As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.

CPA Marketing Revealed Ebook

CPA Marketing Revealed
Category: E-Marketing
Ebook cover: CPA Marketing Revealed


Title: CPA Marketing Revealed

"Why CPA Marketing so often disappoints - and how to avoid being another one of the sadder-but-wiser majority..."

"Uncover The Secrets That Will Show You How To Take Your CPA Marketing Efforts From Pocket Change To A Viable Income!"

Dear Busy Online Marketer,

You may or may not have thought of dabbling with CPA marketing. After all, everyone's always talking about "not leaving money on the table". And CPA marketing certainly is a good way to painlessly generate extra income from sites you already own.

The beauty of "Cost Per Action" - just getting people to click or give up contact information, rather than buy - lies in the fact that it's not anywhere near as hard as working your buns off to push through an actual conversion - that is, land an actual sale.

In other words, most of the time, you don't have to actually be the one who makes the sale. You just have to send the advertiser a "lead" - he does all the hard work of following up!

(And when a sale does result - when your campaign becomes a "cost per acquisition" rather than a "cost per action", you can look forward to even more reward, on top of your regular "lead" commission!)

With CPA marketing, you just install the beautifully constructed ad that your hard working CPA network affiliate manager provided you with in a suitable spot on your website, sit back... and collect.


Chances are, if you do it that way, you may run into a real danger that too many people have tripped over...

You end up making peanuts...

(And I do mean, pocket change!)

Worse, you might already be spending extra money on PPC ads to drive people to what you don't yet realize is a non-viable, low-return campaign. (And that's money you won't make back!)

(All that, of course, is assuming your application will be approved by a CPA network in the first place! They're notoriously picky, and most people experience more refusals than acceptances - just check on any forum!)

I'll tell you up front...

CPA Marketing is Viable...
But You Have to Know A Few Things, to Make it Really Work

If you don't know how CPA networks actually function, and if you're assuming they do so exactly like regular affiliate marketing, you're missing vital pieces of information. And that virtually guarantees you'll experience a lot more disappointment than you need to, once you take that step into the world of CPA marketing.

You need to know about things like:

  • 5 types of CPA marketing - and a ballpark idea of what sort of payout you can really expect
  • 2 critical differences between CPA networks and regular affiliate programs
  • 5 key things to set in place that CPA networks will love you for
  • 5 common newbie mistakes that CPA networks really, really hate

In addition to this, you have to understand critical facts about your site visitor. And how things work in the CPA marketing "real world".

  • The absurdly simple way to make people actually thankful for your CPA offer
  • You need to quickly clue yourself in on factor such as:
  • The single most fatal mistake almost everyone encourages CPA marketers to make
  • The 2 most important things to learn about your customer - and you!
  • The second mistake almost everyone makes (the one where everyone stops instead of starts!)
  • The 9 questions you have to answer about your customer before you know how to make him click
  • 3 common but easily preventable causes of CPA disappointment

On top of that, you have to know how to translate all the dry stuff into "real world" thinking - and action.

And, of course, you'd like to do all this easily, without long learning curves - so you can start earning as quickly as possible from those targeted clicks!

Are You Reading This Page because You've Already been Turned Down by CPA Networks?

This is a common problem that even experienced marketers sometimes have to grin and bear.

You can, of course, call the CPA rep back and ask what went wrong. Then fix it, of course, and hope they'll let you try again.

But wouldn't it be better to know what to do - and what not to do - to greatly increase your chances of being accepted in the first place?

There is a reason that CPA networks are so picky. And it's one that is good for you - and your pocketbook - in the ultimate end.

You don't want to be one of the multitude left at the backstage door, vainly watching friends of the band sail effortlessly through.

You want to be one of the rock stars!

The way to get in on the "inside" - and then up to the top - is to start out the right way from the word "go".

So you know:

  • How to play it like a pro
  • The rules of the game
  • What decisions to make - and why
  • What suits your personal comfort zone

This latter point is not a "big" one - but it's driven more people out of CPA marketing than any other. And it's also been responsible for half-hearted and money-losing CPA attempts that convince no one at all - least of all your site visitor!

There are many areas on which you can focus - or wisely choose to avoid - when it comes to CPA marketing.

For example, gambling ads are a traditional source of big CPA revenue (if you're not thoroughly tromped by all the competition, of course.) But it's also an area that sticks in many peoples' ethics!

You Don't Have to be Stuck With Presenting CPA Offers that Just Don't Feel Natural To You, Your Lifestyle - And Values!

The truth is, there are effective ways to use much less "popular" CPA topics - and actually do better with these than you would have with subjects that make you uncomfortable.

And then, of course, you need to know how to separate your eggs into different baskets (so that if you drop one, you don't lose them all!)

If you're a "visual" learner, you may find it helpful to look, not just at words, but at real-life examples. (Which is why I've included a sampling - and analysis - in this Special Report.)

And speaking of the look of your CPA ads...

It Doesn't Matter if you Don't Know the First Thing about Design

That's another bit of beauty about CPA marketing - your network Rep provides all the artwork and resources you need!

But you do need to know how to make all that "good design" work for you... and how to effectively choose the right ad versions, and place them in the right psychological spot on your website page.

There are basic principles that have proven to convert to clicks better than all the fanciest graphics in the world...

You'll also need to be aware that there are speedy ways to "kill" a good ad - and unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately for you) we all see too many of these examples live on the web, right now!

I've written a Special Report, "CPA Marketing Revealed", to help you steer your way through all these small but important CPA pitfalls - and help you get the best return you possible can, from your CPA marketing campaigns.

In my Special Report, I show you some of the best tips and techniques - ones that others have already found out the hard way - by trial and error.

You can "cut to the chase" straight away, and set yourself firmly in the top third of the game before you ever start!

So discover how to choose the right CPA ads for your marketing plan today - and discover how to integrate them into your blogs and websites in ways that have proven to be the most effective.

Discover how to be selective, in knowing how and why to go with "hot" or "not" markets - and how to find ads you can be proud to display.

Take advantage of this handy, no-nonsense manual and download "CPA Marketing Revealed" now, while you're still thinking about it. Just press the button below and make up your mind for yourself, seconds from now.

Yes! I really want to discover more about CPA marketing today - and shortcut my way past the usual "newbie" mistakes. I need to know exactly how to choose CPA ads that will bring me maximum results!

Please send me my copy of "CPA Marketing Revealed" - so I can decide if CPA marketing is something I can easily add to my multiple streams of income." 

I understand your Special Report can speedily clue me in on:

  • 6 hot CPA markets I can choose to explore - or avoid!
  • 2 "must-have" pieces of info to make sure I include in any CPA network application
  • 3 vital functions my CPA website must include, for easy site visitor interest
  • A CPA Checklist to make sure I cover everything I need to have - and do - before I start
  • 3 drop-dead simple ways to increase my readers' interaction and interest

But most of all, "CPA Marketing Revealed" will save me valuable time and effort, helping me set up my CPA marketing campaigns without stress - because I'll know everything I need to get my foot firmly enough in the door to open it wide.

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