Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more human world.
Andre Maurois

How To ebooks

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Category: How To, Jobs, Women

Paid To Shop

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Title: Paid To Shop

Do you love to shop, eat out and have fun with your family... But don't like to spend money? Then...

"...Discover How You Can Get Paid To Shop, Eat Out, Go To The Movies, And Do All Sort Of Other Fun Things."

Dear Friend,

Yes, it's true. You can actually get paid to do the things that you love to do already. You can...

  • Get paid to shop
  • Get paid to eat
  • Get paid to go to the movies

It's seems unbelievable, but there are thousands of companies who would LOVE to pay you to shop at their stores, eat at their restaurants, go to their parlors, salons, amusement parks, and do all sorts of other FUN activities.

There are people out there actually making a full time, comfortable living doing these fun activities and getting paid for them. It's a new craze sweeping the nation. It's called "Mystery Shopping".

The ultimate "job" - getting paid $10 to $40+ an hour to do what you love.

The amount of money you will make in mystery shopping depends on the company you work for, the job you select, how organized you are, and how fast you "work". On average, mystery shoppers make around $10 to $40 an hour.... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Psychology

How to Influence Others!

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Title: How to Influence Others!

How to Exercise Dominant Influence Over Others!
Newly Discovered Manuscript Teaches Breakthrough Mind Control Techniques From Ancient Oriental Statesman!

Have you ever wondered why it is that some of the so-called leaders in your arena of life seem to attract all the "lucky breaks?" Does it seem like every time you turn around, you hear another one of his success stories?
Deep down you know that guy isn't any smarter than you. He probably has no more education and certainly wasn't born with that proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

So what's the big deal?

The big deal is that he has learned some valuable techniques that darn near guarantee his success in any endeavor he undertakes.
We don't know where he got his information. But, we can sure help you get yours. Stop letting success slip through your fingers when you can quickly and easily discover these principles and put them to work for yourself over and over again.
These are universal laws and principles practiced by world leaders again and again throughout history. . .but until now you weren't given the complete know how to put them to work in your own life!
Finally, here's your chance to take complete control not only over your own actions, but those of others and you can do it with just a few clicks of your mouse!
You are about to expose yourself to the kind of inside

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To

Recession Suvival

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Title: Recession Suvival

How To Profit From An Economic Recession!

Is the Economic Recession Getting You Down?

Learn the Secret to Weathering a Recession and Walking Away with Your Bank Account, Your Retirement Fund, Your Investments and Your Pride!

Dear Friend,

The economic recession brought on by over eager lenders, underprepared borrows, and overzealous government and an economy that cares more about its bottom line than its citizens has been pummeling Americans from coast to coast, and it doesn't show any signs of going away any time soon.

Are you sick and tired of counting your pennies? Looking for a way to be free of the constant fear that one day you're going to walk into your office and find a pink slip sitting there waiting for you? Would you like, just once to be the once sitting back and making a profit instead of the one worrying about whether this will be the week your business is going to have to close its doors?

Let Me Show You How...

Did you know that economic recessions aren't anything new? The lifecycle of the business world very closely resembles the lifecycle of the average insect-it circles around, and around, and around, and...well, you get the picture. There are many stages inside that circle that keep business flowing smoothly and the wheels of progress turning the way they're meant to.... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Self Help

Personal Brilliance

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Title: Personal Brilliance

Always wanted to have a great career but didn't know how to do it? Discover some great information about personal brilliance!

Do you ever feel as though your life simply isn't going the way you would like? Are there issues in your life that are holding you back?

While many people would love to be happier and more mentally healthy they simply don't know how to achieve the broad picture.

I know I didn't. Not until a few years ago, that is. I didn't feel well and my life didn't seem reflective of someone that was well. I was tired all the time. I wasn't very happy either. Something had to change!

I knew I had to do something.

That's when I decided I had to find out the right way improve my state of happiness. I knew I owed it to myself and my family to get a handle on this once and for all!

What I discovered completely changed my life!

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on personal growth does just that!

Introducing ...

Personal Brilliance!

Everything you need to know about personal growth is included in this special report:

  • How to Feel Good Even if you are Away from Home
  • How to Achieve Personal Growth through
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Category: How To

Trademarking 101

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Title: Trademarking 101

Table Of Contents:

Chapter 1: Trademarking: What's That Mean?

  • Trademark Rights
  • What Is A Trademark?
  • Tell The World About Yours
  • Defining Trademarking

Chapter 2: The Benefits Of Trademarking

  • Deterring Others
  • It Provides Protection
  • You Get Great Recourse
  • Strong Brand
  • You Won't Be Sued

Chapter 3: Making Your Trademark Unique

  • What They Look For
  • How Unique Is Unique?
  • When Conflict Happens
  • Free Searches Found Online
  • Pre-searches
  • TESS
  • US Trademark Search

Chapter 4: Creating A Trademark That Works

  • Fanciful
  • Considerations For Brand Names
  • Arbitrary
  • Descriptive
  • Suggestive
  • Generic
  • Brainstorm
  • Ideas To Spur Your Trademark
  • Making Acronyms Work
  • Make It UP
  • Speak A New Language
  • Can't Do It?
  • Getting Trademark Clearance

Chapter 5: Hiring A Trademark Attorney

  • Application Help
  • Help For Trademark
  • Chapter 6: The Details Of Trademarking
  • The Cost Of Trademarking
  • The Timeline
  • International Trademarking

Chapter 6: A Bit

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Manuals, Self Help

The Complete Guide To Effective Public Speaking

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Title: The Complete Guide To Effective Public Speaking

How would you like to discover the principles of public speaking that will have your audience hanging upon your every word?

