When you take stuff from one writer, it's plagiarism; but when you take it from many writers, it's research.
Wilson Mizner

Home Business ebooks

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Category: Business, E-Business, Home Business

Playing 100%

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Title: Playing 100%

"Learning About Playing 100% Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Learn methods for bringing out the best in you in any situation or project!

Dear Friend,

Let's face it.... Dealing with people and making presentations is a part of life and business from a room full of co-workers or prospects to just speaking to someone at a party. Individuals at work who can communicate better go up the ladder quicker. Employers prefer employing individuals with public speaking and communication skills. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase how you perform in any situation!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Playing 100%!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that oral presentation is a crucial addition to the human repertoire. Technical knowledge is just as vital, but the power to speak well takes your abilities and gifts beyond the borders of your own skin and into the hearts and minds of other people.

Which brings us to a

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Category: Home Business

Fast Freelancing Funds

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Title: Fast Freelancing Funds

"Learning About Fast Freelancing Funds Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Get Instant Work And Fast Cash With Your Skills!

Dear Friend,

Everybody could use some surplus money, especially in hard times. Maybe the bills were a bit more than you'd anticipated this month or perhaps you're attempting to raise some starter cash for your own online startup or business or perhaps you just need to figure out how to ramp up your existing business.

Freelancers are a forward-looking lot. All the same, almost every day I get questions from those who find it difficult to make a sustainable living. I ascribe most of this to some people's inability to think differently.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Freelancing And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Fast Freelancing Funds!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in freelancing and overall life? It's because they don't know that there are so many web sites in painful need of great copy that all you have to do is switch on your computer to turn one up. All the same, the key is to target those who are willing to

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Category: Business, Home Business

Business Building Basics

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Title: Business Building Basics

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How To Build A Super Successful Internet Business One Step At A Time

Business opportunity seekers run after the next new business fad, while business developers build their successful businesses on solid principles. Prepare yourself for a solid plan for success from one of the internet's premier developers.

Hi! You're listening to Terry Telford from thebusinessprofessional.com, and today we're very fortunate to have Mike Filsaime with us. Mike's been online basically since 2002, and he really knows how to build and run a profitable online business.

Today, Mike's going to take us on a step-by-step tour of the business building basics, starting off with the development stage and the concept of how you come up with an idea to go ahead with, right up to the marketing side of things. Before we begin though, I'd like to say thanks very much for taking the time to be with us today, Mike.

Terry, it's a pleasure to be here. Thank you very much.

Thank you. Maybe we can start off, Mike, and you can tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up getting where you are today.

Okay sure. What happened was, back in 2002, I was the sales manager for a

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Category: Home Business

The Magnetic Mindset that Drives Home Business Models

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Title: The Magnetic Mindset that Drives Home Business Models

Everything You Need to Know About Lucrative Opportunities

The secrets behind Expanding Your Home Business and Inspiring Others!

Dear Friend,
There are a lot of reasons why people all over the world want to work from home. You probably have your own reasons. There are a lot of individuals who want to have their own home business.

The world around us keeps changing and not always for the better. So individuals want to have control over their own lives instead of letting somebody else have control over them.

The truth is:

If You Do Not Know How To Work On Personal Development To Foster Your Business And Life you are spinning your wheels!

Clients have become more discerning than they ever were. They don't make decisions for making split second purchases like they used to do before. They search for reviews on product or service on the Internet first, closely take a look at product and only then make the decision which product to buy.

You can certainly bet that mega name network marketers already know all this, and that is why they are a big success at what they are doing!

If you have no tolls for home business expansion it will be difficult to achieve any type of success.

But, you can discover how to have success with your home business and get the right tools to appear as an Expert... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Home Business

Work At Home Mastermind

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Title: Work At Home Mastermind

Unleashed! The Complete Manual To Working From Home..

"Quick Start Foolproof Strategy Reveals 3-Step Formula To Starting Your Own Highly Successful Online Business Without EVER Having To Invest Thousands Of Dollars In The Process!"

Dear Online Entrepreneur,

You are about to take a journey into the world of online business that will truly change your life.

Whether you have failed miserably at attempting to start your own online business in the past, or you are brand new to online business and simply want a clear cut, proven strategy that will manual you every step of the way, you will want to read EVERY word on this page (don't skim!)

You see, not that long ago I struggled to find a way to make money online. I tried everything you could imagine.. from affiliate marketing, to freelancing, I left no stone un-turned.. I was determined to join the ranks of the countless millionaires who quit their jobs only to never look back again.

And I knew I could do it.. after all, most of the wealthy gurus I had been researching all claimed to have started from nothing themselves, right?

I could, in fact, I did - and right now, YOU are going to do the exact same thing.

