Beauty ebooks
Title: Bigger Better Butt
I made sure it included everything:
- The ONLY 4 movements you need to do to get a bigger butt (complete with instructions AND simple, short videos on how to do the movements properly)
- The 1 Secret to getting a bigger butt that trainers don’t tell you
- 60 Days of Programming – 4 days per week, 15 min or less sessions – detailed with exactly what to do each session
- Motivation and tricks to start and follow through with the program
- What Other Workouts Miss – The SECRET To Amplifying Your Butt Workouts
Understand the one thing missing in most all butt workout programs and utilize it to maximize your results - That’s It?? – The Only 4 Exercises You Need To Make Your Butt Grow
No dancing or jumping around, just straight up the 4 movements (with descriptions, pictures and detailed videos) you need to get the butt you want - What and When – Detailed 60 Day Calendar of Workouts
We tell you EXACTLY what you need to do each day for 60 days – complete with scaling to fit your health level - Sticking With It – Motivational and Mental Tips To Stay Committed
Understand the one thing missing in most all butt workout programs and... Click here to read the full description!
Title: The Beauty Food Bible: Feed Yourself 20 Years Younger
Author: Tracy Patterson
Your body WANTS to create firm, taut, smooth, flawless, glowing and radiant skin for the rest of your life.
It is TRYING TO. And ANYONE can unlock your skin's natural ability to slow down the clock, if not reverse it, by following this secret.
Now, The Good News Is You Can Learn How Reverse Any Skin Condition, In Just A Few Steps, With Foods That Are Probably In Your Fridge Right Now.
You’ll learn in the "The Beauty Food Bible: Feed Yourself 20 Years Younger" are the most potent foods for creating incredible skin, where to find them, and how to prepare them.
- I’ve also listed other foods that detoxify the fluids under the dermis… (that important layer of skin under the surface) …which help new skin cells receive the nutrition to start growing rapidly and make their way to the surface.
- The types of foods that maintain elasticity and firmness past the age of 30. Some of them help maintain the natural oils in your skin that stop it from getting too dry…and other foods that dramatically boost collagen levels which leads to younger, smoother and finer skin.
- Next I’ll show you the secrets to deep skin repair by providing your cells with the most powerful antioxidants in nature. Unlike pills, and supplements, actual foods are completely bioavailable — meaning your body and skin cells soak up many times more than any antioxidant supplement out
Title: Limb Remodeling
I Discovered the Secret Method of Adding Extra Inches of Solid Height, No Matter What Your Age Is..Even If You Haven't Grown in Years!
“The Secret of Growing Taller Is Finally Exposed”
You’ll Discover...
- How to Perform a special type of Exercise Routines to INCREASE YOUR HEIGHT Starting Today!
- Why Your Body Stops Growing, and what you can do to REIGNITE YOUR GROWTH STAGE Regardless of Your Age!
- How to Activate your Growth Plates & Prolong your Growing Period with a simple technique.
- The Powerful EFFECTS & SECRETS that Human Growth Hormone Treatments have on your ability to effectively reach your desired height.
- How to Add an EXTRA INCH OR TWO Right Now, just by using an amazing secret.
- How to Predict your Actual Genetic Height, and thus KNOW YOUR COMPLETE GROWING POTENTIAL
- Twenty HEIGHT INCREASING Exercise Videos designed by fitness expertsYou'll also learn how to increase the vertical length of your spine by correcting muscular imbalances.
- How to ELIMINATE AND REVERSE POSTURAL PROBLEMS like Kyphosis (Hunch Back), Lordosis (Sway Back), Scoliosis, and Duck Feet that take away precious inches from your height.
- How to PREVENT YOUR SPINE FROM SHRINKING, and the exact method to reverse it, thereby increasing your height.
- The only effective product on the market that actually increases your height.
- The Correlation
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Skin Whitening Forever
Author: Eden Diaz
“How to Whiten Your Skin Naturally - 100% Guarantee!”
