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Body ebooks

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Category: Body, Health, Sports

Steroids - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Title: Steroids - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Author: Crosier Sullivan
A Complete Guide to the Use and Abuse of Steroids

You hear it on the evening news. You see it in the newspaper headlines. Another young athlete loses his life as a result of illegal steroid use. He may be a friend of your own child or even a family member, bringing the tragedy that much closer to home.

It's no surprise why our children are falling prey to the lure of enhanced performance. They are bombarded with images of their favorite athletes mocking the rules and blatantly espousing the use (or should we say abuse) of these deadly concoctions.

Let's not confuse the positive uses for steroids. Doctors often recommend them to patients for treating diseases like:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Breast Cancer
  • Hereditary Angioedaema
  • Anemia
  • Inflammation,
  • Thrombosis
  • Endometriosis

These and many other conditions benefit from the use of anabolic steroids. They are especially helpful in the treatment of AIDS wasting syndrome. In this case, they help to rebuild muscle.

They are also used in fighting HIV infections and hormonal deficiencies in men. Steroids reduce joint pain in women due to osteoporosis in the joints like knees, elbows, hips and more.

Our problem isn't with the curative effects of steroid use, rather, the abuse of steroids.

If you suspect that someone you care for may be heading down the slippery slope of steroid abuse, you need to arm yourself with the most effective weapon available. That weapon is

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Category: Body, Health, Women

Sun and Sunless Tanning

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Title: Sun and Sunless Tanning
Author: Dick Merkell
How to Sizzle With or Without the Sun and Enjoy A Tan All Year Round!

Have you ever wondered about how celebrities always seem to have those gorgeous suntans and wish you knew their secrets?

You've heard all the horror stories about being out in the sun so you use the highest SPF sunscreen you can find and settle for being safe instead of sorry. Maybe you've even tried a tanning booth or lamp.

Even those aren't considered safe so you use one of the tanning lotions that only leave you a horrible shade of orange with nasty looking stains on your hands and clothing. Or maybe your skin even started flaking!

Has this happened to you? You spend just a few hours outdoors in the afternoon only to wake up that night feeling like shish kabob! The sun can be deadly and sunburn is no fun whatsoever!

What's a person to do? One minute you hear that the sun will cause cancer (which it can) and the next minute you hear that the sunscreen you put on two hours ago has already worn off! Where can you get the straight scoop!

Take a few minutes, sit back and relax. We've taken the guesswork out of tanning and put the answers right at your fingertips!

Tanning can be safe, affordable and fun! Learn how with "The Complete Guide to Sun and Sunless Tanning!" Learn how to take charge of your own tanning needs. Discover how you can continue your daily activities without having to worry about what is best for YOU!

Find out how to stay outdoors longer than you intended without it becoming a serious issue.

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Category: Body, Health, Women

The Sunless Tanning Guide

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Title: The Sunless Tanning Guide
Enjoy A Tan All Year Long! Sizzle without the Sun!

Now in under 5-Minutes & the time it takes to grab your tanning lotion, swim suit, and flip flops ...

You can lighten your tanning worries & darken your skin; in short....get help now with The Sunless Tanning Guide

Interested in getting a tan?

But maybe people have been telling you that you can get skin cancer if you're out in the sun too long?

So you think about a tanning booth or tanning lamp... But people say that they're not safe either.

So you check into other tanning solutions. You find there are many: tanning pills, tanning lamps, tanning lotions, tanning gels, tanning accelerators...ugh!

