Fish Recipes Ebook
Title: Fish Recipes
Author: Amy Tylor
Fish And Shell-fish Recipes
FISH provides another class of high-protein or tissue-building food. As this term is generally understood, it includes both vertebrate fish that is, fish having a backbone such as salmon, cod, shad etc. and many other water animals such as lobsters, crabs, shrimp, oysters and clams. Fish can usually be purchased at a lower price than many other food items and for this reason possesses an economic advantage over them. Some varieties of fish are sought more than others, the popularity of certain kinds depending on the individual taste or the preference of the people in a particular locality.
As is well known, fish is an extremely perishable food. Therefore, when it is caught in quantities too great to be used at one time, it is preserved in various ways. The preservation methods that have proved to be the most satisfactory are canning, salting and drying, smoking and
preserving in various kinds of brine and pickle. As such methods are usually carried out in the locality where the fish is caught, many varieties of fish can be conveniently stored for long periods of time and so distributed as to meet the requirements of the consumer. This plan enables persons far removed from the Source of supply to procure fish frequently.
Fish And Shell-fish Recipes
Fish In The Diet
Composition And Classes Of Fish
Food Value Of Fish
Preparation Of Fish For Cooking
Methods Of Cooking Fish
Fish Recipes
- Boiled Fish
- Boiled Salmon
- Boiled Salt Salmon.
- Boiled Cod
- Boiled Salt Cod
- Boiled Cod With Lobster Sauce.
- Boiled Haddock With Lobster Sauce.
- Broiled Fish
- Broiled Scrod With Potato Border
- Broiled Fresh Mackerel.
- Broiled Shad Roe.
- Broiled Salmon.
- Broiled Salt Salmon
- Broiled Halibut.
- Baked Fish.
- Baked Haddock.
- Baked Halibut.
- Baked Salmon Trout.
- Baked Salmon Whole
- Baked Bluefish
- Baked Fillets Of Whitefish.
- Baked Finnan Haddie.
- Baked Rock Fish.
- Casserole Of Fish
- Creamed Codfish.
- Creamed Finnan Haddie.
- Creamed Tuna Fish.
- Creamed Salmon With Rice.
- Creamed Fish In Potato Nest.
- Cod Fish Balls.
- Codfish Soup
- Dressing For Salmon Mold
- Dropped Fish Balls
- Escaloped Fish.
- Eel Soup.
- Eel Fry.
- Eels Sauce (italian)
- Eels A La Tartare.
- Fresh Fish Fry.
- Fresh Salmon Fried.
- Fresh Herring.
- Fillet Of Flounder.
- Fish Stuffing
- Fish Salad
- Fish Salad With Vinaigrette.
- Fish Balls
- Fish Chowder
- Fish Croquettes
- Fish Au Gratin.
- Fish Soup
- Fish Fry
- Fried Perch.
- Fricassee Salmon.
- Halibut Cutlets
- Mackerel Salad.
- Matelote Of Codfish.
- Pan-fish.
- Pickled Salmon.
- Planked Fish.
- Rock Fish Stew
- Shad Broil
- Salt Fish With Dropped Eggs.
- Salt Codfish In Potatoe Puree.
- Salt Fish Souffle.
- Sauted Fish.
- Sauted Smelts.
- Sauted Halibut Steak.
- Sauted Pickerel.
- Sauted Salt Mackerel
- Stewed Fish
- Stewed Fresh Herring.
- Stewed Eels
- Steamed Fish.
- Sardine Salad
- Smoked Salmon
- Salmon Mold.
- Salmon Cutlets
- Salmon Pudding
- Salmon Patties.
- Salmon Timbale Or Loaf
- Salmon Salad
- Salmon Dressing
- Salmon Collar
- Salmon Pickle
- Salmon En Maigre.
- Salmon Croquettes
- Salmon And Caper Sauce.
- Salmon Patties.
- Salmon Baked In Slices.
- Salmon Steaks
- Salmone Alla Perigo (italian)
- Salmone Alla Giardiniera (italian)
- Smelts A La Tartare.
- Smelts As A Garnish.
- Tuna Salad
- Trouts En Maigre.
- Turbot A La Creme.
Shell-Fish Recipes
- Nature,varieties,and use of shell fish
- Oysters,clams,and scallops
- Oysters And Their Preparation
- Opening Oysters.
- Oyster Stew
- Creamed Oysters
- Scalloped Oysters
- Fried Oysters
- Oyster Salad
- Oyster Pie
- Baltimore Oyster Pie.
- Plain Oyster Pie.
- Oyster Fritters
- Oyster Soup
- Roasted Oysters On Toast.
- Oysters Panned In Their Own Liquor.
- Oysters Panned In The Shell.
- Oyster Saute.
- Oyster Sauce.
- Oysters Roasted In The Shell.
- Fricasseed Oysters.
- Creamed Oysters.
- Croustade Of Oysters.
- Escaloped Oysters
- Oysters Served In Escalop Shells.
- Oyster Chartreuse.
- Oyster Pickle
Clams And Their Preparation
- Steamed Clams
- Baked Clams
- Fried Clams
- Clams Stew
- Clam Soup
Scallops And Their Preparation
- Fried Scallops
- Baked Scallops
Lobsters, Crabs and Shrimp
Lobsters And Their Preparation
- Lobster Cocktail
- Scalloped Lobster.
- Lobster Soup
- Lobster Soup With Milk.
- Lobster Salad
- Deviled Lobster.
- Lobster A La Newburg.
- Lobster Croquettes.
- Lobster Broiled In The Shell.
- Broiled Lobster.
- Breaded Lobster.
- Stewed Lobster.
- Curry Of Lobster.
- Lobster Cutlets.
Crabs And Their Preparation
- Crab Salad
- Crab-flake Cocktail.
- Deviled Crabs
- Fried Soft-shelled Crabs.
- Soft-shell Crabs
- Creamed Crab Meat.
- Bisque Of Crab
Shrimp, Prawn, Crawfish and Terrapins
- Shrimp And Their Preparation
- Creamed Shrimp
- Shrimp Salad.
- Prawn Salad
- Shrimp A La Salle.
- Crawfish Pie
- Crawfish Stew
- Terrapins Stew
Recipes For Fish Sauces
- Sauce For Boiled Salmon Or Turbot.
- Sauce For Salmon Or Turbot.
- Sauce For Salmon And Other Fish.
- Lemon Cream Sauce
- Spanish Sauce
- Nut Sauce
- Horseradish Sauce
- Egg Sauce
- Tomato Sauce
- Mushroom Sauce
- Drawn-butter Sauce
- Cocktail Sauces For Shell-fish
- Cocktail Sauce
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