History ebooks
Title: North, Far North of Gethsemane, God Spared a Tear for the Promised Land – The Second Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc
Short description: Discussions between an emperor and a heresiarch run predictable courses: the one's curiosity will slowly but surely give way to suspicion, the other's audacity will eventually grow uninhibited to outright encroachment. Bit when it becomes evident to both of them that the reasons for their encounter are not simple and that the outcome of their deliberations is not for them to decide, they resort to extraordinary measures: one puts on a disguise to find facts, the other reveals secrets in order to better serve a secret faith.
About the series: North, Far North of Gethsemane, God Spared a Tear for the Promised Land - The Second Book of Evlampia is the second book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.
This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.
Short excerpt from Chapter 1: It must have been Hippocrates who first recorded, centuries ago, the influence that external conditions exert on character and breeding, and how significantly they contribute to the long and arduous shaping of a political conscience. (a) Having lived too early, the famed physician did not enjoy the opportunity, amply afforded to our generation, to... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: East, A Mighty Gale Is Blowing – The First Book Of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc
Short description: When M.E. de Valois was appointed private secretary to the living legend of politics Prince Talleyrand, little could he have guessed about the purpose of his work. His employer called the work "the mysterious strength of legitimacy," but others had already described it as "the present mystery of lawlessness." Its regime was one of curious ambitions. It claimed clarity and justice as its reasons, but ambivalence was its fashion and duplicity its condition; and while allegiance was its first command, treason appeared to be its rite of passage.
About the series: East, A Might Gale Is Blowing is the first book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.
This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and/or MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.
Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - Tale of a civil servant: Names, names of all sorts, and their legitimacy and relevance are my trade. Their examination had always absorbed a great deal of my working time, and now that I retired, it remains a source of occasional surprise. A demanding but thankless calling it is, as names these days are known to be able to move mountains, and yet too little attention will be spent on their... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: “Go West,” They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters – The Third Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc
Short description: No one sets out to test the borders of sanity, no one wants to challenge the limits of fate; but it happens, and when one arrives there he seldom realizes it. One say, measure, proportion and reason have suddenly evaporated; resolve has given way to abandonment. And it turns out it was surprisingly easy: a few years of disturbed sleep, a season of postponed happiness, a line of unheeded signs - and one false step.
About the series: "Go West," They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters - The Third Book of Evlampia is the third book in the tretralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.
This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.
Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - A day like a thousand years: Saturday, the twenty-seventh of August 1922, on Saint Poemén's Day, a Turkish army began marching unto Smyrna. Days before, the last Greek regiment had been ordered out. The French, Italian and British Allied Forces stationed in Smyrna had already made sure there would be no escape routes - and where was one to go anyway? The bloodiest week of the twentieth century was about to begin; another one followed, and then another. These were
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF
Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-31
My Rate 5
nice book you can have good information from this book ,,i like this kind of book
Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-11-13
My Rate 5
i find this book good and rich of information really i like it
Reviewed by John Woodcox on 2010-12-16
My Rate 5
it looks good
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Title: Links and Factoids
Author: Sam Vaknin
Anthology of fascinating historical and scientific facts and links to relevant Web sources - history, literature, biology, art, physics, curiosities, and links to online resources, full text, and accessible.
Rating: (5 after 3 votes)

Reviewed by lekan on 2016-06-04
My Rate 4
great book, i love this book. well its cool for everyone.
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Author: Patrick Clelland Allen
A short story about a young man that seeks adventure in the exciting times of the era 1861-1865. A young man named Seth discovers that life in the civil war years can be full of dangerous people. The war did bring out the worst behavior and then otherwise the best in most folks depending on the situation and Seth did experience alot of both extremities.
These were times when men were hard like the earth that they lived upon, and strangers could be extremely strange at times especially for a young man to percieve the actions of others and then rationalize his own experience. Gold miners roamed the countryside looking for fortune while American Indian tribes struggled against the growth of an ever expanding European civilization. Alas, the lands of the North American continent was yet to be fully occupied and stragglers and the poor or even the criminal breed kept coming from the eastern shores to bring their ways into the new world. Some good and then some not so good.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Title: Putin's Russia
Author: Sam Vaknin
Russia's economy and politics under Vladimir Putin - an unknown KGB officer who sprang to prominence from his political base in St. Petersburg and proceeded to transform Russia from a chaotic vast erstwhile empire to an authoritarian state.
Title: The History of Herodotus
For anyone who is even marginally interested in ancient history, reading Herodotus is a must - this, after all, is the ebook that has given "history" its name. But his work is anything else but a mere account of dates, battles and names - it brings to live the 5th and 6th centuries BCE, with an abundance of fascinating tales of human virtues and vices, of honor and cruelty, of visions and nightmares, of achievements and defeats, of lives and deaths. While in his work the factual blends with the mythological and the fantastic, Herodotus never loses sight of the actual historical events of the epoch-making confrontation between the Greeks and the all powerful Persian Empire.
The present edition includes seven maps, and new footnotes.
The plain text version of this ebook is free; the PDF version is free for holders of the publisher's "Library Card."
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Empire and War
Author: Sam Vaknin
The antecedents and aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Articles and essays about the foreign and military policies of the USA after the September 11 attacks. Includes analyses of the world's reaction to US moves.
Title: The Belgian Curtain - Europe after Communism
Author: Sam Vaknin
Articles and essays about the European Union (EU), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the advent of Europe's common currency, euro, and central and eastern Europe after the fall of communism.
Title: Wind Knife's Run
Author: Vince Allyn Moravek
The chilling, untold truth behind pioneer adventurer John Colter's capture by the Blackfeet Indians. This time, the outcome of a deadly foot race may not only mean Colter's end, but also that of the Blackfeet and all of young America as well.
Ebook Type: TXT
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