If a law were passed giving six months to every writer of a first book, only the good ones would do it.
Bertrand Russell

Animals ebooks

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Category: Animals, Home, Nonfiction

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Title: Pest Control Facts Revealed

"Stop being cheated by your local pest control company."
Guaranteed to keep you from being cheated, laughed at, lied to and taken for your hard earned cash.

Learn the answers to all of these questions.

  • Shoud you have your home treated for pest control
  • How can you keep from being mislead
  • How can you keep form being cheated
  • Can you trust your local pest control company
  • Are they salesmen or technicians

Should you have your home treated for termites

  • You'll learn how to deal with those $39.95 specials and what to expect when they arrive at your home.
  • You'll learn how to create strategies before they even arrive at your door.
  • You'll also find out how to keep those prices from skyrocketing out of your reach.
  • You'll Learn why you should have your guard up.

These strategies can be used with any service company to save you time, aggravation, insult and money.

You'll also learn...

  • What you should expect after the treatment.
  • What to say and what not to say.
  • The correct way to do a termite inspection.
  • Learn about pest inspections.
  • I'll show you some rules to follow when they arrive at your home.
  • I'll give you some proven questions to ask while they are at your home.
  • Find out what you should pay for pest control.
  • Discover what you
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Category: Animals, Psychology

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Title: Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss
Author: Robin Jean Brown

"Who Else Wants To Move Forward Through The Grief of Pet Loss... Rather Than Sitting And Crying Helplessly?"

You'll Have Instant Help To Get You Through The Turmoil, Sadness, and Tears

That's because this special guide is available in ebook format that you download instantly. That means that you get this effective material when you need it the most -- right now.

There's no waiting in line at the ebookstore, and no waiting for a shipment to arrive in the mail.

You can instantly get this comforting material right now -- I mean within the next minute you can be reading it!

You'll find glimmers of hope when you learn:

  • The "when's" and "how's" of your relationship with your pet. You'll feel comforted when you use this worksheet Robin gives you.
  • How deep is your love for your pet? The answer may surprise you...and warm your heart. 
  • Who your pet really was. When you finish this exercise, you'll know all about your pet's personality, breed, health, and what made them a good pet. You'll even know what some good rescue organizations are.
  • Do you sometimes forget your pet is gone -- only to suddenly remember that they are, and then you break down crying? This is totally normal and is part of the denial stage of grief. You'll get an action plan to work through this.
  • Are you racked with guilt because you feel like there was something you could have done
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Category: Animals

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Title: Find Out About Ferrets
Author: Colin Patterson

"How To Double Your Ferret's Lifespan... End All Biting, Stinking, And Pooping Problems... And Make Your Ferret The Happiest Pet In The World!"

"Top Ferret Expert Reveals The Little-Known Secrets About Ferrets -- Amazing Facts And Breakthrough Discoveries You Can't Live Without!"

Here's a quick look at just a few of the valuable techniques I'll share with you:

  • End poop problems for good. Did you know you accidentally kill the instinct your ferret naturally feels for using the litter box? (99% of ferret parents do it -- here's how to reverse it in under 7 seconds flat). 
  • The 7 secrets to making the relationship between your child and ferret a good one. 
  • How to make sure your ferret will never nip you again. I've developed a breakthrough anti-nip technology called TED -- and it's so simple and fun, even your child could do it. 
  • The "magic trick" of bonding you can start using with your ferret as soon as today that will make your ferret "cuddlier than a teddy bear!" 

I'll Also Let You In On Secrets Like...


  • Regular bathing as long as it's done correctly can reduce the odor by over 90%. Check out page 76 for my simple 8-step bathing system.
  • How to maintain harmony between your ferret and other small pets like cats, gerbils, pet rats, and hamsters. 
  • True or false: the cage you have now is too small. (How much
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Category: Animals

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Title: Veterinary Secrets Revealed with Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM
Author: Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

"You CAN Heal Your Sick Pet At Home, Without Going To The Vet...
In Less Than 24 Hours, I Can Show You How To Examine, Diagnose, And Treat Your Pet At Home."