I will show you how to Whitening Your Skin permanently in just days the natural way and helped thousands of people do the same.
Are You...
- Embarassed or Scared to be seen in Public due to the way your skin looks?
- Suffering From Low Self-Esteem because of how dark or uneven your skin color is?
- Tired of Wasting Money on Expensive Skin Whitening Products that do NOT Work?
- Fed-up of using over-the-counter skin bleachers or creams - with ZERO Results?
- Applying products that have dried out your skin, making it dark, dry, tight and leathery?
- Trying everything from full-body peels to expensive skin treatments to lighten your skin with Little to No Results?
- Frightened of having your picture taken because you hate the way your skin looks?
- Constantly applying sun block to make sure your skin color stays the same?
Now, it 's time for me to introduce you to Skin Whitening Forever.
You 'll discover...
- The Easy Way to Whiten Skin Pigmentations, Freckles, Age Spots, Acne Marks, Dark Underarms, Melasma, or your Overall Skin Color.
- How to Whiten Your Skin Naturally, Safely and in the Comfort of your Own Home with Effective Results.
- How to Make Your Own Skin Whitening Creams for Pennies! These are the same creams that are being sold for Hundreds of Pounds at the... Click here to read the full description!
Title: Bow Legs No More
Read on to discover exactly what you need to do to fix your bow legs once and for all, and enjoy perfectly straight and attractive legs for the rest of your life!
Dear Friend,
- Are you self-conscious about your malformed legs?
- Do you suffer from bow legs or knock knees?
- Has the condition been affecting your confidence and self-esteem?
- Have you always wondered if there was something you could do to straighten your bow legs or knock knees, which didn't involve taking on the risks and expense of surgery?
- Are you fed up of being embarrassed by your legs, and just want to be the same as everyone else?
- Are you worried that by not doing anything about your condition now might lead to joint-related problems, like arthritis, in the future?
If you answered “YES” to any of those questions, then you're in exactly the right place...
“Because There Is A Solution!”
And it will finally allow you to...
- Feel happy and proud of your legs for the first time in your life.
- Get the perfectly straight, attractive and shapely legs you've always wanted.
- Improve your walk and posture.
- Do the things you've always wanted to do, like running around on the beach in shorts, without having to worry about what people are thinking.
- Boost your confidence and self-esteem.
- Wear the kind of clothes you've always
Title: The No-Fail Body Makeover Package
The "No-Fail Body Makeover Package" is the ultimate fitness program. Follow the steps outlined in this package and the ladies will be drooling over your body in a matter of weeks.
This one bonus package contains three separate books, all written by award winning fitness expert Sean Nalewanyj:
- Body Sculpting Recipes: Nutrition is crucial to both burning fat and building muscle. Sean has included a recipe ebook with more than 25 quick and nutritious meals and smoothies.
- 8 Things You Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle: Let's face it, women love guys with rippling muscles. Sean lays out the steps to building the perfect physique in this ebook.
- Fat Burning Fairy Tales: In this ebook, Sean exposes a number of the most common fat burning myths and lays out the proper ways to burn fat and lose weight.
Title: Natural Beauty: 14 Days to Rejuvenated Skin
The Answer to Naturally Clear Skin is Here
An Easy to Follow Plan
- Easily create your own healthy skin care products.
- Learn how you can naturally rejuvenate your skin.
- Discover healthy diet secrets that speed your recovery.
- Identify the supplements you need for healthy skin.
Get the true facts on how to get the healthiest skin possible with proven results. I will help you renew your confidence so you can handle any skin care issue you are facing. See improvements in just days by including an easy to follow system designed to give you the best results!
If you want clear and radiant skin... THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!
- Take control of your health from the inside out by learning which supplements (vitamins, minerals, and herbs) are ideal for achieving healthy skin.
- Learn how to identify your skin type and develop your own healthy skin care products.
- Implement simple lifestyle changes that can greatly speed your recovery and help you achieve beautiful and vibrant skin.