And forget whatever you've heard about how costly and difficult starting a successful online business can be.. with a simple set of manual that teach you everything you

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Category: Home Business

Big Business Branding On A Small Business Budget

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Title: Big Business Branding On A Small Business Budget

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Super Profitable - Low Cost Branding Strategies You Can Use Today

Branding yourself as the 'Go To Guy' or the 'Go To Girl' is key to your success. Getting your brand to stick in your customer's mind is a challenge with any size budget. Learn the secrets of branding on a small budget.

Welcome to the Brand Building Information Session. Today we are very lucky to be talking to Lee Schissler of CarillionUSA.com. Lee is the managing director of Carillion USA, which, as a matter of interest, Carillion rhymes with million, and it's a fighter in the Star Wars action series. So, I'll let you take it away, Lee. I'd first like to start out by saying thanks very much for taking the time to talk to us today.

Sure, Terry. I'm glad to do it.

Maybe you can start off by telling us what is Carillion USA and where did the name come from?

Actually, Carillion means four bells or the bell tower. You see them at churches or on college campuses. The four bells stand for the four Ps of the marketing mix. That was the origin of the name. I have found out from some teenagers in the recent years that follow Star Wars that told me it is a large starship on Star Wars. I didn't know that at the

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Category: Business, E-Business, Home Business

Pocket Coach

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Title: Pocket Coach

Taking Your Business To The Next Level

Having a business coach gives you a new perspective. Often just one new idea from your coach can increase your income by thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Hi, this is Terry Telford from TheBusinessProfessional.com and today we're talking to Richard Butler who has a very special technique and talent as a business coach. A few weeks ago I got an e-mail from Richard that intrigued me. He was talking about a way to increase my online revenue, which I'm always interested in. I figured that it was a product or piece of software but I kept reading on and Richard was talking about business coaching. I'm vaguely familiar with coaching; I didn't really think that I needed any because I wasn't sure how it would help me to achieve my goals that I already set that I'm working towards.

But, after talking to Richard for about ten or 15 minutes, it became very apparent that he has a wealth of knowledge that will help me build my business as it can anyone else. A lot of the processes and procedures that Richard has in place can help you fine tune and focus your business and get things going in a straight direction instead of taking a roundabout way to get to your goals. So, I started doing a little bit of research on coaching, business coaching specifically, and there are a lot of coaches out... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Home Business

Outsource explosion

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Title: Outsource explosion

Double, Triple & Quadruple Your Profits By Letting Other People Do The Work For You!

Dear Friend

There will come a day in your business (if it hasn't already arrived) when you realise that you only have two hands and 24 hours in a day.

What I mean is you can't do everything that your business needs yourself.

If you try to do everything yourself your business will at best grind to a halt, and at worst, GO UNDER.

Take a look RIGHT NOW at the successful marketers around you - the millionaires, the gurus and the market leaders.

What do they have in common?

They know what they're good at, and outsource the rest to other people!

Outsourcing isn't about status or 'being the boss'

It's about recognising what's best for your business and your profits. And that's the problem that most people have.

They don't want to give up control of their businesses.

They're scared that nobody is able to do the job as good as they are.

They're WRONG - When your business reaches a certain level you have two options:


Outsourcing is easier than most people think.

In fact EVERY SINGLE ONE of the marketers I've spoken to about using outsource workers say the same:

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Category: Home Business

Purpose Driven Business Models

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Title: Purpose Driven Business Models


"Purpose Driven Business Models"

How To Follow Your Passion To Build Your Business

In this book, you will learn all about:

  • Learn about all marketing your business online AND offline!
  • All the techniques you will ever need to create a business centered around the things you love!
  • Discover the right way to create passive income out of the things that you love
  • Learn how to channel your energy into your business and enjoy every moment of it!
  • How to make money with your passion using social networking
  • Also learn how to drive traffic to websites that you are passionate about!


Table Of Contents:

  • Your Passion Can Make You Rich
  • Discovering Your Passion
  • Principles and Ethics
  • Passion Income Strategies
  • Using the Internet to Monetize Your Passion
  • Writing eBooks as a Moneymaking Passion
  • Social Networking as a Moneymaking Passion
  • Blogging as a Moneymaking Passion
  • Other Ways of Monetizing Your Passion
  • Some More Methods

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Category: Home Business

How to Sell Anything to Anyone

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Title: How to Sell Anything to Anyone

Table Of Contents

  • The First Requirement - Sell Yourself, Use a Great Story
  • The 7 Basic Requirements to Sell Anything to Anyone
  • The Second Requirement - Creating the Undeniable Need
  • The Fourth Requirement - Creating the Sense of Urgency
  • The Third Requirement - Stamping Your Authority
  • The Fifth Requirement - Making Them Accountable with Free Gifts
  • The Seventh Requirement - Keeping the Interest Factor Alive
  • The Sixth Requirement - Making a Commitment
  • What You Can Sell and What You Cannot - Some Taboos
  • Quest to Become Perfect in the Art of Salesmanship

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