Veterinary Secrets Revealed can show you how to:

  • Soothe your Pet's irritating Cough. You'll be amazed and thankful for the first restful sleep you've both had since the cough started .
  • Find answers for Oily, Itchy Skin on your Dog. Use this common household vitamin if your pet has a greasy coat .
  • Restore your Pet's Liver health. Just like humans, our pets need a healthy liver for a healthy life. Learn to spot liver disease signs early, then use easy remedies to improve liver health - cook with this herb that will help to regenerate the liver .
  • STOP Stool Eating! Who wants dog-kisses from a poop-eater? Learn what ingredient you have in your cabinet that stops dogs from eating their own poop .
  • Strengthen your Pet's failing Heart. Simple supplements to prevent and treat heart disease so your pet can stay active and happy .
  • Speed up your Pet's Weight Loss. Add this supplement to your pet's diet and watch the pounds disappear .
  • Instantly calm Aggressive Pets. Do this so they won't hurt others or get themselves into a dangerous fight with another aggressive animal .
  • Safely treat Thyroid Disease. Learn the difference between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid disease and how to treat each effectively
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Category: Animals, Horse

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Title: Arabian Horse Training

Tumbling Off His Horse While Riding And Unable To Get Back Up...His Horse Stood By Him And Neighed For Help Like A 911 Emergency Call!

Here's what you'll know:

  • What two emotions never exist in your horse simulatneously and how to use that secret knowledge to train your horse successfully!
  • What 5 things you and your horse must be able to do before you ever get in the saddle!
  • The secret of getting your horse to bond with you like super glue!
  • The amazing secret of getting your horse understanding exactly what you want him to do! (Shows you step-by-step while others blow it and practically ruin their horse!)
  • The RLO formula that gets nearly any horse doing what you ask!
  • The #1 mistake most people make breaking horses and how to avoid it!
  • The #1 disadvantage you must annihilate to successfully train your horse! (It's easy to do once you see how!)
  • The "Hand" trick used to talk a fearful horse into accepting you like family! (And what to do next the second you see this!)
  • The "A-D Trick" that nearly wipes out your horse's fear when you work with his legs! (Plus, how to talk to him as you do it and make it even easier!)
  • How your horse teaches himself to examine and accept spooky objects! (Now, use your horse's little secret and keep him calm whenever he starts spooking!)
  • How to teach a "kicking horse" to
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Category: Animals

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Title: Nathalie's Favorite Parrot Polygon
Author: Nathalie Roberts

For All Parrot Lovers Who Want A Happier, Even Hilarious Bird...

"Want An Amazing Collection Of Professional Parrot Training Secrets To Honestly Work Bird Miracles?"

"Do you make these common mistakes with your Parrot ?

  • Putting your Parrot above chest level
  • Having a single perch in your Parrot's cage
  • Yelling at your Parrot to "SHUT UP" when it screams
  • Over-reacting and shouting "OOOH", "AAAH" or "OUCH" whenever it bites
  • Placing the cage near the window overlooking the garden
  • Giving your Parrot only seeds to eat
  • Placing the food and water bowls just beneath the perch
  • Placing your new Parrot on your shoulders...

Here are the four ebooks that you will find in Parrot Secrets™ and the essential Parrot knowledge you will find in each digital book.


EBOOK ONE : How to Get Your Parrot To Talk And Do Astonishing Tricks

  • How to dramatically increase your Parrot's vocabulary. Did you know that some Parrots can have a vocabulary of several hundred words? ....
  • Strategic phone placement tips... Discover why it can be SO important for you to put your telephone somewhere near your Parrot's cage, but be careful... ...
  • The 2
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Category: Animals

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Title: Beekeeping 101

Even with No Experience it is possible to...

...Produce Your Very Own Honey!
Even If You Don't Know The First Thing About Beekeeping.

Discover How Hundreds of People, Just Like You, Have Turned Their Beekeeping Dreams Into Reality!

I was once in the same shoes you are in, wondering, "how do I get started, what do I need to do first?", it was very frustrating. Everything I read was so confusing it may as well have been written in a foreign language. That experience was my motivation to develop this comprehensive, geared-toward-the-novice, beekeeping eBook that answers every question you may have as you contemplate beginning this profoundly interesting venture!

