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Fish and Fishing ebooks

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Category: Fish and Fishing

The Complete Guide To Steelhead Fishing

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Title: The Complete Guide To Steelhead Fishing
Author: N. Isaacs
The One That "Got Away" Don't Let It Happen To You!

You pull in your driveway, turn off the engine and just sit there. It's happened again. Three glorious days in the wilderness. You're hot, tired, dirty and disgruntled.

You glance in the rear view mirror at the mound of brand new fishing and camping gear piled in the back of the SUV. You just know that as soon as you hit the front door you're going to hear about it.

"Yeah Honey, but I almost had one," you'll say. "Had him right on my hook and he flipped and got away!"

If you've ever almost maxed out your credit card for a great weekend fishing with the guys, you can definitely relate.

Maybe it's time to shift the odds in your favor. Have you ever tried fishing for Steelhead? If not, you are in for a real treat. And, armed with The Complete Manual To Steelhead Fishing you can't help but succeed.

Fishing for Steelhead is one of the greatest experiences of your life.

These elusive creatures are in the rainbow trout family, but that's where the similarity ends. Measuring in at an average of four feet, they are rare and considered a real prize to land.

It's difficult to get the "straight scoop" about the tricks and tips fishing for Steelhead. The real pros don't want the competition and are liable to feed you a line of bs rather than have you invade their territory.

How many times have you bought the latest and greatest, sure fire lure or bait on the advice of a so-called expert, only to have the

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Category: Fish and Fishing

Catch Fish Ebook

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Title: Catch Fish Ebook

Are you a keen fisherman?

Do you ever go home and all you've caught is a cold?

Well try this great collection of e-Books for size.

There are 7 great e-Books in total:

  • How To Catch Kingfish
  • How To Catch Grouper
  • How To Catch Pompano
  • How To Catch Snook
  • How To Catch Redfish
  • How To Catch Tarpon
  • How To Catch Trout

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Category: Fish and Fishing

The COMPLETE guide to Aquariums

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Title: The COMPLETE guide to Aquariums

Welcome to the COMPLETE guide to Aquariums.

In this ebook you will find up to date information that will help you make the best decisions and choices when purchasing your aquarium.

An aquarium is made of glass or extremely strong plastic and is basically made for holding fish, amphibians or any other type of marine animal. These fish can be tropical or salt water, or even corals but the aquarium has to be able to maintain the weight of the water that will be put into the tank. Aquariums are fast becoming one of the leading hobbies around, many people use aquariums for decorative purposes.

Aquariums range in size, they can be simple gold fish bowls or they can be intensive set up reaching something like eight or even nine feet wide. Many people even boast of a fish room. Fish collecting has been around for years and is especially popular in countries like Japan. The Japanese are renowned for keeping coldwater fish such as Koi in extremely decorative ponds outside, these Koi are basically beautifully decorated goldfish.

The word aquarium originates from the ancient Latin language, "aqua" meaning water and the suffix "rium" meaning place or building. Aquariums are beautiful and look good anywhere! They are perfect for those people who want to devote a lot of time and effort to a hobby. This is not the type of thing that you can just start and leave. This is an on going type of project that needs to be constantly assessed and adjusted. The

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Category: Fish and Fishing

Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquariums

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Title: Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquariums
Get Immediate Answers to All Your Freshwater Aquarium Problems, Generate Brilliant Design Ideas on Demand ... And Unleash the Full Power of Your Aquatic Creativity!

This is Definitely Not About Your Grandma's Fish Bowl!

Have you ever wished you could wave a magic wand and transform the goldfish bowl you had as a child into an aquatic wonderland?

Or, maybe your last vacation included a visit to Sea Word and you delighted in the squeals of laughter from your kids and promised them their own miniature version right in your own home.


Whatever your reasons for being here it's a sure bet that you are looking for the opportunity to create a vision of "Finding Nemo" habitat right in your own home. A noble idea surely, but if you are caught in a time warp you need to understand that when it comes to creating an aquarium, as the saying goes, "they've come a long way baby!"

First things first. You do realize that you gotta' have a plan, right? You know, kind of like plan your work and work your plan? Before you run off to the pet store and start scooping up fish in a net you need to learn a little bit more about "fish keeping."

"Fish keeping?" Yep, that's right, "fish keeping." Or, in a more eloquent description, "keeper of fish." Did you know that "fish keeping" is actually dated as far back as medieval times? Well it's true. But don't worry, you don't have to build your aquarium as large as a moat.

If any of this is striking a chord within, you need some help before you embark on your "fish keeping" adventure and we highly recommend you

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Category: Fish and Fishing

Fly Fishing Mastery

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Title: Fly Fishing Mastery
Author: Neil Harvey
Learn What It Takes To Become An Expert Fly Fisher

Do You Like to Fish?

Guide To Fly Fishing!

Dear Friend,

You want to go fishing, but you have become bored with it lately. It is no longer the challenge it used to be. You have heard about fly fishing, but you are not sure how to get started. You've seen the fly fishermen out on the banks of the river, but to be able to cast like they can, and they seem to be doing very well at it. You might be thinking to yourself, but can I do it. The answer is YES!

"A Guide to Fly Fishing" will teach you what you need to know to get started. You will be able to handle your equipment like a pro because your guide will walk you through it step by step. You will learn the different types of rods and reels available. The guide will even untangle the confusion of fly fishing lines. The guide will walk you through the steps of loading your reel and stringing your rod.

Fly fishing is all about casting and the guide will teach you to cast. Your first fly fishing trip will not be a disaster because you will know what to do and what to expect.

