As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.

Get Paid To Write A Book Ebook

Get Paid To Write A Book
Category: E-Business, For Authors
Ebook cover: Get Paid To Write A Book


Title: Get Paid To Write A Book

Would you like to GET PAID to write a ebook?

If you're thinking this is plain fantasy, think again. All professional writers get paid to write their ebooks.
How? They sell their ebooks via proposals before they write the ebooks.

What's a ebook proposal?

A ebook proposal is a document which convinces a publisher to buy your ebook before you've written it. Your proposal says, in effect: "Hey, I've got a great idea for a ebook which lots of people will want to buy. Do you want to publish it?"

Think of it as a combination brochure and outline of your proposed ebook.

You CAN sell your ebook the easy way --- sell a proposal

It's easily possible to make a fast $10,000, or even a six figure amount. You could even make seven figures --- over a million dollars for twenty pages of text.

It sounds incredible, but a fast seven figures is certainly possible if you have a HOT, hot idea or have had an experience that hundreds of thousands of people want to read about.

In his 2001 ebook about writing nonfiction, Damn! Why Didn't I Write That?, author Marc McCutcheon says that it's not hard to make a good income writing nonfiction: "you can discover the trade and begin making a respectable income much faster than most people think possible".

Do you need experience to sell a ebook on proposal?

No! You just need a good proposal. :-)

7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Ebook by Angela Booth shows you how to go from idea to completed ebook proposal in seven short days.

Imagine --- in seven days, you could be sending your proposal to agents and editors!

The e-book includes everything you need to know. Just follow the easy steps. It even includes a sample proposal, which got a contract from an agent immediately it was sent out.

You can do it too!

Here's what you'll learn in 7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Ebook by Angela Booth:

Day One: What's a ebook proposal? Develop an idea for your ebook
Exactly what a ebook proposal is, and an EASY way for you to come up with more saleable ideas for ebooks than you could write in a dozen lifetimes.

Day Two: Develop your idea and assess the market

Here's an excerpt from Day Two:

Dispelling myths and a word about confidence

If you're feeling nervous now that you're about to start this project, relax. Tell yourself that you will take it step by step. All you need to do is work at it steadily, a word, sentence and paragraph at a time, and you will complete your proposal, and then when you've sold the proposal, you'll complete your ebook using the same easy-does-it method.

While we're at it, let's dispel a few myths.

Myth One
It takes a special talent to write ebooks.

It takes persistence. There are as many different kinds of writers as there are people. Some are young, some are elderly, many are in-between. You don't need any special writing talent to write ebooks, nor do you need to be highly educated. Many successful writers have never completed high school. If you can write well enough to write a letter, you can write a ebook.

Myth Two
Writers starve in garrets.

Many professional writers make incomes that would make doctors and lawyers envious. Most make reasonable incomes. If you decide to make a career of writing nonfiction ebooks, the major benefit is that if you choose your ebook's topic with care, your ebook can stay in print for many years. For each year that your ebook's in print, you get two royalty checks. Let's say that you write two ebooks a year for five years. At the end of the five years, if your ebooks all stay in print, you'll be getting ten royalty checks a year. These ongoing royalties are your nest-egg, profitable investments in your future.

Day Three: Write the blurb and outline your ebook

The "blurb" is the back cover material for your ebook --- the selling points which will get people to buy the ebook. If you write the blurb before you write an outline, you're guaranteed not to wander off the track as you write your ebook.

Writing the blurb will keep you on-track as you write your proposal and your ebook. I've included two sample blurbs from my published ebooks to show you how to write a selling blurb.

Day Four: Research your ebook proposal, and flesh out your ebook's outline

The fast and easy way to research your proposal - you may not need to do any research at all. You may already know all you need to know.

Day Five: Write your proposal query letter, and submit it to agents and publishers

How to write a SELLING query letter, with sample letters which have SOLD ebooks.

Day Six: Write the proposal
The fast and easy way to write your proposal --- everything you need to include to make sure that your proposal SELLS.

Day Seven: Write the sample chapter. Revise your proposal

Seven days, and you're done! How to write the professional way, and a step by step easy way to revise.

7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Ebook also includes a complete, selling proposal, which got a contract from the first agent who saw it.

Have you always want to write a ebook and be a published author?

7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Ebook gives you a complete method. The e-book shows you EXACTLY HOW to write and SELL.

You can be a published author much faster than you imagine.

Can I show you how to write a ebook proposal that sells?

Yes! I've sold many fiction and nonfiction ebooks, all on proposal. 7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Ebook includes sample proposals which have SOLD.

I show you exactly what to do, and explain the methods I use to write and sell.

If you've ever thought "I could write a ebook" --- you can!

Can I guarantee that you'll sell your proposal?

I can't guarantee it , but I'll make it several thousand times more likely that you'll sell. You'll discover what a professional, selling proposal looks like, and will discover how to write a professional, saleable proposal.

