For Authors ebooks

How to Write for Todays Children
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Title: How to Write for Todays Children
Author: Martine Hellyer
How YOU Can Make Money Writing for the Lucrative Children's Market
Ever wish you could write children's literature?
Well, You Can!
Dear Reader,
How would you like to begin enjoying the benefits of working at home doing a job you absolutely adore? If you answered 'Yes!' then read on.
3 Reasons Why Your Timing Is Perfect
That headline above is no joke. You couldn't have chosen a better time to learn about this great hobby. This is a great time to turn your avocation into a work at home business!
- Today's children are reading earlier with an increasing demand for age appropriate material.
- No special qualifications are required to become an author of children's books.
- There is no lack of content.
It doesn't matter whether you have children. Nor does it matter whether you are a published author. Anyone with the desire top tell stories can become an author of children's books.
Does that mean you can just throw a few paragraphs together and become another J.K. Rowling? Of course not! That would be ridiculous.
It does mean that YOU have an incredible opportunity to get started in a hobby that is not only personally rewarding, but a fun, creative way to supplement your income.
The only thing left is to learn how to... Click here to read the full description!
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Write Stories People Want to Read
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Title: Write Stories People Want to Read
Author: Matt Cowell
Truth is, we actually have many stories filtered through our life experiences. When was the last time you were visiting with friends and family? Did you play the "remember when" game?
That's where we recount a special moment in time that was funny or poignant or one that brings back fond memories of a loved one no longer with us.
The potential for writing is all around us. It visits us throughout our days and haunts us in our dreams. Sadly, most of us never follow through and put those stories to pen and paper; or, in the modern vernacular tapped out the keys.
It's really sad when you think about it. All those special moments that are never shared with others are locked away in the darkness of your thoughts never shared with others.
Such a waste.
Why is it that we never take that first step and dare to preserve our thoughts for others to read? Usually it's fear. But fear can be overcome. So what other reasons exist to hold us back?
We have the stories. We overcome the fear. Here comes the boogeyman. Lack of knowledge. Aha! There you have it!
So What's next?
If lack of knowledge is all that's holding you back, then your excuses are over! Really. Why? Because now you have access to a step-by-step guide that will teach you everything you need to know to begin writing your own short stories.
Not only will you know how to jump start the writing,... Click here to read the full description!
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Sales Page Primer
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Title: Sales Page Primer
Dear Friend,
I'm writing this to you while it's fresh in my mind and pumped... actually totally psyched about this subject. Copywriting is something I've personally been working on perfecting ever since I made that initial decision to take a stab at making a dollar or two online.
You see... copywriting is the single most important skill you can ever discover in marketing. You either discover to write it, or pay someone else dearly to write it for you. Personally... I'd rather keep that kind of money in my own pocket and just discover how to write it.
It doesn't matter how fantastic your product is... if your sales copy sucks you're going to spend your time and money and send it down the toilet.
You can actually have a shithouse product, but if your sales copy screams a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow... Then it will sell.
I'm sure you've experienced this before... You find yourself so engrossed in a sales page, you can't take your eyes off "what will be said next"... This is what you're aiming for when you write your own copy!
Heck... doesn't just apply to sales pages... Have you ever had an ad that comes on TV... and you cannot change the channel? You feel compelled to watch every part of it... You know you're being "sold to" but you just can't resist! You've got to watch every part of it!
In fact... it just happened to me 5 minutes before I began writing this... I'd... Click here to read the full description!
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Sales Bot Generator
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Title: Sales Bot Generator
Simple Interactive Exit Traffic Sales Agents
Now you can have a second chance at selling to your exit traffic...
"Unleash These 24 Hour Online Sales Agents & Immediately Skyrocket Conversions, Sales & Profits..."
Dear Marketer,
I'm sure you've heard the saying that to become successful, you need to study what successful people do and model their actions!
Well if you've been following the Internet Marketing scene lately you'll have noticed the growing popularity of those little 'exit chat agent' scripts. All the big name 'guru's' seem to be using them on all their sites.
Basically what they are is little interactive chat windows that popup when a user tries to exit a webpage. Users can interact with these little bots like a regular messenger client similar to MSN or AOL.
When I heard other marketers talk of the great results and extra profits these 'exit sales agents' were generating, I knew I had to find a way for 'the little guy' to model their success without having to make a huge investment.
Well I've developed a remarkably simple system does just that...
Introducing The Brand New...
'Sales Bot Generator'
... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: ZIP

The Ultimate Guide To Writing Your Very Own E-book
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Title: The Ultimate Guide To Writing Your Very Own E-book
Are you tired of making money for everyone... but yourself?
Do you want to make some real, long-term money for you and your family for a change?
If you think affiliate marketing is the answer for you...
you're not DEAD wrong...
but you've only got it HALF right!
The secret is to work with affiliates instead of being an affiliate!
Sure, there are plenty of very successful affiliate marketers out there. People who KNOW how to make that business work for them...AND...they make some GREAT money! They don't have to put in the work to actually create a product, but believe me, the great affiliate marketers have to put in a LOT of work in order to make that great living!
But, If You're An Affiliate, That Money You've Worked So Hard To Attain Can Disappear In An Instant!
What happens if the product you're making all of those affiliate commissions from suddenly disappears...falls off the face of the earth? What happens if the company starts having financial problems and can't pay affiliate commissions? OR, as happens much more frequently, you see that $100 product you've been getting good commissions from suddenly show up on e-Bay for $10.00!
