Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one they sprung up.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Games ebooks

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Category: Children, Entertainment, Games

10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness

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Title: 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness

"Learning About 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life!"

Learn Tips For Memorable Times With Families And Friends!

Dear Friend,

The aim of a family fun night is to have 'fun'! So, do not pick a board game that's too hard for your kid's age, or one that you detest playing. Selecting a game for family game night may be a little tricky if you have kids at different developmental stages. Begin by playing one that your youngest child definitely may play.

Many people have never heard of this and have no idea how to go about figuring out how to have some good fun with the family.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets behind family fun!

The truth is:

If You Want To Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the happiness they desire in their family life? It's because they don't know that family game nights are easy to put together and can bring hours of joy and produce family closeness.

Which brings us to a very important aspect I must talk about here:

You Can Have More Happiness In Life If You Learn 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness!

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Category: Children, Entertainment, Games

My Book of Indoor Games

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Title: My Book of Indoor Games


"Let the child imbibe in the full spirit of play. There is nothing like it to keep him on the path of health, right thinking and mind development."
That is the guiding purpose of the author. The reader will find in this ebook a collection of old and present day games. The student of Play has long realized that there are no new games, that all our games of today are built on the old timers.
The purpose of My Ebook of Indoor Games is to furnish amusement, entertainment and to be the means of sociability. So very often the question comes up-"What shall we do?" In many cases this ebook serves only as a reminder, the games and parlor tricks are well known but cannot be recalled at the critical moment. A combination, such as this, of the best of the old-fashioned games and a carefully compiled list of the games of today will furnish much help to the young in their search of entertainment and amusement.
But the ebook will be equally useful to grownups. The author has seen staid, respectable people play "Lubin Loo" with as much zest and spirit as the youngest group of children. All of us have played "Going to Jerusalem." The spirit must be there; there is nothing so contagious as the spirit of play.

This is a game which almost any number of children can play.
The players seat themselves in a circle, and each takes the name of some town, or flower, or

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Category: Games

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Title: FAST Roulette System
Author: Raymond Lai

Here is a sample of what you will learn from this ebook..

  • Learn how you can apply the secret of roulette probability analysis
  • Learn how you can analyse Leaderboard to predict the next winning spin
  • Learn how a FAST Roulette System never before revealed to the general public by any professional can help you beat the casino
  • Learn 10 ways how to surely beat the online roulette and discover where to get FREE money to play roulette
  • How you can wake up the online roulette gambling genius inside YOU
  • How you can play roulette as an investment strategy
  • How easy you can take advantage of a "Dealer's Signature"!
  • How can you win easily and quickly using the guaranteed delayed double up strategy?
  • Discover why Martingale System fails to work and understand how you can take Unfair Advantage of its weaknesses?
  • Discover the gambler's fallacy that most people find it hard to believe
  • Discover how you can use the simple and proven method to make money automatically playing online roulette at casino online in the next 10 minutes, and the good news don't need to know the next outcome.
  • Discover how you can apply the two major factors that determine your success in roulette
  • Discover how you can Consistently Win Big using money management strategies
  • Discover how to use the Statistically Advanced Strategy to win the roulette
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Category: Games

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Title: Card Tricks & Sleight Of Hand

If you want to be able to do card tricks then is the answer. With a combination of written explanations, photographs and video you're sure to be performing in no time.

Everything you will learn on the site is done using standard playing cards, with no special magician's gimmicks. Using simple, easy to master, sleight of hand techniques you'll be able to perform card tricks for anyone, anytime and anywhere.

If you're a total beginner and you're worried that it will take years of practise to accomplish anything, think again. The reality is that, whilst there are plenty of complex moves you can learn, most card tricks rely on just a small number of simple techniques.

All the sleight of hand techniques and all the card tricks are explained in maticulous written detail along with hundreds of photographs and hours of video clips.


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Category: Business, Games

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Title: 50+ Business Building Games
Author: Susan Whitehead

Party Plan Games for Direct Sales Consultants

  • Would you like your business to really GROW this year?
  • Do you wish you could increase your sales and party bookings in a fun and easy way?
  • Are you a consultant with a Direct Sales Home Party Plan Business in need of Booking Game Ideas?

Find out how to really party for a living AND have fun doing it!

