Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star.

Horror ebooks

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Category: Horror

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Title: Deadlocked
Author: A.R. Wise

Deadlocked tells the story of a father's journey home through the zombie apocalypse. His family is at home and he is in the middle of the city when the outbreak occurs. He must travel through the ravaged streets and through the panic to reach his family. Once there, he will have the opportunity to ensure their safety, but at what cost?

The story is told through the eyes of David as he faces horrors that he never imagined were possible. His travel through the city is plagued by not only zombies, but also hordes of other citizens desperate to get out as well. He stares down the face of death and is determined to conquer whatever is thrown at him.

Deadlocked follows an intense, non-stop pace that will keep readers flipping pages as they thunder toward the inevitable conclusion.

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Category: Horror, Mystery, Thrillers

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Title: Ghost of Retirement
Author: Valerie Biamonte

John Bauer, aka JB, comes out of retirement and takes a security guard job to pay for a caretaker for his wife. He gladly takes a job at the local electrical plant. At the plant, JB finds there has been an unexplained death, ghost sightings, he observes bizarre behaviors, and discovers a voodoo-priest- for-hire spying on him. What's a retiree to do?

JB gets in touch with his old police partner who has an amazing collection of surveillance equipment, and the pair renew their enthusiasm for the good ol' days.

JB boldly takes on the supernatural and local threats, all spawned by the greed of a group of men, to defend his wife and ultimately an entire town, no matter the cost or what dangerous creatures are after him.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Horror, Science Fiction, Fiction

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Title: The Blood of Judas
Author: Walt Sautter

A German woman (Elda) and her father are sent to a Nazi concentration camp where she is visited nightly by her vampire lover Anton. He explains to her how he had first been created in Czarist Russian by Giorgi Rasputin. He tells her how he had followed the precepts of his patron Saint Judas and how he had endured over the decades without sacrificing any lives of the truly innocent in order to survive. To avoid her certain death he strives to convince her to become "one such as he". After numerous visits he succeeds and she is created and thus attains the powers of the undead. They then leave together in search of her father.

 She soon finds out that her father has been murdered in a grisly medical experiment by the Nazis. Upon hearing of his death she immediately begins her quest for revenge.

With the aid of her lover Anton, they travel throughout war-torn Germany and beyond to serve justice upon her father's killer. During the obsessive search they encounter many obstacles not the least being the Nazi's own vampire slaves which serve to thwart their every move.

'The Blood of Judas' is a horror story set in a background of horror. It is a fine read for one who enjoys a tale of vampires, suspense and revenge.

See the video trailer - 'Vampires of the Third Reich' at You Tube.

More Books by Walt

  • Skeet Shoot
  • Fish Farm
  • The Adventures
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Category: Fiction, Horror

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Title: Sing The Blues
Author: Tina Collins

Sing The Blues is a collection of short horror stories in the genres of sci-fi, paranormal and dystopia. There is also a spattering of homour throughout the collection just to lighten the mood ;)

Money, selfishness, exhibitionism and revenge all play a role. However, demons shadow their every move just waiting for that fatal mistake.

Examples of the stories within include a breeding program that occurs on this planet run by an alien species. Could escape be possible for both master and slave? Another story focuses on the life and crimes of a misogynist and how he eventually learns that maybe he shouldn't have used all those women in his life.

Or maybe, you'll like the story of a revengeful female ghost committed to searching out the relatives of those who drove her employers to hell. She loves to play games and she usally wins. Wolves parade a local 'drinking' hole outside a city. They're looking for prey to take home to the Alpha. But which unsuspecting victims will they choose?

Another story follows the life of a female as she ruins yet another relationship. But why does she behave this way?




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Category: Fantasy, Horror, Holidays

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Title: Legend of the Undead Santa
Author: KN Schultz

During the sweltering unadulterated drunken mayhem of his yearly summer vacation with his magical reindeer, Old Man Santa falls victim to the gnashing murderous jaws of a very disgruntled and provoked shark. Torn to bits and spewed back into the ocean, the jolly old fat man and his companions wash ashore to be reassembled under the strange voodoo practices of a rogue witch doctor.

Meanwhile, a deranged yeti, deformed to look like a child's snowman, conquers the North Pole. He steals Mrs. Kringle, Santa's latest and luscivious young bride and enslaves the elves with their fabled workshop to make disgusting presents to spread worldwide dismay and dischord.

