Getting listed in Yahoo ... without losing your mind Ebook
Title: Getting listed in Yahoo ... without losing your mind
Author: Greg Fotson
How to Instantly Generate a Stampede of "Highly-Targeted" Traffic to Your Site Right Now Using Just One Strategy and Continue to Profit from It Indefinitely!
Dear Entrepreneur,
Would you like to learn, once and for all, how to create a massive and continuous stream of hot prospects to your site every single day?
Would you like to generate this kind of traffic using just one simple strategy instead of wasting your time and money on hundreds of other humiliatingly hollow or even obsolete traffic-generating techniques?
Would you like to use this powerful strategy only once and cement it into place permanently so you can continue to generate, and profit from, a barrage of hot buyers to your site indefinitely?
If you would, then I have some very important news for you...
I am going to reveal to you a simple strategy that can do all of the above for you! And you only have to put it into place one time. Then, just sit back and watch the fireworks!
Getting this kind of traffic to your site is really easy when you know how to use this one technique.
And the best part is that most marketers, including your competitors, have no clue how to use this simple strategy to their advantage.
Ask any seasoned marketer and he'll tell you one thing...
"It's all a numbers game!"
The more hot buyers you can get to your site, the more profits you will earn. It's that simple.
Getting targeted traffic to your site is the most important piece of "successful marketing!" It is also one of the most difficult tasks for many people to accomplish - more so if you're new to the Internet.
Yes, having a hot product and an order-pulling web site are also crucial. But those can be accomplished fairly easily when compared to generating a consistent flow of targeted traffic to your site. If you've spent any time at all marketing on the Internet, you know this is true.
The Biggest Problem
Out of all the traffic generating strategies out there, only a handful of them actually produce 'sizeable' results. Out of those few strategies, getting well placed in search engines still continues to produce one of the best and most consistent results!
But...there's a big problem...
Most people have no clue how to get listed high enough in search engines in order to be found by their customers.
The other problem is that once you get listed at the top, it's very difficult staying there permanently because of the heavy competition and the constant rule changes by the search engines that makes it near impossible to stay towards the top.
So if your site is listed within the top 10 positions today, it could very easily be in the 103rd position tomorrow.
Well, here's the good news!
You can now discover, step-by-step, how to get listed in only one search directory site, which also happens to be the number one search directory on the Internet, and you also get to stay listed on that site permanently! That means, you do the work only once and profit from it forever!
That is virtually unheard of! It's like going to the gym only once and staying slim and healthy forever. Or taking a shower one time and staying clean forever! If only other areas of our lives were that easy!
Fortunately for you, you can actually do just that with your business. Do the work once and profit from it forever!
The search directory I'm talking about is, of course, Yahoo!
Now...before you brush the idea as crazy or impossible, here are some facts you should really know about...
- Once you get well placed on Yahoo, you typically stay there permanently! So, you only have to do the work once and benefit from it forever. Where else can you find that kind of results?
- Yahoo is one of the most popular and most visited sites on the Internet. That means if you were to pick only one search site to get listed in, Yahoo would be the one!
- Getting listed on Yahoo is really very simple - but only if you know all the rules! If you don't, the likelihood of getting on Yahoo is near impossible! Which is where our step-by-easy-step manual come in.
This amazing strategy and the step-by-step manual haven't just worked once or twice. It has worked repeatedly, and continues to do so, with the same effectiveness, for both small home businesses as well as large corporations.
And can do the same with your own business and create a constant flow of hot-and-ready customers!
The Step-By-Step Manual to Getting Favorably Listed in Yahoo Just Once and Staying There Permanently!
For most people, getting listed on Yahoo can be a nightmare! That is why most marketers have just given up. What's interesting is that it's really very simple to get listed on Yahoo, when you know exactly what their submission rules are.
By the way, if you've seen or see those "free" one-page reports online that claim to show you how to get listed on Yahoo, don't fall for it. It takes more than having a professional site and submitting it over and over again. Those tips can actually hurt your chances of getting listed.
That's why this new e-book is so valuable!. It manuals you, step-by-easy-step, through every little item that needs to be fixed or changed on your site before you submit your site to Yahoo. Without these tips, your chances of getting listed on Yahoo is virtually zero.
Clearly, Yahoo is the best place to be listed in. Most businesses who have favorable listings claim to get around 50%, or more, of their site's traffic from Yahoo alone.
If you're getting a huge amount of traffic to your site and making gobs of cash as a result of it, that's great.
But if you're not there yet, and you're just tired of trying those ridiculous traffic-generating ideas that promise results but never deliver, this could very well be your way out!
If you're interested in getting a massive amount of targeted traffic to your site every single day, this is your ticket! It just doesn't get any better!
And just imagine how much time you could save after your site is listed and you're getting targeted traffic to your site every day! What ever would you do with all the free time :-)
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