Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one they sprung up.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

History ebooks

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Category: Fiction, History

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Title: World's First Science Fiction Book

Considered to be The World's First Science Fiction eBook

The author of this ebook discusses robots and super human powers over 100 years ago!

Bonus to the "A Course in Mind Power"

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Category: History

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Title: My Peace of The Wall
Author: Anke Otto-Wolf

Ordinary events in the author's American life such as the slicing of a stick of butter into small 'Little Yellow Squares', opened the floodgates of memories reflecting the 1945 American Army food distribution in Germany. Triggered by her Marine son saying 'farewell' due to the Iraq conflict in 1992, the emotional essay 'A Few Days Left' reflects the unimaginable agony of war as a daughter, a wife and as a mother by recalling her father's incarceration in a Nazi concentration camp, and her husband's tours of duty in Vietnam. A 2009 chance meeting with a 1948 Berlin Air Lift 'Raisin Bomber' crew member connected the dots of her life. This fact-filled, detailed account of cataclysmic events in world history including the duration and the fall of the Berlin Wall is a 'must read' for everyone interested in historical truth.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Animals, History

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Title: The Horse Training System

This is the system by which Prof. Carroll was able to "cure the most vicious horses of the habit of balking or kicking; also the habits of shying, running away, pulling at the halter, jumping fences or pitching under the saddle. It will enable anyone to ride any horse or mule without saddle or bridle with perfect safety; also to drive without bridle or lines."

Here's just a taste of what else you'll find inside:

  • Revealed: the mechanical advantage whereby you can compel a horse to stop instantly at your command, with only a few pounds of pressure!
  • How to gain the confidence of a horse so "as long as you are with him he feels no fear."
  • How to manage a wild or vicious horse and even those that are quite old before they are first handled.
  • How to cure a horse of jumping and fence breaking so thoroughly that he will happily stay in almost any kind of enclosure.
  • Secret ways of "jockeying" a horse to make him appear to be other than what he is, eg. blind, lame, sick, unwilling eat or drink and how to remove a brand.


Bonus to the "Horse Training Secrets Revealed"

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Category: Action, History, Romance

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Title: Wolf Wood
Author: Mike Dixon

In 1436 a dispute arose between the people of Sherborne and their abbot over the ownership of a baptismal font. Before it was settled, the abbey was burnt down and a bishop murdered. Some saw the hand of evil at work and blamed a newcomer to the town, accusing her of being a witch. Others saw her as a saint. Wolf Wood is set in the turbulent years of the late middle ages. The old feudal aristocracy is losing control, a new middleclass is flexing its muscles, the authority of the church is being questioned, law and order have broken down and England is facing defeat in France. Wolf Wood is a work of fiction based on actual events. PDF, 2.69MB, 361 pages.

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Category: Nonfiction, History, Religion

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Title: Puppets of Faith
Author: BS Murthy

The sublimity of Muhammad's preachings in Mecca and the severity of his sermons in Medina make Islam a Janus-faced faith that forever bedevels the mind of the Musalmans.

When a bunch of apparently non-practicing Musalmans headed by Mohamed Atta launched that fifayeen attack on New York's World Trade Centre that Sep 11, the non-Muslim world, by then familiar with the ways of the Islamic terrorism, was at a loss to fathom the unthinkable source of that unexpected means of the new Islamist scourge.

This novel nonfiction probes the mind of the Musalmans, afflicted by the Islamic psyche shaped by the proclivities of their prophet, vicissitudes of his life, attitudes of his detractors, and the credulity of the Umma, with Thomas A. Harris's 'I'm Ok - You're Ok' scanner, to sketch the anatomy of Islam that explains the Atta phenomenon.

Also examined herein is how the Hindu sanatana dharma came to survive in India that is in spite of the onslaught on it, first by Islam and then by the Christianity, for over a millennium.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Mystery, History, Thrillers

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Title: Forevermore
Author: Jim Musgrave

First mystery in the Detective Pat O'Malley Historical Mystery Series.  It won 1st Place in the Historical Mystery Category, 2014, at the Chanticleer CLUE Book Awards and was a Finalist in the eBook Fiction Category at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

Join Detective Patrick James O'Malley as he returns from the Civil War to live in Poe Cottage in the Bronx.  He is visited by the ghost of Poe one night, and he also finds a strange note on the bed of Poe's deceased young wife, Elizabeth.  The note contains information that makes Poe believe that his former boss was murdered rather than accepting he died of natural causes in Baltimore.

