Cook Book Secrets Ebook
Title: Cook Book Secrets
Cookbooks are BIG Business!
This indepth and easy-to-follow guide unveils all the mystery so you know exactly what you need to do, and precisely how you need to do it. It's all laid out for you so all you need to do is read through the guide and then start following the steps.
Some cookbook authors use their book as a 'launching pad' to do other exciting things, while others are happier just to keep to themselves, quietly writing their books, enjoying the income, but staying out of the limelight. You can play it either way - whatever suits you best.
Don't cost yourself another day of lost profit. Get the guide today and get started on that profit-generating cookbook now!
Don't even think of trying to write a cookbook without this revealing insider's guide, packed with the secrets for publishing success. With Cookbook Secrets you'll:
- Ensure your ebook is worth top dollar
- Avoid frustration and aggravation
- By-Pass the 'School of Hard Knocks' and Learn through the experience of others
- Discover must-know information about the cookbook publishing industry, and the pubishing business in general
- Discover How to Avoid being taken advantage of as a new, inexperienced, unpublished cookbook author
- Save yourself a ton of time
Dont waste a minute of your time trying to write a cookbook until you've read CookBook Profits: Your Insider's Guide to Succssfuly Writing a Cookbook, Getting It Published, and Raking in Cash.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: 5 after 1 votes)
My Rate 5
Gave me all the info I was looking for to kmake my cookbook a profitable success. Very, very enlightening and informative. A lot of good "insiders secrets" I wouldn't have otherwise known. I've spent days researching online & never learned this much.
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My Rate 5
Gave me all the info I was looking for to kmake my cookbook a profitable success. Very, very enlightening and informative. A lot of good "insiders secrets" I wouldn't have otherwise known. I've spent days researching online & never learned this much.
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