A book is a mirror; if an ass peers into it you can't expect an apostle to look out.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

How to Earn $200 or more Every Day Ebook

How to Earn money Every Day
Category: Business
Ebook cover: How to Earn $200 or more Every Day


Title: How to Earn $200 or more Every Day
MAKE $200 or More Everyday HELPING 911

Installing Ornamental Address Signs

"A trainload of money-making ebooks is worthless if it doesn't give you a simple, straight-forward system to improve your life. On the other hand, a postcard with one short paragraph can be worth millions of dollars if those words reveal a valid pathway to wealth. "The information printed in this guide has changed many people's lives. It is proven, time tested, and easy to follow. In short, it NEVER fails."

Address America Is the Proven, Stress-Free Way to Enjoy the Satisfaction of Making $200 or more Per Day - With No Face-to-Face Selling.

If you're like many of the people I talk to each day, you may be searching for the perfect balance of extra income, enjoyable work and a feeling of satisfaction from what you do.

If you're becoming frustrated in your search for the Ideal Home Business, I may have the perfect solution for you.

My company, Address America, offers a program which provides everything you need to make $100-$300 cash every day, starting within the next 48 hours!

But more than being just highly profitable, this unique business allows you to work when it fits your schedule doing something you'll be proud to tell your friends and neighbors about.

Imagine having $100-$300 extra cash money in your pocket every day! With that kind of money, you'll be able to buy the things your family wants and needs...right away.

Your business will be profitable almost immediately and you'll know very quickly that your decision to get involved was a good one. You won't have to worry about whether this business is "viable" or "legitimate"! Your customers will tell you how good they feel about owning your product and you'll act with self-confidence and conviction.

Soon, you'll be worry-free and living life joyfully.

Address America is a Completely Turnkey Business.
It's 100% FOOLPROOF.

When you get started in this business, you don't have to worry about whether you're doing it "right". We've helped thousands of people just like you earn the extra money they want and need. Over the past eight years, it's been fine-tuned and perfected.

I know without a shred of doubt that it will work for you, too.

And you'll make more money because you don't have to "reinvent the wheel". My proven system WORKS every time...so you can start to make money right away.

There's no question of whether you can be a success in this business. It's infallible. Even if you've failed at everything you've ever done before, you can do this. With my system, you'll finally start to enjoy the rewards of your efforts.

You'll be able to provide yourself and your family with the finer things in life and, although money can't buy you love, you'll feel admired and appreciated because of your newfound sense of success.

If you're tired of chain letters, scams and phony promises, you'll love my business!

If you've been looking for something special...something you can really stand behind...this may be the answer. Our recently published guide, "How to Earn $200 or More Every Day Installing Ornamental Address Signs", will show you:

  • What supplies you will need to get started. It isn't much and you can start cheap.
  • I'll even show you how to test this business in your area, without having to buy any supplies.
  • A no selling process that makes you money from day one.
  • How to make $100- $300 cash, everyday that you desire to.
  • All business can be conducted from home. No need to rent expensive office space.
  • How to collect money without ever speaking to anyone...in person or on the phone.
  • You can even take this business on vacation with you. This business will fit in your car.
  • Step by Step Manual in how to do each job. (Nothing is left out).


In short, our guide shows you how to take our patent-pending Reflective Address Signs and show you how to assemble, sell, and install it for maximum profits.  Our Reflective Address Signs are incredibly popular because as soon as people see one they immediately see the importance of owning one. This is a really unique product, so you won't have a lot of competition. You'll be able to concentrate on making money, not on competing with others. You'll be among the fortunate few who enjoy the feeling that what they do is special and important. And people will admire you and look up to you because you feel good about yourself.

NOTE: If you're a "get-rich-quick junkie" or a business opportunity "collector", please look elsewhere.

There's one thing you need to know: this program is NOT suitable for people who want to make a quick buck doing something that's only borderline honest.

I've spent eight years developing Address America into a well- respected business. It will always be something my Affiliates can be proud to talk about.

If you're looking for a fast buck or if you're even the least bit unethical, please do us both a favor and DO NOT ORDER MY GUIDE. I have very high standards for my Affiliates and I won't permit anyone to damage the reputation I've worked so hard to establish.

My program is VERY reasonably priced, so that anyone can afford it. You really can't afford to not find out if it's as good as I say it is. If you've been burned before I know you'll be thrilled with this business because...it works! It really, really does.

I'm so confident my system will work for you, I'll give you EVERY PENNY of your money back if I'm wrong.

I sleep well at night because you risk absolutely nothing. All I ask is that you spend a few hours to try my system. If it doesn't work exactly as I've said, I'll give you a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

All you have to do is put out 1,000 flyers on mailbox posts or front doors in an older neighborhood in your town. (We provide camera-ready copies of the flyer and step-by-step manual as a part of your Guide.)

You'll receive the very same flyers that I personally used when I was developing Address America. I know these flyers work because they're being used every day by hundreds of Affiliates all over North America.