Publishers receive hundreds of proposals each week. As any ebook editor or agent will tell you, 99% have no chance of selling ever --- they're amateurish.

Working with 7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Ebook will ensure that your proposal makes it into the 1% of saleable proposals.

Your e-book includes samples, exercises, AND a complete proposal which sold its first time out: everything you need to know to write a SALEABLE ebook proposal.

Table Of Contents:

Sell your ebook the easy way --- sell a proposal
You and your publisher: a partnership
Why write a proposal first?
How do you write a ebook proposal?
How to use this e-book
  Work FAST
  Can't devote a week to writing your proposal?

Day One: What's a ebook proposal? Get an idea for your ebook
Day One Tasks
  Task One: Look over four non-fiction ebooks
  Task Two: Work through the Idea Generator exercises in this chapter
  Task Three: Create a computer folder to hold your working files
  Task Three: Create a Work Log
What's a ebook proposal?
Got an idea for your ebook? Great!
Start here to develop an idea for your next ebook
  Idea Generator One: What you're good at
  Idea Generator Two: Your past experiences
  Idea Generator Three: Your knowledge
  Idea Generator Four: What you enjoy most
  Idea Generator Five: From challenge to opportunity
Checklist: Is this the right idea for you TODAY?

Day Two: Develop your idea and assess the market
Day Two Tasks
  Task One: Keep studying non-fiction ebooks
  Task Two: Develop your idea
Dispelling myths and a word about confidence
  Myth One
  Myth Two
  Myth Three
  Myth Four
Today we'll develop your idea and assess the market
  Note: your personal experience is valuable
Simple steps in developing your idea
  1 Write down everything you know about this idea
  2 Make a long list of possible ebook titles
  3 Create a list of contacts
Assess the market for your ebook
  1 Visit large bookstores
  2 Visit your library
Write a report on your discoveries

Day Three: Write the blurb and outline your ebook
Day Three Tasks
  Task One: Write at least three blurbs
  Task Two: Collect sample blurbs
Writing the blurb
  Your blurb helps your agent and editor to get a contract for you
  Sample blurbs
  Sample blurb from: LifeTime: Better Time Management in 21 Days by Angela Booth
  Sample blurb from: Making The Internet Work For Your Business by Angela Booth
  Write your blurb in easy steps
  One: Make a list of the benefits to the reader
  Two: Rank the benefits
  Three: Write several blurbs, in various lengths
  Essential blurb add-on: the testimonial
Outlining your ebook
  Start with a mind map
  Create your outline

Day Four: Research your ebook proposal, and flesh out your ebook's outline
Day Four Tasks
  Task One: Create your research plan
  Task Two: Create a chapter outline for your ebook
Research: How much do you need to know?
  Your research plan
Work on your ebook's outline and the first chapter, as you research
  The Brain-Dead Process
  What goes into your chapter outline?
Will you need graphics or photographs?

Day Five: Write your proposal query letter, and submit it to agents and publishers
Day Five Tasks
  Task One: Start a contact list of agents and publishers
  Task Two: Send out ten query letters to agents and publishers
Today you write your proposal query letter
Do you need an agent?
  Online resources to help you in your agent-hunt
Sending your query letter directly to publishers
Yes, you can multiple-submit your query letter, and even your proposal
Sample Query Letter
Another sample query letter
Write your query letter!
  Here's a quick outline for your letter:
  "Don'ts" for your query letter
  1 Don't make unsupported claims for yourself or your ebook
  2 Don't mention that you're unpublished
  3 Don't mention that your partner, your best friend, or the milkman think that you're a good writer or that you've got a brilliant idea for a ebook
  4 Don't be specific

Day Six: Write the proposal
Day Six Task
  Task One: Write the initial draft of your ebook proposal
Relax! You'll write your draft in stages
Let's write the proposal
  Your chapter outline
  Your background-why you're the person to write this ebook
  Write the Overview
  Sample Overview Writing To Sell In The Internet Age
  The Internet gives writers unlimited new opportunities
  A how-to plus a how-they-did-it
  What I won't be including
  Your Overview's length
  Write the Promotions section
  Promoting with money
  Promoting with time
  Sample Promotions section Writing To Sell In The Internet Age
  My plan outline
  Write the Competition section

Day Seven: Write the sample chapter and revise your proposal
Day Seven Tasks
  Task One: Write the sample chapter
  Task Two: Revision
Today you write your sample chapter
  A fast chapter-writing method
  1 Reread your notes
  2 Talk to yourself on paper
  3 When you're ready, write
Revising your proposal
  How to revise
  1 Read the entire proposal
  2 Slash and burn
  3 Add material
  4 Read for coherency
  5 Revise for style
  6 Copyedit
You're done!

Resource: Sample Ebook Proposal



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