Hi! I'm Susan Whitehead and I started in the Direct Sales party plan industry in 1997 and have never done a standard party demo. I have read through lots of different flip books and demo scripts and knew there had to be a more effective way to present my products to my customers.

These boring "tools" were not for me!

I found that actually having a party, complete with games and prizes, was the most painless and effective way to present everything about my business!

I have spent hours upon hours compiling, sorting and organizing pages of games that will boost your business! I have created 50+ Business Building Games for you in a easy to use pdf eBook downloadable format!

What would a resource like this mean to you and your business?

It could mean bigger party sales, more hostesses to fill up your calendar, higher recruiting numbers and, most importantly, satisfied customers that WANT to buy your products from YOU!

Here are a few ways to use 50+ Business Building

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Category: Games

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Title: How Often Do You Win When You Play Roulette

Don't Risk Your Gambling Money

There is no need to risk your gambling money while you're testing. Go to an online casino and play for free, or, in a live casino, stand near a table with pen and note pad, record a series of consecutive spins, and then see how you would have done, had you been playing.

The Internet is flooded with ads for roulette systems. They all claim that you'll "win consistently" when you play roulette. Most of these systems sell for anywhere from $200 to several thousand dollars. Do they work? Do you get your money back if it turns out they don't work? I doubt it.

And don't spend big bucks. Just because information is high-priced doesn't guarantee it'll make you a better player or a bigger winner.

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Category: Entertainment, Games, Hobbies

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Title: DCC Model Trains
Author: Tony Richardson

Here's How To Quickly & Easily Solve DCC Problems, Avoid Costly DCC Mistakes... And Master DCC Techniques Like An Expert...

Easy To Understand, Easy To Use... Clever Tips, Tricks & Techniques... To Save You Time, Money, And Frustration... Getting Started On Your DCC Model Railroad.

This ebook shows you step-by-step how DCC works, and how to have your DCC model train layout performing to perfection in no time at all. It will guide you through the process in an easy way, so you can avoid the problems other experience. You'll be ready to operate your trains smoothly at amazingly realistic speeds, with all the lights, sounds and actions you could imagine.

All The DCC Information You Need To Master DCC Like An Expert.

All the basics are clearly and simply explained for you from: how DCC works, the functions of decoders, boosters, busses, timed voltages pulses and much more. Diagrams are included to make things easy to understand. These's even a comprehensive "Glossary of DCC Terms" as a handy reference if you get stuck.

22 DCC Dos and Don’ts

This DCC Model Trains Handbook even includes 22 questions and answers supplied by others in the hobby, as they explain their secret tips and how they overcame the kinds of problems you'll experience too.

TODAY you'll also get to keep a companion ebook - "Model Railroad DCC Help". This ebook covers ALL the DCC... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Games

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Title: Hostess Games
Author: Susan Whitehead

Every good consultant knows that a hostess that's excited about your products is key to having a successful party. Her excitement is contagious and her guests will be begging to come to her party! Use these games to get your hostess involved with her party and boost party attendance! Over 40 games focused on HER!

Bonus to the "50+ Business Building Games"

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Category: Games

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Title: Games with Prizes for Direct Sales Parties
Author: Susan Whitehead

Games with Prizes for Direct Sales Parties is a HUGE resource for games everyone will enjoy. Topics include Bingo games, Mingling Games, Purse Games, Holiday Games and more. There are over 150 games in this eBook alone! You could have a different game at every party for an entire year!

Bonus to the "50+ Business Building Games"

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Category: Gambling, Nonfiction, Games

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Title: Risk Free Blackjack
Author: Gary Free

When you gamble with the intention of winning money, you need a statistical edge.  However, if you are using money that you obtained virtually risk-free, you will need less of an edge.


Blackjack is a game of skill, where the casino has a small edge compared to other casino games.  Therefore, blackjack is one of the best casino games from the point of view of winning money.


Risk Free Blackjack teaches you how to fund your blackjack at virtually no risk.  I am not talking about casino bonuses that you have to grind out.  I am talking about real cash upfront. 


In addition, you will learn basic blackjack strategy, card counting and a short-cut method of card counting.  You will also learn a staking system.  This is not a random progressive staking system.  There is clear rationale behind the system.


If you are interested in maximising your chances of making money from the casinos, Risk Free Blackjack is a must-read! 



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