Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Gentle Sailing Route to the Mediterranean Ebook

Gentle Sailing Route to the Mediterranean
Category: Travel
Ebook cover: Gentle Sailing Route to the Mediterranean


Title: Gentle Sailing Route to the Mediterranean

Why not take your boat to the Mediterranean next summer?

There are several ways of getting your boat to the Mediterranean. On the back of a lorry, via the French canals, four or five day’s non stop across the Bay of Biscay then down the Portuguese coast or spend the summer or two, gently coasting southwards, enjoying the harbours, cities, towns and villages of France Spain and Portugal.

This is not a pilot ebook, rather a passage plan and guide to the nicer places between the South Coast of the UK to the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.

It can all be done in easy stages, to suit a lightly crewed boat, with perhaps only a couple of people on board who are without ‘offshore’ experience.

Actually, it is a lovely way to explore a lot of delightful foreign places.


  • South coast to Chenal du Four
  • Planning the voyage
  • Chenal du Four to La Rochelle
  • La Rochelle to Coruña
  • La Rochelle to Spain overview
  • Coruña to Gibraltar

The passage from the UK down to the Mediterranean does not need to be like an 'outward' bound course.

If you follow the route, suggested by the author, who has sailed to and from the Mediterranean, many times, in all sorts of boats, you will find it a very gently cruise, making landfall each afternoon in a relaxed fashion.

Details the ports, marinas and route you should use between the UK and Gibraltar.

The ebook is designed to help the lightly crewed boat, with perhaps only a couple of people on board, who are without much or indeed any 'offshore’ experience, have a relaxed and enjoyable time.

There are of course 'hundreds' of options but some are very much better than others and you need to know which should be your port or marina of choice.

It is the cruise of a lifetime, occupying a summer or maybe two, so it does need planning.

At home it will make it will enable you to plan and prepare for your voyage in a knowledgeable and sensible way.

Ebook cover: Gentle Sailing Route to the Mediterranean
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