The Complete Manual To Effective Public Speaking should be read by anyone who ever has to face an audience, whether that audience consists of one man or a thousand.

It is not made up of rules and principles, but of the common-sense essentials which are of the most importance in public speaking.

If you do any kind of public speaking you should have this ebook.

If you do teleseminars, if you are thinking of turning you e-Book into an audio ebook or if you want to put an audio introduction on your website, this e-Book will help you sound more confident and professional.

Concise And Easy To Read.

You will like this ebook. It is short, but there is a tremendous amount in it. Every time you read it, you will realize more clearly, the essentials to public speaking.

Order Now

Happily, it is no longer necessary to argue that public speaking is a worthy subject for regular study in college. The teaching of this subject, in one form or another, is now fairly well established.

But, not all of us have had the benefit of a course in public speaking. Now you can get what amounts to a quick home study

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To

How to take care of your family when disaster strikes

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Title: How to take care of your family when disaster strikes

There Has Never Been A Book Like This That Has Shown You All You Need To Know About Emergency Preperation Order Today!

Isn't It About Time You Learnt EVERYTHING you need to know about keeping your family safe in an emergency This ebook is the only ebook of it's type on the entire Internet

Everything you'll need to know to ensure a smooth ride in any disaster

2 Important Things To Remember When In A Disaster

1) Make sure you have a disaster supply kit

Assembling a disaster supply kit is an effective way to ensure you are prepared and organized in the event of a disaster.

In the event that a disaster does occur, you may find you are required to survive without the help of everyday comforts such as electricity or running water.

2) Make sure you are ready to evacuate

A common emergency procedure we frequently put into place is that of evacuation. In the event that an evacuation is necessary, knowing procedures and having a plan ahead of time will ensure you are prepared and able to remain calm and in control, able to handle the situation.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

  • Learn what are the most common disasters to prepare for. There are many different types of disasters that may occur. Whilst a disaster can happen anywhere, some areas are more prone to a
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Women, Mystery

Mystery Shopping Secrets

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Title: Mystery Shopping Secrets
Author: Myrna Marshall

Unlock the Hidden Profits in Mystery Shopping


  • Introduction
  • Why Use Mystery Shoppers
  • What is Mystery Shopping
  • What Are The Different Types Of Mystery Shops
  • How Can You Avoid Mystery Shopping Scams?
  • Who Can Be A Mystery Shopper?
  • How Do I Get started9
  • What Does It Take To Be A Professional Mystery Shopper....
  • Tools Of The Trade - The Keys To Success
  • What Is The Average Pay For Shoppers9
  • Choosing And Determining Your Assignments
  • How Do I Keep Track Of My Assignments?
  • How And When Do I Get Paid9
  • Conducting The Mystery Shop
  • Certification, Is It Worth It?
  • Tips For Being A Professional Mystery Shopper
  • Networking Groups
  • Professional Mystery Shopping Commandments
  • Resources


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Green Products, Home, How To

Solar Power For Energy!

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Title: Solar Power For Energy!

"Save Money & At The Same Time Save The Environment By Powering Up With Solar Power For Energy!"

"It's Time To Do YOUR Bit For The Planet!"

Dear Friend,

You have probably heard about solar power and how it is the new and upcoming alternative energy source of the future. It's just not a buzzword anymore. It is a viable way for you to save time and money, while at the same time make a conscious effort to save the environment and the planet. Solar power has been revolutionized and new technology is allowing it to not only power your home, but to power personal devices such as cell phones, personal entertainment systems, and other electronic devices that you could use in virtually any situation.

Whether you are a first responder to an emergency situation, you want to go camping, or you just want a radio on your next boating trip to work without batteries, personal solar power is the new-age way to get the power without using batteries or other environmentally damaging power sources.

Solar power is now affordable to everyone and is available in a variety of ways to help save the environment.

Where solar power used to be laughed at by skeptics, it is now being embraced as the alternative energy source that rivals hydrogen, hybrids, and other forms of alternative energy. As we try to break our addiction to fossil fuels,... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To

Your Success Action Plan

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Title: Your Success Action Plan

"Putting Together Your Success Action Plan Can Have Terrific Benefits For Your Life And Business!"

Discover About Preparing And Using An Action Plan- And Learn Tools To Unlock The Way For You To Act Instead Of React!

Dear Friend,

Why do we require action plans? Without one, you won't be acting, and will always be reacting. Can you conceive of the U. S. Army Special Forces streaming arbitrarily into battle without a strategy? Readiness is always a fantastic idea, although plainly it can be a lot of work.

You may consider an action plan a step in the direction of going into battle for your success. Any battle needs a strategy as well as compassion to some extent.

The truth is:

If You Want To Better Your Life And Your Business ...You Need To Discover The Correct Way To Develop And Use An Action Plan!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in life and business? It's because they don't know how to include everything in their mental simulation - including pain, fearfulness and fatigue, which are some of the largest obstacles any athlete can fall upon.

They don't know how to include all these sensations, and see themselves pressing past all these. Or how to incorporate all their failings, and push past those till they see themselves winning. They just don't

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