Body ebooks
Title: Limb Remodeling
I Discovered the Secret Method of Adding Extra Inches of Solid Height, No Matter What Your Age Is..Even If You Haven't Grown in Years!
“The Secret of Growing Taller Is Finally Exposed”
You’ll Discover...
- How to Perform a special type of Exercise Routines to INCREASE YOUR HEIGHT Starting Today!
- Why Your Body Stops Growing, and what you can do to REIGNITE YOUR GROWTH STAGE Regardless of Your Age!
- How to Activate your Growth Plates & Prolong your Growing Period with a simple technique.
- The Powerful EFFECTS & SECRETS that Human Growth Hormone Treatments have on your ability to effectively reach your desired height.
- How to Add an EXTRA INCH OR TWO Right Now, just by using an amazing secret.
- How to Predict your Actual Genetic Height, and thus KNOW YOUR COMPLETE GROWING POTENTIAL
- Twenty HEIGHT INCREASING Exercise Videos designed by fitness expertsYou'll also learn how to increase the vertical length of your spine by correcting muscular imbalances.
- How to ELIMINATE AND REVERSE POSTURAL PROBLEMS like Kyphosis (Hunch Back), Lordosis (Sway Back), Scoliosis, and Duck Feet that take away precious inches from your height.
- How to PREVENT YOUR SPINE FROM SHRINKING, and the exact method to reverse it, thereby increasing your height.
- The only effective product on the market that actually increases your height.
- The Correlation
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Visual Impact Muscle Building
Author: Rusty Moore
Gaining 20 pounds of muscle is NOT impressive if 15 pounds of that is on your butt, thighs, and waist.
Why Simply Gaining XX Pounds of Muscle "Wherever it Winds Up" is Not the Route to An Attractive Body!
Gaining untargeted muscle is easy and over-rated. The problem with following the standard advice of concentrating on the "big 3" lifts (deadlift, squat and bench press) is that it will most likely create a terrible looking, bulky physique.
Just a Few of the Topics I Cover in this Course...
- Why simply training heavy and using "progressive resistance" doesn't guarantee that you will add muscle mass. Here is what does...
- A detailed explanation of what a mass building set "feels" like. This way you can be sure that each set actually builds the muscle instead of just making you sore.
- Why lifting heavy is better for tone and lifting light is better for mass. Almost everyone gets this switched around...get this right and you will be able to create the perfect look.
- How to specialize on a lagging body part without over-training...turning your weak body parts into strong points.
- A "bonus phase" strategy that will pack 5-10 pounds of fat free mass quickly onto your physique right before an event...insuring shrink-wrapped skin and full muscles.
- How to split up your routine if you don't want to add mass to your legs, hips, and butt...& how to structure routine if you do need to add size... Click here to read the full description!
Title: Huge Arms Fast
Author: Paul Becker
Build Huge Arms Fast with Old School Arm Building Workouts
Bodybuilding Historian Rediscovers Lost Secrets of Building Huge Arms Fast
These Amazing Old School Arm Building Secrets Can Add Up To 2 Inches To Your Arms In Only 8 Weeks!
Old school bodybuilders had so many secrets just on building arms, that you could write a book only on that subject.
If you really want to build arms so big that they actually shock people you need to check out the exclusive information that's collected in this awesome book...
The information that's crammed into this amazing new book is some of the most important information you'll ever read when it comes to building massive biceps and triceps.
Here's just some of what you'll learn...
- How to build huge arms fast without using steroids
- What are the best exercises for biceps and triceps
- Should you use heavy weights with less reps or moderate weight for more reps
- How to get big arms that literally fill up your sleeves
- How to get amazing arms even training at home
- How often should you train your arms
- How to build bulging biceps and hanging triceps
- The best combinations of sets and reps
- For biceps should you use a straight bar or an ez curl bar
- How to get the right balance between biceps and triceps
- A workout program that can add up to 1/2 inch to you arms in one day
- How... Click here to read the full description!
Title: The No-Fail Body Makeover Package
The "No-Fail Body Makeover Package" is the ultimate fitness program. Follow the steps outlined in this package and the ladies will be drooling over your body in a matter of weeks.
This one bonus package contains three separate books, all written by award winning fitness expert Sean Nalewanyj:
- Body Sculpting Recipes: Nutrition is crucial to both burning fat and building muscle. Sean has included a recipe ebook with more than 25 quick and nutritious meals and smoothies.
- 8 Things You Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle: Let's face it, women love guys with rippling muscles. Sean lays out the steps to building the perfect physique in this ebook.
- Fat Burning Fairy Tales: In this ebook, Sean exposes a number of the most common fat burning myths and lays out the proper ways to burn fat and lose weight.
Title: Homemade Muscles
Get strong & lean without going to the gym
In this eBook you will read about how went from being an unhealthy skinny-fat guy to getting back in a great physique without even leaving my house and using only a pull up bar.
The only equipment I would recommend you having for this workout plan is a pull bar.
I just offer you a motivational workout plan coupled with coupled with realistic nutritional advice. Nothing more, nothing less!
All the muscle I had as a professional athlete was gone and I felt that I was living in a sick depressed body.
Depending on which of the workout plans I offer you in this eBook you will pick you still have to workout hard 3-4 times a week for an average of 50 minutes.
