Art has an enemy called ignorance.
John F. Kennedy

Easy Cat Training Ebook

Easy Cat Training
Category: Cats
Ebook cover: Easy Cat Training


Title: Easy Cat Training

"STOP And Discover The Ingenious Training Methods and Highly- Specialized Behavior-Reforming Tactics I Trust to Train Even the Most Stubborn and Unruly 'Jungle Cats' Into Impeccably Well-Behaved and Insatiably Loveable Furballs With 'Robot' Loyalty That Are Also Tailor-Made to Address and Totally Reform YOUR Cat's Most Head-Slapping Nuances!"

  • If you think your cat is trying to run away from you every other minute and he exhibits the behavior I describe on page 51, he just wants to play...
  • When the time comes to expand your furry family to include a second or even third cat, adhere to the "10 Commandments" of cat-to-cat socialization that are passed down on pages 28-30 or else risk sparking a domestic meltdown that could drive BOTH cats away for good!
  • The very second your innocent, bright-eyed kitten is introduced to your family and home, follow these golden nuggets of advice that you can dig-up on page 22 to socialize your cat around ANY human being - even those he's never even met!
  • If you've been forgetting to do the 5 seemingly trivial but oh-so-essential things revealed on page 41, your cat might be relieving himself on the floor, on the ebookcase, on the dinner table ... or ANYWHERE but the litter-box!
  • Determine whether your furball's pesky biting is actually a form of nipping or biting by comparing your cat's individual behavior to the specialized criteria divulged on page 50 and devising a plan of attack that works for your cat's personality!
  • The 5 "Problem Behaviors" tackled on page 44 are infamous for their ability to sever the cat-owner bond with no hope of mending, so turn there NOW and arm yourself with these "Expert Approved" methods for detecting and reversing these problem behaviors before they begin to tarnish the relationship you've nurtured for so long!
  • If it's a "Grumpy Grown-Up" that is due for some much-needed socializing lessons, then follow the 5 fundamental tips on page 23 for rehabbing even the most curmudgeonly adult house cat into a well-mannered "Feline Finesse!"
  • I used to let my cat's rambunctious, off-the-wall antics stress me out and destroy my home ... and then I learned the 5 special considerations exposed on page 36 that you undoubtedly must pay dire attention to - unless you want the inside of your home to look the Amazon rainforest!
  • Before you expose your cat to the very first training method, make sure you've checked-off on the 11 "Pre-Training Tips" laid-out on page 13 ... or else you may make one simple mistake at the very beginning that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to advance to even the most basic training!
  • The 4 most common problems encountered by pet owners sick of finagling with their cats to walk on the leash can be eliminated with certainty by implementing the simple tricks divulged on page 62!
  • Nip destructive scratching in the bud before your kitten even learns to use his claws by constructing this super-simple device that will become his only object of "Scratching Affection" and can be put together using random scraps that you probably have in your house right now! (p. 38)
  • On page 40, I finally expose the truth behind why your cat - whether old or young - just won't use the litter-box and the quick, simple steps that you MUST take to overcome these evolutionary instincts and have your cat "crappin' anywhere" with special-ops precision!
  • Every single plant exposed on page 45's jaw-dropping list of more than 50 plants can be deadly poisonous to your cat ... and most felines can't resist taking a bite even when they're not hungry! Plant-proof your home and yard NOW or risk finding out the hard way with potentially lethal results!
  • Print page 24 and pin it up somewhere convenient so that you can extinguish the inevitable territorial aggression that EVERY cat will exhibit at the very first signs!
  • If you're not training your cat for at least ONE of the 3 reasons divulged on page 11, you may be attempting to force your cat into a totally unnatural role that could DIMINISH his health and set YOU up for total failure!
  • The vast majority of cat owners have the totally wrong idea in mind about how to play with their cat, so don't get caught dead in this unpopular majority and flip to page 37 to learn the real trick to engaging your cat in healthy, happy play the "Proper Way!"
  • The very best pet owners give their cats extra special care in the 6 areas described on page 54 - are YOU lagging behind in even just ONE of them?
  • I finally decided to put up with rampant, disgusting spraying for the last time when I asked myself the questions that I've included for you to ask yourself on page 52 and discovered exactly why my best buddy was spraying urine on furniture, the floor, even me without a care!
  • Do this activity twice a day with your cat to "cure" him of jumping and knocking down precious items, once and for all!
  • You've probably realized by now that cats are totally different social creatures than dogs, so discover the "Feline-Approved' socialization methods revealed on page 19 that discuss how these 2 simple yet distinct traits make socializing your furry friend as tricky as a game of chess!
  • ...But if he does it like this, then you may be dealing with the early stages of a serious interaction issue that will only become more severe with every new tick of the clock hands! (p. 51)
  • Cats are like babies: when they want something, they VOCALIZE it! And by spending mere minutes browsing over page 32, you'll learn the simple secret to developing an "Expert Ear" for recognizing the sounds of the 3 most common "meeeows!"
  • The first time you experience the pain of your own cat's sharp claws digging into your flesh, you'll wish you had followed the 7 "Veterinarian Approved" tips on page 58 for clipping your cat's nails the safe, healthy, and easy way!
  • Just like humans, cats need to follow a healthy eating plan to maintain a healthy weight and active lifestyle, and if you trust the quick and easy tips unveiled on page 55, your loveable cat will always be around to be a part of your most cherished experiences!
  • Don't even THINK about attempting to socialize your cat with your other house pets until you've become familiar with the "Rules of the Game" as divulged on page 25 that are absolutely critical to creating a safe and peaceful bond between your cat and other animals ... even the cat's infamous "Worst Enemy!"
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