Old Man Kringle sends one of his undead reindeer to recruit him a deviant bloodthirsty army to aid him in the revenge against the monster that had him murdered and turned into a slobbering and festering brain eating corpse.

To the North Pole Old Man Santa takes his army to discover the truth, a jealous yeti stole his wife and Christmas. Through the Arctic into Siberia, the battle wages until the Undead Santa wins and saves Christmas.

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Category: Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

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Title: Cadaver Mundus
Author: KN Schultz

Cadaver Mundus is the unnerving realm of Victor Frankenstein's ghastly night terrors, dark visions, and impossible premonitions as he descends into the madness of his own nightmares.

Gods, devils, machines, monsters, undead, and man alike battle for the dominion of a faulty and unwholesome universe, haunting Frankenstein in the dark corners between his construction of his creature, its bride, the murder of his family, and the hunting of the monster to the remote Arctic.

As Victor battles his creature, the spectres of his nightmares lift him away into their harsh reality, revealing a far worse existence than what he experienced or imagined.

 He joins their existence, creating his own family and future to again have it stolen and decimated. Slowly, he descends into the madness of reconfiguring humanity into his design, what he believes to be a better solution for mankind. Assuming the role of god and creator, his hunger for mankind's salvation becomes tainted with the insatiable lust for power and control.

Thus, Victor Frankenstein initiates war to create a Corpse Cosmos of the perfect people. 

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Category: Fantasy, Horror, Fiction

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Title: Geared Corpse Lovers
Author: KN Schultz

The world changed aeons ago with the Great Cataclysm, creating a new one of stranger and darker realities as science and the occult struggle for remains of humanity. The New World contains walled scientific minded cities set sparsely apart amongst a vast wilderness of occult nightmares. Piece by piece, life succumbs to horrors old and new.

Within a city, a pair of lovers, brought back from the dead with mechanical salvation, enter a forbidden occult library to find the incantations and spells to forever split their flesh from the dilapidated machines commanding their bodies. Left over from the time before the Cataclysm, they suffer from immense age that rots and wears away the gears, cogs, and alloys of their internal machines. Rather than become more machine and lose the last of their humanity, they opt for the dark contents of the forbidden library.

Inside, a vast labyrinth of thousands upon thousands of books beckons them and their witch drawn map to find the book that will set them free.

However, such libraries charge a hefty price for their services.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction

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Title: Inking Ashore
Author: KN Schultz

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Horror, Thrillers

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Title: Dead Air
Author: Jon Schafer

Dead Air is not your typical zombie apocalypse novel.
While most zombie books don't explain where the dead come from, Dead Air starts out by giving a realistic explanation of how they evolved. It then follows how the highly communicable disease they carry spreads rapidly across the United States, and then the world.
It features Steve Wendell, a manager of a radio station in Clearwater, Florida, who after reading a news story of a man attacking and biting hospital staff in in little Rock, Arkansas, gets an idea for an upcoming live show on Halloween. Little does he realize that the report is only the first of what will become a flood of people being infected, dying, and rising up to attack, kill, and eat their friends, neighbors, and relatives.
Then these people get up to do the same.
Taking refuge with 8 other people in the 15 story building that houses the radio station he manages, Steve and his fellow survivors barricade themselves and continue to broadcast live as the dead surround them and search for a way in.

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Category: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror

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Title: Sheep's Clothing
Author: Elizabeth Einspanier

Thanks to his New York education, Dr. Nathaniel "Doc" Meadows has always been a skeptic when it comes to the old ghost stories of the frontier. He strongly prefers the logic of his medical practice, and saw no reason to give these tales any creedence. This changes in a hurry, though, when he offers his aid to a gravely-injured half-Sioux gunslinger named Wolf Cowrie. Cowrie brings some terrifying news with him: three vampires have moved into the small town that Doc has grown to love, and they are feeding on its population.

Wolf has his own reasons for hunting the sinister Russeau and his female companions. Russeau stole away a woman that Wolf had planned to marry, turning her into another of the foul creatures. Doc, meanwhile, is understandably terrified by the prospect of facing down blood-sucking demons, but he has vowed to protect the people of Salvation from any ailment--even one that is supernatural in origin. Doc needs to get over his skepticism in a hurry if he is to save the town of Salvation from a slow death.

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