- Eliminate spoiled, contaminated, and unhealthy skin care products that may be harming your skin.
- Three Rejuvenating Skin Care Treatments
- The Best Facial Cleanser Recipe
- Renewal Wrinkle Eye Cream
- Repairing Facial Moisturizer
Recover your youthful skin’s elasticity and visibly fade the
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
Title: Celulitis Nunca Mas
Author: Mercedes Vila
Echemos un vistazo a lo que vas a descubrir en el interior de "Celulitis Nunca Más. La Cura Natural".
- Instrucciones paso a paso para deshacerse de la celulitis en 8 semanas o menos, en su tiempo libre!
- Los alimentos específicos que usted está comiendo que son responsables directos de su celulitis!
- Por qué los problemas hormonales son la causa de su celulitis y cómo detener su avance de forma rápida!
- Cinco productos naturales que superan a cualquier costosa crema contra la celulitis!
- Secretos de la dieta que alteran la composición corporal, regulan las hormonas dañinas, y estiran y tonifican la piel sin la necesidad de la pérdida de peso!
- Tres rutinas orientadas a disolver la celulitis que puede hacer mientras ve la TV!
- Ejercicios Específicos, clínicamente comprobados, cuyo objetivo es destruir la celulitis rápidamente y tonificar sus áreas problemáticas con solo unos minutos por día!
- Cómo reparar efectivamente la piel y generar mayor espesor en los muslos y las nalgas e incrementar la producción de colágeno!
- Una técnica simple que ayuda a tonificar y engrosar en un 25% la piel débil en pocas semanas!
Y mucho más...
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Gray Hair No More
Author: Alexander Miller
Hair Specialists Predicted I Would Never Get My Natural Hair Color Back. But Contrary To Their Prediction, I Reversed My Gray Hair Using a Simple Fool-Proof Method, After Years of 'Trying' You Can Too! Here's How...
Dear Friend,
If you’re looking for a Natural Remedy to Get Your Young-Looking Hair Color Back, then this is the most important page you will EVER read. Here’s why:
Are you...
- Too stressed to look in the mirror - because you’re afraid to see another gray hair pop out?
- Scared of Premature Graying Hair?
- Tired of seeing clumps of hair fall to the floor - due to dangerous hair products to hide your gray or white hair?
- Feeling insecure - because your gray hair makes you look much older than you are?
- Looking for a natural alternative to stop or reverse the signs of graying - so you can regain your youthful appearance?
- Constantly being turned down by the opposite sex because the person you’re attracted to is not attracted to “the white hair”?
- Tired of the name calling - such as Grandma, Grandpa, Pops, and Old Man and want it to STOP!?!?
“Don’t Worry. You’re Not Alone...”
I spent years testing dozens of methods from over the counter products to the most unusual of remedies.
Then, I finally found a way to Reverse the Graying of Hair Naturally and Without the need of any
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Get Dressed, Not Stressed!
Author: Rita Noon
Do You Have A Closet Full Of Clothes... But Still Have NOTHING To Wear??
What if you ditched all those unflattering outfits and replaced them with a carefully selected wardrobe that makes you feel great and LOOK FANTASTIC, no matter which outfit you choose?
You'll discover all sorts of exciting tips, including:
- How to get professional fashion consulting at NO COST to you
- How to discover your true style and use it to look your best
- How to draw attention away from your figure flaws
- The truth about make-up and what it can't hide
- How much your clothes are REALLY costing you
- Why you don't want to waste your money on a fashion makeover
- How to never waste money on the wrong jewelry
- What you can never wear to work if you want to be taken seriously
- The clothes you absolutely must have if you want to advance in business
- The biggest factor, apart from your body shape, that stops you from looking your best
- How to buy designer clothes for cents on the dollar
- How to stop being a slave to fashion . . . and giving the designers all your hard-earned cash
- Three simple questions that will protect you from buying an item of clothing that you'll NEVER wear
Ebook Type: PDF
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