Generations of Recipes Ebook
Title: Generations of Recipes
For Appeal To The Appetite
Chill ingredients before mixing - except for molded salads.
Provide tartness in the body of salad or dressing.
Use salad greens other than lettuce sometimes. Have you tried chicory, escarole, endive, kale, spinach, dandelion greens, romaine, watercress, and Chinese cabbage?
Sprinkle orange, lemon, lime, or pineapple juice on fruits that may turn dark - apples, peaches, and bananas, for instance.
For tossed green salads, tear greens in fairly large pieces or cut with scissors. Larger pieces give more body to the salad.
Prevent wilting and sogginess by drying the greens used in salads, draining canned foods well before adding to salad, using just enough salad dressing to moisten. For raw vegetable salads, add dressing at the last minute.
Fruit Combinations
1. Sliced pineapple, apricot halves, sweet red cherries.
2. Watermelon balls, peach slices, orange slices.
3. Grapefruit sections, banana slices, berries or cherries.
4. Grapefruit sections, pared apple slices.
5. Peach slices, pear slices, halves of red plums.
6. Pineapple wedges, banana slices, strawberries.
7. Cooked dried fruit, white cherries, red raspberries.
Fruit and Vegetable Combinations
1. Shredded raw carrots, diced apples, raisins.
2. Sliced or ground cranberries, diced celery and apples, orange sections.
3. Thin cucumber slices, pineapple cubes.
4. Avocado and grapefruit sections, tomato slices.
5. Shredded cabbage, orange sections, crushed pineapple.
Vegetable Combinations
1. Grated carrots, diced celery, cucumber slices.
2. Spinach, endive, or lettuce, with tomato wedges.
3. Sliced raw cauliflower florets, chopped green pepper, celery, pimento.
4. Shredded cabbage, cucumber cubes, slivers of celery.
5. Cubed cooked beets, thinly sliced celery, sweet onions.
6. Cooked whole-kernel corn and shredded snap beans, sweet pickles, onion rings.
Convention doesn't forbid your standing up to carve, so, if it's easier, stand up.
The bones get in your way if you don't know where to expect them; a little investigation tells you just where they are.
Carving is unduly complicated by a dull knife.
And remember the first rule of carving...
"Cut across the grain" If you cut with the grain, long meat fibers give a stringy texture to the slice. Steaks are the exception.
A large roast can be carved more easily after it stands for about thirty minutes.
When garnishing, don't be overgenerous; leave space for the work to be done.
Servings cool quickly so plates and platter must be heated.
An inexperienced carver will appreciate a hostess who keeps the guests' attention diverted from the carving.
1. Remove leg; Hold drumstick firmly, pulling gently away from body. Cut skin between leg and body. Press leg downward and cut from body. Separate drumstick, thigh; slice meat from each piece.
2. Cut into white meat parallel to wing, making a cut deep into the breast to the body frame, as close to the wing as possible.
3. Slice white meat. Beginning at front starting half way up breast, cut thin slices of white meat down to the cut. Continue until enough meat has been carved for first servings. Carve more as needed.
To preserve leftover egg yolks for future use, place them into a small bowl and add two tablespoons of salad oil. Then put into refrigerator. The egg yolks will remain soft and fresh, and egg yolks kept in this way can be used in many ways.
You may determine the age of an egg by placing it in the bottom of a bowl of cold water. If it lays on its side, it is strictly fresh. If it stands at an angle it is at least three days old and ten days old if it stands on end.
To keep egg yolks from crumbling when slicing hard-cooked eggs, wet the knife before each cut.
Bread crumbs added to scrambled eggs will improve the flavor and make larger helpings possible.
A tablespoon of vinegar added to the water when poaching eggs will help set the whites so they will not spread.
- Abbreviations
- Weights and Measures
- Equivalents
- To Remove Stains from Washables
- Quantities to Serve 100 People
- First Aid in Household Emergencies
- Try Saying "Good Morning" as Though You Really Meant It
- General Directions for First Aid
- Worth Remembering
- Fruit Combinations
- Salad and Salad Dressings
- Fruit and Vegetable Combinations
- Tips to the Carver
- Vegetable Combinations
- Tips to the Hostess
- Kitchen Ideas
- How to Carve Turkey
- Size of Pans and Baking Dishes
- Drinks
- Appetizers
- Breads
- Vegetables
- Salads, Soups, Dressings & Sauces
- Casseroles & Main Dishes
- Sweets
Ebook Type: PDF
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