We all know this happens, sometimes more frequently than it should. But, if you've built YOUR
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Writing Riches With Minimal Effort
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Title: Writing Riches With Minimal Effort
"If You Can Read And Follow Simple Manual, You Can Easily Earn FIVE-FIGURE SUMS Without Having To Worry About Writing Content At All!"
You Are About To Learn A Simple Business Model Where You Can Easily Earn Amazing Sums Of Cash!
Dear Friend,
The top quality websites and blogs out there depend on fresh, unique information as well as massive loads of content to pull in visitors and potential customers to their sites.
On the flipside, you've probably heard of spam or scam blogs...over even webpages filled with nothing at all but adsense ads. But thanks in part to the search engines and people becoming more aware, these rubbish sites could be a thing of the past.
The fact still stands: You will need a constant flow of fresh, unique postings on your blogs or webpages not only to be indexed by the search engine spiders, but people in your niche market can also refer to when the need arises. And every niche, regardless of its focus in making money or weight loss manuals has to offer value in the form of content on their blogs or follow up emails.
Normally, marketers tackle this pressing issue in two common ways:
1) They grab Private Label Rights (PLR) products
PLR offers an affordable alternative any day because of it's flexibility in allowing the content inside to be edited, authorship to be changed and
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The Ultimate Copywriting Handbook
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(priced for $9.95 or less).
Title: The Ultimate Copywriting Handbook
"How To Write Irresistible, Persuasive and Engaging Sales Copy So You Can Get More Leads and Make More Sales For Your Products & Services..."
You'll Discover How To Easily Write Your Own Salesletters, Opt-in Pages and Ads That Sell!
Dear Friend,
If you're like most Internet marketers, you wouldn't hire a copywriter for most of your projects-and for good reasons, too...
First, you know that most of your projects are simply too small to bring in a high-powered copywriter and pay them $50-100 per page.
And second, few others know your product and your market as well as you do. No matter how hard you try to convey important points about your product to the copywriter, you know you'll lose something in translation.
So what can you do? Your first option is to continue to write sub-par copy for most of your sales letters; and simply hope that it will do the trick.
However, if you're more realistic with yourself, you'll probably quickly see the problem with doing this-namely, that you're leaving hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the table every time you create a sales page that converts 1%, rather than 2% or 3%.
And this is precisely why you must learn the art of copywriting: it will not only save you money, but it will also ensure that you have a master copywriter working on every project you
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How To Become A Top Notch Writer?
Ready With The Pen For The Pile of MONEY That Awaits YOU? But Got No Clue As To How You Can Get Their FAST And CERTAINLY?
Here is THE deal! This won't just get NO for an answer as you will scrutinize it yourself!
Dear Marketer,
With the mere mental development in the human generation, the linguistics has tremendously reached its ultimate apex with widespread pouring of drafts on the web, both rich in text as well as style. This has long paved a new way of earning a decent income for the authors by utilising their innate Natural Ability of Writing.
But like all other festivities and traditions, this culture has also long been adopted in many of the previous foregone centuries. From the primitive times of troglodytes, the Art of Writing has been prevalent and much popular to convey the historical incidents and feelings to those coming later to the world and the distinct civilizations. From the curving of Hieroglyphics to the perfectly vocabulary-wise-organized Articles, this Art has been recognized as being rare and truly remarkable.
It has been for this very Art, that the history has been safely preserved in our hearts and shelves. But due to rapid technological advances and moderations, the new face of Article Writing has emerged as one of the most important aspect of one's... Click here to read the full description!
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Self Publishing
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Title: Self Publishing
Self Publishing - How to Write, Print & Sell Your Own Ebook?
Have you always wanted to write your own ebook and get it published?
Learn How to Write, Print & Sell Your Own Ebook!
Dear Friend,
Have you always wanted to write your own ebook and get it published? If you have written a ebook or even if you have a yen to be a writer, you are probably already aware of the competition in the writing field. Most of those who submit unsolicited manuscripts to agents or publishing houses are rejected without the ebook even being read. This can be enough to turn any writer off the idea of writing their ebook. After all, if you go through the trouble of writing a ebook, you certainly want to see it published, right?
You have probably heard about vanity press, that publish your ebook and make you order hundreds of copies. This costs thousands of dollars and who has the money, these days, to put out that kind of money to get their ebook published? Especially since they seem to be limited to selling only to family and friends? Most people are aware of vanity press and want to avoid it because it costs so much money.
Perhaps you have an idea for a ebook but do not know how to put it together? This is common for someone who is considering writing either a fiction novel or a non-fiction ebook. Writing the ebook may seem easy for someone who has
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Get Paid To Write A Book
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Title: Get Paid To Write A Book
Would you like to GET PAID to write a ebook?
If you're thinking this is plain fantasy, think again. All professional writers get paid to write their ebooks.
How? They sell their ebooks via proposals before they write the ebooks.
What's a ebook proposal?
A ebook proposal is a document which convinces a publisher to buy your ebook before you've written it. Your proposal says, in effect: "Hey, I've got a great idea for a ebook which lots of people will want to buy. Do you want to publish it?"
Think of it as a combination brochure and outline of your proposed ebook.
You CAN sell your ebook the easy way --- sell a proposal
It's easily possible to make a fast $10,000, or even a six figure amount. You could even make seven figures --- over a million dollars for twenty pages of text.
It sounds incredible, but a fast seven figures is certainly possible if you have a HOT, hot idea or have had an experience that hundreds of thousands of people want to read about.
In his 2001 ebook about writing nonfiction, Damn! Why Didn't I Write That?, author Marc McCutcheon says that it's not hard to make a good income writing nonfiction: "you can discover the trade and begin making a respectable income much faster than most people think possible".
Do you need experience to sell a ebook on proposal?
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