Sidelining allows you to produce enough honey to sell for a profit, supplementing your income. Commercial beekeepers have large operations, and selling bee and beekeeping related products is their primary source of income. (For example, they may focus on raising bee queens and bees to supply other beekeepers.)

Unfortunately, there are other beekeeping books out there that are difficult to understand and may give only a portion of the information needed to start a... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Animals, Hobbies, Horse

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Title: Prof. Beery's Horse Training Course

This horse training course shows you how to train any horse using Prof. Beery's Illustrated Horse training program, it has been used successfully by over 300,000 horse owners, you don't need any horse training skill as it's easy to follow and will show you exactly what to do to train your own horse.

You see once you know these horse training secrets you can discover...
- Understand why your horse balks....and how to stop the habit as soon as it appears. And the step-by-step process you need to use in order to break a confirmed stubborn balker.
- How to subdue and totally reform a confirmed kicker. This surefire method never fails...and...stops even the most vicious of kickers from lashing out and catching you unawares.
- The correct use of your whip. Too many horse owners use their whip at the wrong time...and...it loses its impact. Now you'll discover correct whip use to command instant attention from your horse.
- How to train persistent shyer and runners-away. You'll be amazed at how soon you can stamp this habit out in your horse.
- How to train your horse for shoeing using a sneaky method involving your horse's tail to stop its rear legs kicking when being shoed. And a simple way to make your horse submissive to having its front feet shoed.
- How to teach the commands "Steady", "Whoa" and "Get Up" to your horse and get immediate obedience.
- Revealed...The horse training secrets behind successful halter training...and...the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Animals

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Title: Ferrets As Pets
Author: Seth Evans

"Are You Sick & Tired of Your Pet Ferret Biting, Stinking, and Using Your Carpet as a Toilet?
Do You Want a Long Lived, Healthy Happy Ferret?"

Ferrets As Pets

The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Happy Ferret

In this 139 page ebook you will find everything you need to know about how to have a healthy, happy, well behaved, friendly ferret.

Here is just a glimpse of what you'll discover.

  • 10 Loving Tips to Train a Super Ferret
  • Ferret Training 101 - Understanding Ferret Language
  • How to determine if your Ferret is in Pain
  • 5 Socializing Techniques That Work
  • Crazy Ferret Body Language and What it Means
  • Top 10 Ferret frequently asked Questions
  • 11 Behavior Patterns You MUST Know
  • Choosing Freeze Dried Diets or Commercial Raw.
  • What NOT to Do When Introducing Your Ferret to the Pets
  • Potty Training your Ferret in 5 Minutes Guaranteed!
  • Tips on Introducing Your Ferret to Your Kids
  • What NOT to do When Cleaning Your Ferrets Ears
  • How to Get Rid of the Awful Smell - I'll Tell You How
  • Nursing Your Sick Ferret...Why this 1 Thing is SO Important
  • Ferret Proofing Your Home..What MUST Be Done
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Category: Animals, Horse

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Title: Horse Training Secrets Revealed

In this "How to Tame and Train Wild & Vicious Horses", you'll discover secrets such as...

  • How to succeed in getting the colt from pasture "as easily as the hunter drives quails into his net."
  • How you can use one simple fact about the awesome strength of a horse to your advantage.
  • How to easily saddle even the wildest colt. In the authors own words: "Any one man who has this theory, can put a saddle on the wildest colt that ever grew, without any help, and without scaring him."
  • How to use the horse's most important sense to empower your training techniques. (Do you know what it is? Most folks get this totally wrong!)
  • How to remove a horse's fear of certain objects by using this little known secret of how a horse really decides if an object is safe or dangerous.
  • How to "say good-bye" to disobedience - easy when you know the real reason behind it (and it doesn't have a lot to do with the horse!)
  • How to mount your horse and exactly where your first ride should take place - and it's probably not where you think!
  • The best type of halter to use, the right way to fit it, and why you should NEVER put a rope halter on an unbroken colt.
  • How to tame and train a wild horse naturally and gently - in plain and simple language even a child can understand!
  • How to eliminate balking - even when deeply ingrained!
  • How to tell when to finish the first ride -
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