Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one they sprung up.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Body ebooks

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Category: Body, Health

Staying Young

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Title: Staying Young

Learn The Secrets To Staying Young... Forever!!

Learn How To Hinder The Aging Process On Your Body And In Your Life!

Dear Friend,

Do you feel left out when it comes to trying to look young and keeping up with other people your age? Do you feel as though your body has been "run down" like an old vehicle on its last legs? Those feelings that you have not only affect you physically, but they can also affect you mentally! That's not good!!

Your mental state is just as important as your physical state when you start to age. However, you don't have to think nor look old! Wow! That's something to behold, right there. You mind advises your body that it is thinking and that means it can have thoughts of looking young, feeling young and staying young! I mean, who wants to go around looking and feeling like an old hag?

There are men and women out there who are desperate to know what they can do to keep their youthful look. They know that they have years left on their life and they want to spend it looking revitalized, refreshed and renewed. Of course, there are many ways to do that. No matter which way you start, you will always have to start with your mind and thought process.

Forget the surgery where you have to wonder whether or not your insurance will pay for it or not. Even if they pay for part of it, you will still have to come up with the other part before they will perform the... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Body, Fitness

The Jogging Guide

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Title: The Jogging Guide

Jogging to Lose Weight

Anyone who is trying to lose weight needs to engage in some kind of aerobic exercise in order to boost the metabolism to burn calories faster. Although a brisk walk will suffice, many people are more comfortable with jogging and feel it works better for them. Making the choice to jog during weight loss will not only help you lose weight but will also help you get into the routine of exercising, a move that will help you keep the weight off when you have reached your goal weight. The ideal exercise for weight loss is a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise-jogging combined with some weight lifting routines.

Getting into the habit of jogging is not a difficult one for most people, but if you have never been one to exercise, it may come as a shock at first. You do not want to try to jump right into a long jogging workout but rather begin slowly and work your way up to where you want to be. Do not rush to reach the amount of time you wish to spend jogging but let your body manual you and let you know when you are ready. If you allow your body to be your manual, it will be much easier to work into a jogging routine
without all of the discomfort.

In order to achieve the ultimate weight loss, you want to make jogging part of your routine but not the only exercise you perform. Although aerobic exercise is what helps you burn calories, resistance xercise helps you build lean muscle mass

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Category: Body, Fitness

Body Sculpture

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Title: Body Sculpture

Don't Read this Report....

Unless you want to miss out on the most exciting information about Sculpted Muscles in a Decade!

That's how important, and timely, this report is!

Dear :
Do you long for a better physique with more shapely and defined muscles? If so, you're not alone! The problem is that while many people would love to have better defined muscles they're not sure how to go about achieving them.

I felt exactly the same way just a few short months ago. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get the muscles I wanted. None of the diets and exercises I tried worked.

I knew I had to do something.

That's when I started to read everything I could on the subject of sculpted muscles.

What I discovered completely changed my life!

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on sculpted muscles does just that!

Everything you need to know to sculpt your muscles is included in this special report:

  • The Link Between Repetitions and Muscle Sculpting
  • Busting the Myths of Muscle Sculpting
  • Handling Plateaus
  • Diet and Muscle Sculpting
  • Exercise and Muscle Sculpting
  • Dance and Muscle Sculpting
  • Understanding the Impacts of Steroid Use

I leave absolutely

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness, Health

Beginners Guide To Healthy Running

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Title: Beginners Guide To Healthy Running
Author: Amanda Whiston

- What do you know about exercise?

"Are You a Couch Potato?"

- The Truth About Running for Good Health!

Dear Reader,

Well, you have finally made a decision. You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. You know you have to eat right and you know you have to start an exercise program.

Finding a diet plan is easy. There are tons of recipes and charts available that help you identify what your dietary goals must be. When it comes to exercise, however, it starts getting difficult.

Oh, there are also many exercise programs out there. The problem is usually cost. You can join a fitness club. You can build your own exercise gym at home. You could buy one of those machines that are advertised on the TV.

Again, all great ideas. The problem is that each would probably cost you your first born child! Fitness clubs and gyms require a monthly fee and a long-term contract. Each of the other two plans have equally prohibitive costs.

So, What's the Alternative?

Well, it's running, of course! It might cost you a new pair of shoes if you don't already own a good pair of running shoes. Other than that the cost is measured in the amount of time you are ready to invest in your good health.

There are club dues to pay. You don't need to buy high-priced exercise equipment. All you need

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Category: Body, Fitness

Body Building: Get Ready To Get Ripped

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Title: Body Building: Get Ready To Get Ripped

Discover The Proven Secrets Of Pro Trainers In Achieving Massive Muscle Growth, Quickly & Easily!

Dear Friend,

Admit it. You're sick and tired of spending your life in the gym trying to bulk up your body, as you train endlessly for hours a day, with very little to show for it.

If this sounds like you, let me tell you; it's not your fault.

Ineffective methods are being taught all over the country, in gyms, training manuals and even by personal trainers who have absolutely no clue how to effectively gain weight and build muscle, not only quickly and easily but so it's sustainable.

There's no point in busting ass trying to get the body you're looking for only to discover that a few months down the road, you're back to the condition you were in before. The way you training right now is probably the VERY reason you have yet to experience the results you want, and need.

We're Not Genetically Blessed..

I used to believe that there was no physical possibility of ever bulking up and adding layers of muscle on my scrawny frame. I wasn't interested in jacking up on steroids and I wasn't going to put my health in jeopardy just for the chance to tower over the other guys at the gym.. just wasn't worth it.

