Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star.

Following The Guru Ebook

Following The Guru
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing
Ebook cover: Following The Guru


Title: Following The Guru

"Learn How To Quickly Copy The Proven Profit Tactics That Work To Guarantee Your Own Online Success!"

Set Yourself Apart From The 95% Of Marketers Struggling To Make A Living Online By Modelling Your Business On The 5% Who Are Already Wildly Successful . . .

Dear Friend,

If you aren't considered an internet marketing guru, you're probably amazed at how easily they seem to manage such impressive sales figures. And how all of their products seem to be huge successes.

If you experience launch after mildly disappointing launch with products that you know rival some of those being offered by the "big guns." And if you're looking to elevate your results then it may be time to stop being in awe and to objectively evaluate exactly what these guys are doing...

In "Following The Guru", you can discover some valuable lessons that will ramp up even your 'non-guru' offerings and have other marketers looking to you in amazement.

You'll learn how to get people lining up to order your new products.

Internet marketing gurus aren't on top of their field because of luck . . . and in most cases, they aren't there because of the right product, either. As you read this new ebook you'll understand what really does set them apart from the 95% of marketers who are struggling online.

Here Is Just Some Of The Topics Covered Inside "Following The Guru":

  • Three Internet marketing strategies Proven to work. It pays to understand a few of the time tested techniques for producing significant sales figures. All three of these have worked time and time again to create MASSIVE profits.
  • Who knows how many sales are "missed by an inch?" The number is probably staggering. How can you take those "almost" and convert them into sales?
  • Today, the "buzzword" for many in the marketing business is "niche." In 'Copy Your Way To Success' you'll learn the 5 simple steps to succeeding in any Niche market. (Follow these guidelines and give yourself a profitable edge over your competitors.)
  • It may not be as easy to become a "dot com" millionaire today as it was before the internet business bubble burst, but moneymaking opportunities are still everywhere. For example on page 14 you'll get a dissected plan that could enable you to generate $140,000 in gross profits each year with a project that requires very little work after initial implementation.

You'll also discover about...

  • Running your own profitable affiliate program.
  • Successful affiliate marketing.
  • Blogging for easy cash (even for the newbie)
  • How to double, triple or even quadruple the value of your info products.
  • How to successfully use sites like eBay to generate incredible profits.
  • How to generate extra revenue (in addition to traffic) with articles.
  • How to 'ethically copy' and create order pulling sales copy.
  • How (and why) you could be your own next product.

Look we all know that very few win the internet marketing lottery and find themselves rich overnight. Usually, it requires consistent effort and a great deal of work to become a success.

That does not, however, mean that you need to resign yourself to the idea of working sixteen hour days until you slump over your keyboard, exhausted.

"Following The Guru", shows you how easy it is to multiply your results by working smart at the same time.

Yes, I'm sure the reason why you're in this business is because you want to do it your way on your own terms. Those are great traits, as they lead to far greater satisfaction along your path to success. Unfortunately, it can also be a hindrance to success.

If you're already working too hard, if your results could be better and you want to be at the top of the tree before your competitors then you owe it to yourself to read this incredible new ebook . . .

Ebook cover: Following The Guru
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Price: $17.00
Ebook Type: PDF
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