This is a powerful mystery in three acts, and it established O'Malley as one of the most intelligent and interesting private detectives in crime fiction.

O'Malley must solve the murder of his former mentor, Edgar Allan Poe, and in this short mystery, he is pursued by one of the most heinous serial killers in 19th Century New York City.  This is the first in the trilogy (available on most major bookstore online sites).

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Action, Adventure, History

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Title: Trust To A Degree

After narrowly surviving the fall of Berlin, book two in the series finds Karl Veth under arrest and on his way to being interrogated by a Russian Kommisar. It isn't long before Karl finds out that his knowledge of the Berlin subway system is the reason for his arrest and the high-ranking Russian offical wants to use that knowledge to his advantage.

Karl, as well as his friend Harold, are given two choices - agree to work with the Kommisar or be shipped off to the Russian labor camps. The boys agree to work with the Kommisar and complete the missions assigned to them. The final mission, however, does not end the way Karl had planned. Rather than being released as he had hoped, he must make a very difficult decision. He must agree to do the one thing he has never done - take the life of another or, risk the life of someone he holds very dear.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Health, History, Spirituality

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Title: The Hidden Realm of God: The Historical Jesus and His Healing Philosophy
Author: James Gaither

The Hidden Realm of God presents a case for understanding the historical Jesus as a philosopher and healer.  It explores the teachings of Jesus in comparison to popular 1rst century philosophies and 21rst century holistic health research.  

The teachings of the historical Jesus discussed in this work are identified based on the work of New Testament history scholars.  The teachings are arranged thematically to reveal the scope and primary ideas found in the words of the historical Jesus.  Those primary ideas are related to recent scientific studies on effects of mental attitudes, meditation and other spiritual practices.  

The relationship of Jesus' teachings to Cynic, Stoic, Pythagorean, and other philosophies is examined. There are also sections exploring the most probable biography of Jesus, based upon modern scholarship. The book reveals the sophistication of Jesus' philosophy and the humor found in his parables and sayings.

The Hidden Realm of God also provides ways to apply the basic healing ideas in Jesus' philosophy. 

The author has been a minister for over 30 years and a professor of Church history, philosophy, and world religions for over 20 years.  Through his extensive knowledge of biblical scholarship, spiritual practices, philosophy, and holistic health research, he brings a fresh perspective to the life and teachings of Jesus.

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Category: History, Nonfiction, Women

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Title: World War ll London Blitz Diary Series 1939-1945
Author: Ruby Side Thompson

Ruby Side Thompson and ordinary woman living in London during World War ll. This diary is volume ! in series of 4. It encompass's 1939 and 1840. It is her diary written in her own words and is authentic.

This is important documentation and will have appeal to those who are interested in the effect war has on the average citizen. 

"Friday 9-1-1939 - War started today. After another week of lies and duplicity, Hitler launched into actual warfare this morning."

So begins the diary of my great grandmother Ruby Side Thompson, a middle aged Londoner in a very dissatisying marriage who lived through the blitz and recorded it in daily entries in her diary. She writes about the horrors and bombings and raids that occured every day. Her diary was a place to release her frustrations both with the war and her marriage. 

 This is very heady stuff for history buffs to read what happened written by someone actually there. Her point of view is often politically incorrect and meant for just herself. 

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Category: Romance, History

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Title: The Second-Best Ranger in Texas
Author: Kathleen Rice Adams

Quinn Barclay and Rodrigo Vega were partners for five years, pursuing some of the most dangerous outlaws in Texas. After Rodrigo's brutal murder, Quinn dives into a bottle of whiskey, but even that and the attention of every soiled dove in El Paso can't drown his grief and guilt.

The washed-up Texas Ranger vows to fulfill Rodgrigo's last request, but his only clue to the mission is his partner's dying words: "Take Dulce away from San Miguel." San Miguel lies along the Rio Grande river in Texas's notoriously violent Nueces Strip, but who is Dulce?

Sister Maria Tomas is ready to relinquish the sacred vows she never should have made. When she requests a childhood friend collect her from a tiny mission in the middle of nowhere, she has no way to know the only man she trusts is dead.

When the ex-ranger's quest collides with the failed nun's plea in a burned-out border town, unexpected love blooms among shared memories of the man who was a brother to them both.

Too bad he was also the only man who could have warned them about the carnage to come.

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Ebook Type: Kindle
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