I came from a family of rail thin dudes, and I figured there was no humanly way possible that I would ever be

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness, Men

How to Get Perfect Abs

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Title: How to Get Perfect Abs

Want to lose the wobbly belly?...

"Learn The Secret of How to Get Perfect Abs!"

Dear Friend,

Do you want to have the body of your dreams, including six pack abs that are sculpted and perfect? Do you look at other people on the beach and envy their good bodies and wish that you had the body to wear the bathing suit you have always wanted? Have you tried starving yourself and exercising, only to find out that you did not achieve any sort of results?

You are not alone. There are a great many people out there who would love to have perfect abdominal muscles. A flat stomach and perfect abs not only make you look nicer, but they make your clothes fit better, too.

There are plenty of abdominal machines and exercise gadgets that promise results, but fall flat. How much money have you wasted trying to get the perfect abs, only to have some gadget sit in the back of your closet? This can be very frustrating, especially when you feel as though you are throwing your money away and not getting results.

Most of these products fail because they only give you one way to get to the abs of your dreams. And if this way doesn't work for you, you're out of luck. But it seemed that all of the advice to get flat abs was geared towards buying some type of gadget or some magic pill.

The only advice....until now!...

What if someone

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Category: Body, Health

The Newbies Guide To Massage

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Title: The Newbies Guide To Massage


Rediscovering the wonders of massage...

Modern times give people 'instant' everything. It gives them 'instant' convenience, 'instant' solutions and 'instant' results among so many others. But, amidst all the advantages it gives to people, it also brings a lot of stress that would eventually lead to serious problems.

Realizing this, most people are now rediscovering things that would somehow relieve their stressed out, busy lives. And emerging part of this new bandwagon of red iscoveries is the wonders of massage. Despite the emergence of different massage parlors, saunas and spas, enjoying a wonderful massage don't have to expensive.

And, why fish out extra bucks when you can enjoy all the benefits of massage in the comforts of your own abode with that special someone?

Whether you decide to be the massage receiver or the massage giver, it is very important to keep some things in mind to make massage a more pleasurable and memorable experience.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Beauty, Body, Health

Quick and Easy Acne Elimination

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Title: Quick and Easy Acne Elimination

Just Released! The Proven Remedy For Clear, Acne Free Skin That Works Quickly, Safely And Permanently!

Dear Friend,

Forget everything you think you know about how to treat acne with expensive medications or painful techniques because as of RIGHT NOW, you will never have to spend another dime on a treatment that just doesn't work!

I am going to show you how to rid yourself of acne quickly and easily from the comfort of your own home, and without ever having to take an embarrassing journey through drug stores, dermatologists or doctors offices ever again.

So let's get serious about your acne and talk about what is REALLY going on in your life because this goes FAR beyond just the acne you're dealing with but how it actually affects everything around you.

First of all, if you've been suffering from severe, recurring acne it's likely that your social life has taken a major nose dive, right? You're embarrassed about the condition of your skin and the last thing on your mind is going out with friends and family because you just don't want anyone looking at you.

And then there's the actual pain involved in having red hot acne flare ups that feel like your skin is on fire. And on top of all of this, you have that constant fear in the back of your mind that this acne you're suffering from will leave ugly, permanent scarring.

I've been there, as

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Category: Body, Fitness

Weight Lifting and Weight Training

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Title: Weight Lifting and Weight Training

"Have you ever wondered how to do a proper dead-lift but didn't knew who to ask? Here are some great tips on becoming the next Mister Univers!"

Do you ever envy those people who are great weight lifters without appearing to put any effort into it at all?

Without the right tools and information, it could take you years to figure out the secrets to achieving peak performance. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to discover how to achieve success in weight lifting the way you've always dreamed.

I have always had an interest in all kinds of weight lifting but I just never could seem to accomplish everything that I wanted. It was embarrassing and humiliating. I desperately longed to be a better weight lifter.

I didn't understand what I was doing wrong but I was determined to find out!

What I discovered completely changed everything!

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on how to be an better weight lifter does just that!

Introducing ...

Weight Lifting and Weight Training

A Comprehensive Manual to Increasing Your Health Through Scientifically Founded Weightlifting!

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Category: Body, Fitness

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-18
My Rate 5
I love this book and will give 5stars to it as helps me a lot by giving tactics to Tighten the muscles under your love handles to make those bulges practically disappear,
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision.

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
Develop astonishing core strength, rock-solid stability and explosive power

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-28
My Rate 5
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision

Read all 4 reviews...

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Title: The Best Abdominal Exercises
Author: Nick Nilsson

It's taken 16 years of research, experimentation, and sweat to develop these extraordinary and powerful, NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN abdominal exercises.

If you've got the desire, these exercises will ensure you...

  • Use every moment of your ab workout to maximum efficiency, cutting your workout time to a fraction of what it was before, with stunning results!
  • Tighten your waist to wasp-like proportions
  • Tighten the muscles under your love handles to make those bulges practically disappear
  • Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision
  • Get great abs, even if you don't have any training equipment at all!
  • Flatten your stomach in areas where regular crunches totally fail (lower belly bulge)
  • Develop six-pack abs that pop out and make a washboard look like a chalkboard
  • Develop astonishing core strength, rock-solid stability and explosive power


Upper Abs - Develop an eye-popping six-pack that will reach out and GRAB attention!

  • Think you've felt a strong contraction in your abs before? Just wait till you try this cable exercise that ... Click here to read the full description!

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