Fly fishing will take you to places where the scenery is breathtaking. With fly fishing you can fish in any body of water on this earth, even the ocean!

Learn how to fly fish with your personal guide...

The guide will teach you everything you need to know to get you started in... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fish and Fishing

101 Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners

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Title: 101 Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners
Right And Wrong Flyfishing Methods - And Little Pointers That Will Bring That Fish Home

How bad do you want to make your buddies look on your next fly fishing trip?

Even if your cast is a little awkward at the moment (and less than effective), when you add 101 expert fly fishing tips, tricks, and techniques to your game...'ll be ready to land fish left and right! (While your friends pick their dropped jaw out of the water.)

If you want to:

  • Shock your friends by landing more fish than any of them.
  • Make this fly fishing season your best!
  • Take advantage of insider information when choosing your rod, line, lure or bait.

than you better read this letter from beginning to end!

Dear Future Pro Angler,

You don't learn how to fly fish by listening to 4 of your buddies tell you 4 different things.

When you do, you're likely to tie your fingers in a knot! As good as they are (or think they are), it doesn't mean they're the best teachers.

So if you're looking to start fly-fishing this next season (and you want to be successful) - you better go out on your own and seek expert advice from people who DO know the best tips, tricks, and tactics... and people who DO know how to teach you.

Will You Be Embarrassed By Your Awkward Cast?

When you're on the water and you see other anglers (with there expensive equipment) who seem to know what they're doing, how are you going to feel when you unleash your

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Category: Fish and Fishing

Aquarium & Fish Care Tactics

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Title: Aquarium & Fish Care Tactics

"Who Else Wants To Discover The Secret Tactics For Setting Up And Maintaining A Solid Aquarium Set At Home And Get The Most Exciting Information About Aquarium & Fish Care In A Decade"

You're about to learn the most comprehensive report on aquarium and fish care you will ever read on the internet in the next five minutes.

Dear Internet Friend,

Are you having plenty of question mark in your mind about how you can maintain and set up a nice and sustainable aquarium set in your own comfort of home as one of your hobby? and...

You maybe asking a lot of question on forums, bulletin boards or blogs, and maybe you can find some of the useful information on how to maintain an aquarium set the correct way but could you afford to spend most of the time on just posting your question and waiting for a feedback from some experts.

I guess you will not like to get the answer one at a time.

If you are trying to look for a full manuals on aquarium and fish care then you had came to the right place because in about 5 minutes you will learn all you need to know about and step-by-step manuals for setting up your own aquarium set and how to take full care of your fish at your own comfort of home.

As you may already know, aquariums are becoming a hot items now a day. Since nature is highly polluted people are starting to appreciate

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Category: Fish and Fishing

The Definitive Guide To Tackle Bass Fishing

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Title: The Definitive Guide To Tackle Bass Fishing

"Discover How To Increase Your Odds On Catching The Big Bass With The Never Revealed Insider Secrets techniques To Let You Learn The Art Of casting In Just A Few Short Days!

Getting To Know How To Catch The Monster Bass Could Be A Fun Filled Experience For The Rest Of Your Life Even If You've Never Fish before.

Dear Friend,

Do you know why today more and more peoples trying to learn and find out what a buzz about becoming a better Bass fisherman or simply want to be a pro on bass catcher?

If you answer it 'YES', then please read further of what I am about to show you in a moment.

Alright, I know you would want to save countless of hours in at the local water hole, then this letter is the most informative for YOU right now and right here!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, I myself have been in Bass fishing for 20 years now, but it wasn't easy for me when I first started out! I mean, GOOD information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive guide on Bass fishing!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Book On Bass Fishing You Can Find In Any Store..

...or even on the internet, or even at your local library

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Category: Fish and Fishing

Fly Fishing - Learn to Angle Like the Pro

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Title: Fly Fishing - Learn to Angle Like the Pro

If you're wanting to learn about fly fishing...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

"You Are Going To Get A Exhaustive Look At One Of The Most Substantial Fly Fishing Guides There Is Available On The Market Today"

It Doesn't Matter If You Are Just For The First Time Trying Fly Fishing, This Guide Will Get You On The Right Track To A Good Catch.

Dear Friend,

Ever dream of fly fishing like some of the greats...Lee and Joan Wulff, Ed Mitchell, or Preston J. Jennings?

Would you or someone you know like to try fly fishing like the pros? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about fly fishing, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Any Other Handbook On Fly Fishing You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about fly fishing and it's easily understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Fly Fishing Manual "!

It's like having your very own fishing expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!

You'll uncover a wide array of tips, including guidelines on how to correctly cast... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fish and Fishing


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Title: Fishing

Table Of Contents:

  • Fishing Accessories
  • Fishing: Balm for the Soul
  • Basic Fishing Tackle
  • The Spin on Fishing Reels
  • All about Fishing Rods
  • The Art of Lures
  • Fishing Bait Basics
  • Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Hooks
  • How to Hook Bait
  • Fishing Boats
  • Fish Bait Recipes to Make at Home
  • Freshwater Fishing Basics
  • Lake Fishing
  • Fly Fishing Basics
  • Saltwater Fishing Basics
  • Sport Fishing
  • Deep Sea Fishing
  • Night Fishing
  • Ice Fishing, Tips and Techniques
  • Ice Fishing, The Cold Alternative
  • Trout Fishing Basics
  • Bass Fishing Basics
  • Salmon Fishing Basics
  • Great Spots to Take a Fishing Vacation
  • Fishing in Alaska

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