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Francis Bacon

Building Your Opt-In List Ebook

Building Your Opt-In List
Category: E-Business
Ebook cover: Building Your Opt-In List


Title: Building Your Opt-In List

Your Lifeline To Success Online!

In the wide wide world of Internet marketing every guru worth his salt will tell you the building your opt-in list is not only an important part of successful Internet marketing but that it is the one of the most vital parts.
I wish I could tell you that building an opt-in list is quick and easy. Unfortunately, that would be a bald faced lie. The top Internet marketers have lists that number in the 10's of thousands and some have lists that number in the 100's of thousands. They didn't build those lists overnight. They built them one subscriber at the time and that is the same way that you will have to build your own opt-in list.
Internet marketing is a whole different animal than brick and mortar marketing. Some of the same rules apply, of course, but the methods are different. Out in the real world, marketers can rely on foot traffic. Foot traffic never happens on the Internet. A buyer isn't going to just accidentally stumble across your website, come in and buy from you.
Brick and mortar businesses can advertise their products and services in ways that are visible to a great many potential customers. Advertising your business on the Internet doesn't rely on physical visibility of advertising. The best and most effective advertising on the Internet is done on a one-on-one basis (i.e. marketing to your own opt-in list).
Your own opt-in list consists of the names and email addresses of those people who are the most apt to buy the product or service that you are selling.
Several years ago, new marketers could just buy lists of people's names and email addresses and do mass mailings. That all changed when the SPAM laws were passed. You are no longer allowed to mail advertisements about your business to anybody who hasn't specifically said that they want to receive email from you. If you do, it is called SPAMMING and it is illegal. There are substantial fines and penalties for sending unsolicited email. This is where opt-in lists come into play.
You need for visitors to your website to agree to receive e-mail from you so that you will not be accused of sending SPAM. This opt-in list is also a list of the people who are the ones most likely to want to buy what you are selling so it isn't all bad.
In this e-book we will discuss the many aspects of opt-in list building.

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Why Opt-In Lists are Vital

  • How can A List Help My Business?
  • Why Build An Opt-In List?

Chapter II: How to Build an Opt-In List

  • Using Blogs & Forums To Build Your List
  • Write Articles To Build Your List
  • Writing E-Books To Build Your List
  • Using Joint Ventures To Build Your List
  • Using Your List To Build Your List
  • Using Giveaways To Build Your List
  • Using Live Seminars To Build Your List
  • Using Press Releases To Build Your List
  • Using Teleseminars And Webinars
  • Using Affiliate Marketing To Build Your List
  • Using Link Exchanges To Build Your List
  • Using Viral E-Mail To Build Your List
  • Using List Building Services

Chapter III: Your Autoresponder

  • Setting Up Your Autoresponder
  • Choosing An Autoresponder
  • Loading Messages Into Your Autoresponder
  • Effective Use Of Your Autoresponder
  • Your Welcoming E-Mail
  • Special Autoresponder Features

Chapter IV: Opt-In Box Placement
Chapter V: Squeeze Pages
Chapter VI: How to Use an Opt-In List


Ebook cover: Building Your Opt-In List
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Price: $7.00
Ebook Type: PDF
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