Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Children ebooks

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Category: Children, Entertainment

Hand Shadow Illusions

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Title: Hand Shadow Illusions

Ever wanted to entertain your kids by doing hand shadow figures and didn't know how? Here are some great tips on how to entertain you kids with the best hand shadows techniques ever!

If I'm right, you would probably love nothing better than to be able to introduce your family and friends to old-fashioned entertainment and fun with hand shadows. Obviously, that's a no brainer! But, how do you go about it?

Without the right tools and information, it could take you a long time to figure out how to create this fascinating figures on your own.

Instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with the right formula, there is an easier way.

Now there's good news ....

I won't deny that there are a ton of ebooks out there on the subject of old-fashioned fun. Unfortunately the problem with most ebooks on this subject is that they are filled with plenty of promises and no solid techniques and strategies to back up those promises.


Hand Shadow Illusions!

Hand Shadow Illusions breaks the mold of all the other such ebooks and guides you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help you create fascinating and fun hand shadows.

Suppose you could

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Parenting

Kids Party - Best Easter Surprise For Your Kids

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Title: Kids Party - Best Easter Surprise For Your Kids

Plan A Fun-filled Party For Kids this Easter! Learn New Ways To
Make Your Child Happy!

Surprise Your Kid - Arrange Easter Kids Party At Your Place!

Dear Reader,

Easter is a time for fun and parties, but if you are planning to surprise your kids with a fun-filled Easter party then you need to make arrangements beforehand to ensure that everything falls into the right place. Managing a kid's party can be a bit tiresome as controlling the kids and meeting their demands to make them happy is not such an easy task. If you wish to know the secrets to how to please the kids and organize a party that they will enjoy to the hilt then you have come to the right place.

How to organize a kid's Easter party and make it enjoyable:

Proper planning is the basic foundation of any good party, so it is very imperative to get your party planned before hand. Everything starting from the invitations to the food, and games, everything should be planned in advance. When you are planning a party for the kid's then the theme of the party should be something keeping their interest in mind. Whatever you plan, you must think from the prospective of a kid to make it more enjoyable for them.

When organizing a party for the kids, there are some important things that you need to keep in

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children

Great Ideas To Surprise Your Mom On Mother's Day

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Title: Great Ideas To Surprise Your Mom On Mother's Day

Express Your Unconditional Love For Your Sweet Mother!! Surprise Her With Great Mother's Day Ideas!!!

Here's A Manual to Help You Make the Perfect Plans for Wonderful Mother's Day Celebration...

Dear Reader,

We all love our mothers more than anything else in the world and she is the constant source of joy and love. She was there to change your wet nappy, she was there when you were worried about your examinations, she was the shoulder to cry when you had your break up, and she is also there now whenever you need her. Such is the sacrifice and unconditional love of a mother. She is the one who smiles when you smile and cries when you are in trouble. Even when you don't care for her, she is always there caring for you, her baby.

If you wish to make the world really special for her and thank her for all that unconditional love and support that she has given you can do it on this mother's day. It is a great time to let her know how much you love her and how special she is for you. This letter will tell you of a great way by which you can make your mother feel really great this mother's day. Mostly it is the thought that counts for the mothers. Moms never look into the money value of the gift that you get for her.

This is the era of Internet and it is very easy to order a gift for her online and get it delivered right at her door step. But, do you... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Entertainment, Games

10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness

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Title: 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness

"Learning About 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life!"

Learn Tips For Memorable Times With Families And Friends!

Dear Friend,

The aim of a family fun night is to have 'fun'! So, do not pick a board game that's too hard for your kid's age, or one that you detest playing. Selecting a game for family game night may be a little tricky if you have kids at different developmental stages. Begin by playing one that your youngest child definitely may play.

Many people have never heard of this and have no idea how to go about figuring out how to have some good fun with the family.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets behind family fun!

The truth is:

If You Want To Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the happiness they desire in their family life? It's because they don't know that family game nights are easy to put together and can bring hours of joy and produce family closeness.

Which brings us to a very important aspect I must talk about here:

You Can Have More Happiness In Life If You Learn 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Parenting

The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease

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Title: The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease
Author: Thomas Bull


This little ebook has been written for the young and inexperienced mother. It is intended to furnish her with that information which the experience and observation of some years convince the author, young mothers, almost without any exception, do not possess; and yet, from ignorance of which, the constitution of many an infant has received irretrievable injury, and life itself but too frequently fallen a sacrifice.

In the first chapters, devoted to the general management of the child in health, the author has endeavoured to teach the young mother, that the prevention of disease is her province, not its cure; that to this object all her best efforts must be directed; and, moreover, that to tamper with medicine, when disease has actually commenced, is to hazard the life of her offspring.

In the fourth chapter it has been attempted to point out, how the first symptoms of disease may be early detected by the parent. The subject has been felt to be a difficult one, and to give particular directions quite out of the question; but it is hoped that the suggestions thrown out will, in some measure, answer the purpose intended. On the advantage of an early and prompt application of remedies in the diseases of childhood, generally so active in their progress and severe in their character, it is unnecessary to offer any observation.

The latter part of the work, consisting of the maternal management of disease,

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Parenting

Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene

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Title: Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene

I have often been asked to select and epitomize the practical and especially the pedagogical conclusions of my large volumes on Adolescence, published in 1904, in such form that they may be available at a minimum cost to parents, teachers, reading circles, normal schools, and college classes, by whom even the larger volumes have been often used. This, with the cooeperation of the publishers and with the valuable aid of Superintendent C.N. Kendall of Indianapolis, I have tried to do, following in the main the original text, with only such minor changes and additions as were necessary to bring the topics up to date, and adding a new chapter on moral and religions education. For the scientific justification of my educational conclusions I must, of course, refer to the larger volumes. The last chapter is not in "Adolescence," but is revised from a paper printed elsewhere. I am indebted to Dr. Theodore L. Smith of Clark University for verification of all references, proof-reading, and many minor changes.