What happens over time? Maybe some of these:

  • Your hands and clothing, not to mention your favorite chair and bathrobe, were tanned - and stained - - in the process.
  • You try some tanning products. You turn orange.
  • Your tan starts flaking and you aren't sure what to do.
  • You aren't sure whether to moisturize first, exfoliate last, use tanning solution in the middle? You wonder what you really need. And in what order..?
  • You don't know how to tell which tanning products are safe. SPF stands for Should Put First, right? But you're still safe out in the sun, right?
  • You quit - - for now... and head back to the tanning booth, fully intent to pick up your sunless tanning research and experiment where you left off sometime next week. Or maybe next month over a
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Category: Body, Health, Women

Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger

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Title: Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger

There was a little boy who never wanted to grow up. He lived with a group of other little boys who felt the same way. This group of little boys thought they were happy until they discovered that there was something missing in their lives. They didn't have a mother. . . .

That's how the story of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys began. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a fairy tale like this came true? Sadly, we live in a world of reality.

Unlike Peter, we do grow up and as we do, we grow older.

Juan Ponce de Leon trekked across Florida and the Caribbean centuries ago searching for the illusive Fountain of Youth. Little did he know that he would leave behind a legacy that is still alive and well today!

In fact, this relentless search for youth can be traced back to ancient civilians who blamed the gods for old age.

Every day we are bombarded with the "not so subliminal" message that youth and good looks are all that matters. This message is coming through loud and clear at the same time that we are living longer than ever before.

Comedian George Burns lived to 100. When asked if his doctor knew he still smoked, Burns said, "No. . . he's dead! George was that rare exception to the smoking rule. But, he did beat all the odds!

Dylan Thomas had it right:

" Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Yes, you can change your own destiny. The only question is whether you are

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Category: Body, Fitness, Weight Loss

Permanent Weight Loss The Natural Way

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Title: Permanent Weight Loss The Natural Way

Have You Finally Lost Faith In Diet Pills, Weight-Loss Ebooks and "No Fat" Foods?

Quit Trying To Keep Up With The Latest Trends That Never Give You The Results That You Deserve - Learn How To Feed Your Body NATURALLY And Give It What It Really Needs -- And You WILL Lose Weight!

  • Are you tired of wasting money on those "Name Brand" diets that come and go with each year?
  • Are you fed-up with the supplements and the diet pills that never work?
  • Are you tired of having to stick to these starvation diets to see any REAL results?

Well, if you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions then you need to step off the "dieter's treadmill" and start feeding your body NATURALLY.

Feeding Your Body Naturally Is the Key to Weight Loss

It's so true...we tend to think that to lose weight we have to restrict ourselves to starvation crash diets portions however time and time again has proven that this method of weight loss does not work. In fact, if you would like to gain weight this is the perfect method to go about it. Studies have shown that such diets only make you fatter than you were before and damage your body in the process.

When you hear the phrase "feeding your body naturally" do you have images of high-priced foods, raw meals or

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Category: Body, Health

Your Guide To Colon Cleansing

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Title: Your Guide To Colon Cleansing
Author: Peter Mason
Get a Smoother Tummy and Feel More Energized!

According to MSNBC News "Colon Cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States."  And, "150,000 Americans will be diagnosed with the disease and 60,000 will die from the disease this year!"

Is colon cleansing a definitive answer to curing colorectal cancer?  Of course not.  If anyone tries to hype that to you, run the other way! "Snake oil salesmen" are still alive and well in this century!

What colon cleansing can do is rid our body of harmful toxins that build up in our bodies causing us extreme discomfort.

Okay, it may not be sexy to discuss constipation, irritable bowel syndrome or just plain gas.  However, if more people did explore these symptoms we'd be a much healthier population.

If you have ever suffered from gas or any of the other "unmentionable" symptoms, you need to read this guide.  A small investment in your time and a few pennies can give you life-altering information.

Did you know that your colon experiences a constant build up of toxic material?  The majority of foods we eat today contain preservatives which in turn are comprised of toxic chemicals.  

These components can build up over time and harden into an impacted film in the colon.  The result of this buildup reduces the body's ability to absorb nutrients. It lowers the metabolism and can result in unhealthy weight gain.