You don't have to distribute the flyers all at once. You can make a decent living just putting out 200-300 flyers a day. (Here's a hint: get your kids or your spouse to help you. It can be lots of fun!)

The day after you put out the flyers, drive back down those same streets and, like magic, you'll see orders for signs hanging in the front windows of 1% to 5% of the houses! If you do a little quick arithmetic, you'll find that doing this every day can create a very lucrative full-time or part-time business for you.

If you do what I've suggested and you're not thoroughly pleased with the results, fill out a simple but reasonable form that's included in your kit and I'll be happy to refund 100% of your initial purchase price!

It's my way of saying, "Thanks for giving it an honest try!"

If you're ready to start making money,
my staff and I are here to help you!

If you're really, truly ready to make $100-$300 a day, we'll provide you with free help, support and encouragement. This isn't like a lot of businesses that take your money and then leave you hanging. You won't be left on your own. You'll have real, live, highly trained (and FRIENDLY!) people to help you whenever you need it.

You'll never be left wondering if you're doing the right thing 'cause we're here to answer any questions that come up. Here's the bottom line: you'll be able to act with confidence and sincerity because this is a product that really makes a difference! And because you'll enjoy your work, you'll make good money!

Once you've got orders in hand, we'll supply you with all the materials you'll need. You don't have to worry about quality control or shopping for supplies. This is a big plus because it frees up your time so you can maximize your income.

You can concentrate more on the things that matter to YOU, like thinking about how you're going to spend all your newfound income. ;-)

We'll help you every step of the way!

Address America is an eight-year old, multi-million dollar company. We're proud members of the Chamber of Commerce, the Better Business Bureau, and The National Safety Council. We're debt-free and our record is spotless.

I have some incredibly nice people on my staff here in Ridgeland, Mississippi. They're the most helpful, courteous and friendly folks you'll ever talk to. My staff is one of the big reasons for our success. It's because of them that we have an INCREDIBLY dedicated and faithful circle of Affiliates.

Our Affiliates are decent, honest people of high integrity who've found that Address America provides them with two wonderful benefits:

1) A dependable and ongoing source of enough money to fulfill their dreams without sacrificing their family life. (How much money is "enough" money? Only you can answer that, but some of our top performers make well over $100,000 a year!)

2) A sense of pride and satisfaction from performing an invaluable community service, a service that saves lives and lets people feel safe and secure in their homes.

I'm truly devoted to my Affiliates. I can honestly say that, of all the wonderful things that have come to me as a result of starting this extraordinary business, the friendships I've formed with my Affiliates is among the most valuable. I know I'll be friends with these people for the rest of my life.

If you've got "The Right Stuff", 
we'd love for you to join us!

You can get started right away because my system is really very simple. We've done all the preparation. All the groundwork is done. You'll have money in your pocket within 48 hours of when you start if you'll just let your community know about your wonderful new service. It all starts with distributing our flyers.

So...how do you get the flyers?

Just order our Address America Training Guide today. It is only $17.00 and available for instant download.

The Guide has step-by-step manual on how to market and make the signs along with several different versions of our flyers so you can pick the one you think would be best for you.

Remember, your purchase is fully guaranteed. If you follow my manual and you're not downright THRILLED, I'll be happy send you a check for 100% of your purchase price.

Right now you're just days away from 
having the extra cash you need!

Once you've got your Guide you can get started right away. Click on the order link below and you will be able to download your Guide and Flyers instantly.

When you get your guide, pick one of the flyers, take it to a print shop and make 1000 copies. Distribute them per the directions in the guide. Then, let Magic Marketing work for you!

If you follow the manual in the previous paragraph you'll start making the money you deserve. You'll start on the road to being debt-free and enjoying the sense of true financial freedom. Your life and work will take on new meaning and joy.

Once you have downloaded your guide, you can start to enjoy the proven, stress-free satisfaction of making $100-$300 per day with no face-to-face selling immediately.

I think you deserve that much out of life. Don't you?

Table of Contents:


A Brief Introduction:

  • I owe my financial survival to the techniques I will share with you in this guide.
  • I can tell you categorically that if you want to make money... LOTS of money... FAST, this WORKS!
  • I can proudly say that there are...hundreds of men and women... whose lives have been changed be-cause of this business.

Quick Start Manual

How Much Money Would YOU Like to Make?

The Nuts and Bolts

Questions and Answers:

  • How much money can I make in the addressing business?
  • How is it possible to make $200 to $500 a day in-stalling reflective address signs without having to do any personal selling?
  • Why do you sell this information at such a low price?
  • Is this service really needed in my town?
  • Do I have to hire employees to be successful in the addressing business?
  • What makes this addressing service unique?
  • How long does it take to assemble and install the ornamental signs?
  • How much profit should I make on each sign?
  • Do I need any special permits from my state or city?

Entrepreneur's Credo

Get Started Today

Far better is it ...

Flyers for Your Addressing Business


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Price: $17.00
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