Introduction: Characterization of the age from eight to twelve-The era of recapitulating the stages of primitive human development-Life close to nature-The age also for drill, habituation, memory, work and regermination-Adolescence superposed upon this stage of life, but very distinct from it.
The years from about eight to twelve constitute a unique period... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Parenting

Your Child: Today and Tomorrow

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Title: Your Child: Today and Tomorrow
Author: Sidonie Matzner Gruenberg

In my efforts to discover something about the nature of the child, as a member of child-study groups, and in my own studies, I have found a large mass of material-accumulated by investigators into the psychology and the biology of childhood-which could be of great practical use to all concerned with the bringing up of children. In this little ebook I have tried to present some of this material in a form that will make it available for those who lack the time, or the special training or the opportunity to work it out for themselves. It has been my chief aim to show that a proper understanding of and sympathy with the various stages through which the child normally passes will do much toward making not only the child happier, but the task of the parents pleasanter. I am convinced that our failure to understand the workings of the child's mind is responsible for much of the friction between parents and children. We cannot expect the children, with their limited experience and their undeveloped intellect, to understand us; if we are to have harmony, intimacy and cooperation, these must come through the parents' successful efforts at understanding the children.

In speaking of the child always in the masculine, I have followed the custom of the specialists. It is of course to be understood that "he" sometimes means "she" and usually "he or she."

It has been impossible to refer at every point to the source of the material... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Entertainment, Games

My Book of Indoor Games

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Title: My Book of Indoor Games


"Let the child imbibe in the full spirit of play. There is nothing like it to keep him on the path of health, right thinking and mind development."
That is the guiding purpose of the author. The reader will find in this ebook a collection of old and present day games. The student of Play has long realized that there are no new games, that all our games of today are built on the old timers.
The purpose of My Ebook of Indoor Games is to furnish amusement, entertainment and to be the means of sociability. So very often the question comes up-"What shall we do?" In many cases this ebook serves only as a reminder, the games and parlor tricks are well known but cannot be recalled at the critical moment. A combination, such as this, of the best of the old-fashioned games and a carefully compiled list of the games of today will furnish much help to the young in their search of entertainment and amusement.
But the ebook will be equally useful to grownups. The author has seen staid, respectable people play "Lubin Loo" with as much zest and spirit as the youngest group of children. All of us have played "Going to Jerusalem." The spirit must be there; there is nothing so contagious as the spirit of play.

This is a game which almost any number of children can play.
The players seat themselves in a circle, and each takes the name of some town, or flower, or

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Education, Parenting

DIPLOMA TEMPLATE by Patti to edit and print!

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Reviewed by Anesika Johnson on 2011-05-20
My Rate 2
need it badly

Reviewed by Aleshia on 2010-08-27
My Rate 4
the site is easy

Reviewed by benito on 2010-07-03
My Rate 5
the most useful

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Title: DIPLOMA TEMPLATE by Patti to edit and print!
Author: Patti

High School Diploma Template

This is a High School Diploma Template that you can edit and print. It has been accepted by colleges, universities, employers, and the U.S. Military!

You can simply add the necessary information or make whatever changes you would like. It is perfect for homeschoolers!

  • Simply add the Student Name, School Name, and date!
  • This is fully editable and ready to print!
  • You even have the options of changing the wording and removing the seal or adding your own!
  • certificate or award, or Eighth Grade Diploma, College Diploma, or University Diploma!:-)
  • This will also work to design your own fake diploma, funny diploma,
  • It works like software that you can safely edit and save
  • This looks authentic and professional printed on Parchment Paper or even plain white paper, and comes with clear instructions, if you're not familiar with Microsoft Word, too!
  • without changing the template for future use!


NOTICE: This diploma does not imply that any requirements for graduation have been met!

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Ebook Type: MS Word
Rating: (3.77 after 9 votes)
Category: Children, Illustrated Picture Books, Parenting

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-31
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "A collection of Printable Coloring & Crafts Pages" as this gives large collection of great themes such as Very Cool Cars!The Female Face,Stunning Stained Glass.

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Title: A Collection of Printable Coloring & Crafts Pages

Are You Tired Of Spending A Fortune On Coloring And Craft Books That Just Get Used Up And Tossed Away?

Are You Looking For Fun Activities Besides Video Games And Television?

"Never Buy Another Coloring, Craft or Activity Book Again!"


Ultimate Coloring Pack - A Collection of Printable Coloring & Crafts Pages

What's Inside?

The Ultimate Coloring Pack is a huge collection of 27 best Coloring and Craft Ebooks! Designed to provide hours of fun for everyone in your family or classroom, this collection is sure to delight! All of these images are in black and white and are ready for you to use for your craft projects. Or use them as is as fun coloring pages.

When you get The Ultimate Coloring Pack you will receive over 3000 pages you can use creatively to celebrate this holiday! Provides hours of fun for everyone in your family or classroom.

Check out the great themes in this collection....

  • Very Cool Cars!
  • The Female Face
  • Stunning Stained Glass
  • Russian Architecture
  • Oh, Deer!
  • My Wedding Day
  • Kool Kaleidescopes
  • Funny Catch Phrases
  • Fun With Flowers
  • Fish Friends
  • Fabulous Fashion
  • Delightful Dogs
  • Cute and Curious Cats
  • Crazy Cavemen
  • Celtic Animals
  • Beautiful Butterflies
  • Angels By My Side
  • Amazing Horses
  • Amazing
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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
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