Can... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness

Body Building - Body Building Secrets Revealed

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Title: Body Building - Body Building Secrets Revealed

If you're wanting to learn about body building...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

"You Are Going To Get A Detailed Look At One Of The Most Significant Body Building Guides There Is Available On The Market Today"

It Doesn't Matter If You Are Just For The First Time Trying Body Building, This Guide Will Get You On The Right Track To A Good Looking Physique.

Dear Friend,

Are you looking for a way to build muscle? Would you like the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger without buying all kinds of expensive equipment?

Would you or someone you know like the real secrets to try body building? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally a new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about body building, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Any Other Handbook On Body Building You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about body building and it's easily understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Body Building Manual "!

It's like having your very own body building expert that you can reference and ask... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness, Weight Loss

Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution

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Title: Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution

Are You Tired Of Failed New Year's Weight Loss Resolutions That Leave You Even More Overweight Than Ever Before?

Not Anymore - Finally Succeed With Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution Once And For All And Get The Body Of Your Dreams In //

  • Are you frustrated that you end up even more overweight than you were the year before and find yourself making yet another new year's resolution to lose the weight?
  • Sick and tired of trying year after year to lose weight but keep finding yourself back in the same rut?
  • Do you feel like a failure because you are unable to stick to any diet?


Between 60% and 98% of American adults will be on a diet at some point in the new year, sadly most will fail within the first 90 days and will find themselves right back where they started and even worse, heavier than they were prior to dieting.

Why do people fail diets or rather, why do diets fail people?

Simply because they are unrealistic and provide only a temporary fix to a lifelong problem.

Whether it be your new years resolution or a goal to lose weight, you will never be able to have permanent, long lasting results until you first address the issue of why you gained the weight in the first place.

Get off the diet merry-go-round once and for

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Health

101 Facts About the Human Body

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Title: 101 Facts About the Human Body
Author: Radhika Venkata

Discover 101 Facts About the Human Body

If you are a parent, a grandparent or just plain curious about your body, you must read on then zoom to the download page immediately! What a way to get the answers to the questions you've always wondered about.

Did you know that children have more bones than adults? Does that mean that bones just disappear when reaching adulthood? What a mystery!

  • What determines the sex of a person?
  • Why do sportsmen eat bananas during their most strenuous activity?
  • Is the right side of our body bigger than the left side?
  • Can people get shorter in the evenings?

We all have questions about our bodies. Children especially are naturally curious and ask questions we are often not prepared to answer. Sometimes we grasp at straws trying to come up with answers that are easy for a child to understand.

And that's when we even KNOW the answer. More frequent than not, we have no idea what the answers are and dismiss the questions as unimportant.

Our children deserve better. It would be pretty ridiculous to believe we all need medical training just to answer questions from our children. However, there is good news.

For all of you who have ever wondered why we get "goose bumps" or which of your five fingers is the most important, we give you "101 Facts About the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness

Gaining Weight 101

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Title: Gaining Weight 101

Tired of being the Skinny Guy?

Discover The Secrets To Gain Weight And Muscle!

Dear Friend,

I've heard your story a thousand times before. You're the guy who can't gain weight no matter how hard you try. You've bought the powders, the pills and the magazines and you're still as scrawny as ever. You tried going to the gym, but the looks people gave you made you want to get smaller...small enough to fade away into the woodwork and disappear. You are tired of being shot down by the women you ask on a date (on the rare occasions you got up enough nerve to ask). You're tired of being skinny. You're tired of being weak. You are tired of sitting home alone on a Saturday night.

Or maybe you're married and even though your wife never says so, you feel like she's not physically attracted to you. You know that your sex life isn't anywhere near as fulfilling as it should be for either of you. It is difficult to get romantic when you know your body isn't sexually attractive.

You are embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach because you don't want anyone to see your spaghetti arms and concave chest. You are tired of having the body of a little boy and want to start looking and feeling more like a man. You want women to notice you when you walk by; you want men to respect you and children to look up to you.

Even if you didn't care what other people think of you (if that were possible)... Click here to read the full description!

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