Title: SpecForce Alpha - Tactical Fitness System
Author: Todd Lamb
Discover the Previously Non-Disclosed System that Special Operators and Real-Life Action-Heroes Are Using Right Now to carve Rock Hard Bodies and Maintain Mission Readiness — With Zero Equipment!
Inside the SpecForce Alpha program, you’ll discover covert muscle building and fat loss secrets like…
- The stealth Target Focused Muscle™ technique that forces ripped muscle growth quickly, using your own bodyweight!…
- The exact 7-day training cycle responsible for the year-round rock hard physiques of virtually every special forces operator around the globe…
- The precise set and rep scheme to dramatically increase your natural Growth Hormone production that quickly accelerates fat loss…
- …Including why it’s fine to drink beer and eat manly foods like burgers and pizza without sacrificing your physique or performance…
- Exactly what and when to eat, based on your personal Marcronutrient Profile, to keep your testosterone levels optimal…
- 2 spec ops mindset and focus “shifting” techniques to instantly make you look, act and even think like an Alpha Male…
- Exactly how to build the kind of functional strength spec ops guys use to lift loads as much as 9 times their bodyweight… Without ever stepping foot in a gym…
- Detailed video coaching on the perfect execution of every single fat burning,
Title: Deceleration Training to Prevent ACL Tears
Are You Looking for a Proven System for Preventing ACL Tears that will Keep Your Athletes Healthy and Performing at Full Speed All Season Long?
This Easy-To-Follow System Has Helped Thousands Of Athletes Prevent Major Knee Injuries.
Here is Our Step-by-Step ACL Tear Prevention Program
- Box Deceleration Work:
In this section, you will learn how to use a plyometric box as the first step for teaching an athlete which muscles to emphasize for deceleration.
- Deceleration Stop Positions & 5x5 Drills:
Now, you will discover the three main stopping positions that your athletes must master for proper deceleration of the body.
- 5x5 Drills with Defensive and Offensive Take-offs:
In this stage, you will understand exactly how to train proper change of direction skills after the correct deceleration techniques have been learned.
- Power Runs with Forward Accelerations:
Now that deceleration has been emphasized for several weeks, it is time to improve re-acceleration with Power Runs.
- Power Runs with Defensive & Offensive Take-offs:
At this point in the program, we will take Power Runs to another level and ramp up the speed and directional demands of the sports your athletes compete in.
- Direction... Click here to read the full description!
Title: The Kettlebell Challenge Workouts
Here are a few of the benefits you can expect when you try out this full system for yourself:
- Get a lean, athletic looking build
- Slash your body fat
- Bump up your current weights
- “Tighten up”
- Do it QUICK – with a workout that can fit into your crazy schedule
- Get STRONG – WITHOUT lots of expensive equipment
- Seamlessly integrate kettlebells and body weight, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your KB routine
In this high-quality, fluff-free program, you will be taken by the hand as I walk you through:
- BRAND NEW kettlebell challenge workouts that you can do any time, any place, with just a single kettlebell and your own body weight. Get a smoker of a workout FAST when you learn the simple secrets I uncover in this program.
- Common mistakes people make with their challenge workout programming – and how to fix them. Keep your training targeted, while you still have fun with these unique training techniques.
- Workouts that give you maximum “bang for your buck” – high intensity sessions that make every second count! Get into elite condition and burn TONS of body fat at the same time.
Title: The Trouble Spot Training
Now You Can Use The World's ONLY 3 Phase Training System Proven To Target Your Most Stubborn Body Parts and Transform Your Trouble Spots – All While Quickly Burning Fat and Building Lean Muscle.
Yes, starting TODAY you can instantly coax your most difficult body parts to transform - all while achieving your ideal body shape WITHOUT performing thousands of useless crunches or WASTING your hard earned money on dangerous creams, pills and potions.
Even if you;
- Have tried expensive spot reducing gimmicks
- Have failed miserably in the past
- Have been working out for years (or hardly at all)
- Have skinny guy's syndrome
- Have considered getting implants
- Have terrible genetics and a slow metabolism
- Are over the age of 40 (like me!)...
Most trainers and dieticians are DEAD WRONG when it comes to transforming trouble spots and are actually causing you more harm than good!
Today’s Most Popular Workouts Are STOPPING You From Transforming Your Trouble Spots and Targeting Your Worst Problem Areas
And you want to know the best part?
This isn't some "elite method" reserved for competitive athletes, fitness models, and bodybuilders with superior genetics.
YOU can use the EXACT same techniques to produce the exact same results – regardless of your genetics.
Believe it or not…these results are achieved
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Reviewed by Wilson on 2022-09-13
My Rate 5
Excellent!!!Success starts in the mind. . . where the mind
flows. . . the body goes. I cannot stress enough how
important the mind factor is.
Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-03
My Rate 5
this is very useful book its help a lot . thank you ebook
Reviewed by kinshuk prawal on 2016-03-12
My Rate 4
very useful book. contains easy to understand language and tips
Leave a review and rating!
Title: Instant Muscle Advantage
Your no-nonsense ebook to building maximum muscle in minimum time with the least amount of effort… scientifically based and real world tested by former Mr Australia and personal trainer, Richard Hargreaves.
Just Add Water (and a little sweat)” covers 4 main areas. Author considers these the 4 key elements to muscle building success: Exercise, Attitude, Diet, and Ergogenics (performance enhancers). The exercise section reveals a secret muscle building training routine that has proved to be the most effective for packing on muscle fast that Richard has come across in his 3 decades of experience.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.66 after 3 votes)
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