7 questions to ask yourself before entering the profession.
- Develop an understanding for the vast number of people who NEED an Interior Designer.
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of being a commercial interior designer.
- Understand the steps you will have to take to make your business legal your state.
- Learn why working with what you have is an important part of being creative.
- Learn the different roles and responsibilities that an Interior Designer takes on.
- Discover the 4 major technical aspects of being an Interior Designer that you MUST be familiar with.
- Understand why picking a specialty can help your business.
- Realize the benefits and shortcomings of being a residential interior designer.
- Learn when it is best to charge per hour or per project.
- Understand the different types of invoices you should have ready for clients.
- Discover 3 lesser-known niches in Interior Design where you could make a name for yourself with less competition.
- Learn what to expect from customers when you first get started. Some will Lie!
- Learn about the common practice of designers making their own product lines to generate business and revenue.
- Understand the importance of being versatile - not just with trends but also with...
- Discover a 5 step plan for finding business when you decide to get started.
- 4 sections of business that you need to be aware of in order to have a successful career.
- Questions you can't ignore when choosing a specialty.
- Learn how to create a portfolio even if you have little to no experience.
- Learn the 7 necessities of the Interior Designer.
- Understand what you can expect to see in wages as an assistant or certified Interior Designer.
- Understand the difference between an accredited and non-accredited interior design college courses.
- 4 major areas where Interior Designers must be MASTERS of organization.
- Discover the classes you can expect to take at an accredited college.
- 5 areas to be aware of and work on when gauging how personable you are.
- Realize the importance of problem solving and you.
- 8 items to have plenty of when setting up shop with your own Interior Design Business.
- 14 areas of the industry that you MUST be familiar with in order to be taken seriously as an Interior Designer.
- 5 invaluable tips to follow-through on when searching for clientele and starting your business.
- Poor your eyes over a Pros and Cons chart of the Interior Design profession.
- 6 MORE questions to ask yourself to REALLY decide if you have the passion to design.
- Understand the good and the bad of self-teaching yourself the art of Interior Design with our "Pros and Cons of Self Teaching" chart.
- Realize the benefits and shortcomings of attending a trade school instead of a university.
- 5 tips to help you multi-task, especially for the person who thought they couldn't do it.
- 5 questions to ask yourself when deciding if you have the passion to design.
- Discover the realm of online Interior Design educational programs.
- 3 different avenues to pursue for an Interior Designer that does not want to go into business for him or herself.
- 7 tips you need to use if you're looking to try the "self-taught" method of Interior Design School.
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!
"Who Else Wants to Break On Into The Interior Design Industry!"
If you want to know if Interior Design is for you, then this is the report you must have.
Once and for all you can find out exactly what being an Interior Designer means. All you have to do is start reading on page 5.
With "How To Break Into The Interior Design Industry," there will be no surprises. Find out what college courses to expect, or what to do to teach yourself the art!
"If You Decide Interior Design Is For You, We'll Show You How To Get Started!"
You'll find valuable information that could keep you from getting ripped off. A long with what supplies you'll need to have available to impress clients and help them decide what they're looking for.
Once you're ready to start looking for clients, this report will teach you how to start searching for them.
Any professional in the Interior Design industry will need a portfolio. We'll show you how to put together your own portfolio even if you have no or little experience!
Many people start new businesses. But the truth is, most of them fail within the first couple of years.
But how many of them had a GUIDELINE to show them what to do each step of the way. Most likely VERY little. You can take this information and use it to your advantage.
If you knew that you could be on your way to a brand new career working for yourself... would you take it?
"How To Break Into The Interior Design Industry," could be your ticket. If you knew that this one single report could be responsible for your income for the rest of your working days... what would it be worth to you?
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Am I Creative?
- What does it take to be an interior Designer?
- How Good am I at Problem Solving?
- Am I Organized?
- Can I Multitask?
- Can I be Versatile?
- Am I Personable?
- How is my Business Sense?
- Residential Interior Designers
- Different types of Interior Designers
- Commercial Interior Designers
- What is more important to me?
- How do I choose a Specialty?
- What will I have to do to Specialize?
- What do I need?
- Is Interior Design Right for me?
- College or University
- Online Design Programs
- Trade Schools
- Self Teaching
- What can I Expect?
- Every Designer's Necessity
- What to Expect When Getting Started
- Tips for building your portfolio
- How to Start Your Interior Design Business
- What you'll need
- Finding Work
- Tips on Pricing
P.S. "How To Break Into The Interior Design Industry!" is a no-holds-barred look at how to take your talent and make it into your own promising career. You love decorating in your own home - why not get PAID to do it elsewhere! Now you can, and this report will show you how.
P.S. "How To Break Into The Interior Design Industry!" is a no-holds-barred look at how to take your talent and make it into your own promising career. You love decorating in your own home - why not get PAID to do it elsewhere! Now you can, and this report will show you how.
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