Animals ebooks

Your Pet Parrot
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Your Pet Parrot
Author: Maureen Pace
Thinking About a Parrot For a Pet? Chances are pretty good that you have seen a parrot on television and fell in love with these intelligent members of the avian family. You may even have friends or family who own a parrot or two.
Regardless of your previous experience it's important to make an intelligent and informed decision about adopting one of these wonderful feathered friends.
If you have other pets and/or children, then you need to be doubly aware of just how challenging an adoption like this can become.
The place to go for informed answers is not to the person you are buying from. There are many reputable dealers out there but for every reputable one there are two frauds.
You need to prepare yourself BEFORE you get to the "buying" stage. What are some of the questions you need to ask a potential seller? Here are just a few:
- How wild are these birds?
- How to use free research techniques to create customer focus
- What is the bird's age?
- Beware of money-hungry breeders!
- Where did this bird come from?
Why do you want to purchase a parrot? This is not a trick question. Everyone has different needs and desires but when it comes to inviting an exotic creature such as a parrot into your home you had best know your motive.
Other Parrot Points to Ponder
Who will care for your parrot? Do you know what is entailed in the everyday care and feeding of a parrot?... Click here to read the full description!

Horse Cents
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Title: Horse Cents
Shaking the Equestrian Money Tree
This is a targeted product for equine (horse related) businesses.
The book shows how to build a client base by holding classes to teach people the basics of horse ownership
Table of Contents
- What to teach
- Overview
- Where to hold the class
- Marketing the Class
- How to Find Demo Horses
- Insurance and Legal
- Setting up for class
- Considerations
- Conducting the class
- Follow-up After the Class
- Conclusion
- Appendix
The Author
Patricia Reszetylo is a self-confessed horse lover. Bitten with the bug at age
nine, she has spent many years looking for ways to support her "horse habit".
While she didn't create the kernel idea of a class to educate new horsemen, her
many years of studying marketing, and of working in various retail settings is
summed up in this e-book.
Ebook Type: PDF

Bird Watching
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Title: Bird Watching
The Ultimate Guide To Bird Watching Is Finally Here...
The Beginners Guide to Bird Watching
Dear Friend,
Have you ever wanted to be able to go outside and look at birds and know exactly what kind of birds they are and where they come from? Most people love birds and bird watching is a science and art that a lot people would like to do but very few know about the subject. Bird watching is a fascinating pastime in which the viewer can see hundreds and even thousands of species of birds in one sitting. Having an official guide to let you know how to bird watch and what to look for a while you are bird watching is the essential to good bird watching techniques.
When you know what the habitat and the habits of birds are watching them is so much more interesting. You will become a new person once you delve into the world of avians. Bird watching is a relaxing past time in which the watcher watches and records the actions and species of the birds that are around them. There are several techniques to bird watching and to have a guide that will spell out these techniques in an easy to read format is essential to practice proper bird watching techniques. With enough experience you could join the Audubon Society and report your findings during your bird watching adventures to them to be part of a national record.
Though you are a beginner the thrill and excitement of bird watching can become part of
Ebook Type: PDF

Your Pet Rabbit Guide
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Title: Your Pet Rabbit Guide
Author: Mary Barnes
Looking for a SPECIAL Pet?
Fascinated With the Unusual?
Want to Know More about Owning and Caring for a Cuddly Rabbit?
Find out how to Fulfill Your Dream of Owning Your Own Rabbit!
Unusual pets are popular, interesting and can be a great experience! If the normal dogs and cats just aren't your thing, owning an unusual pet can be just the thing. Not only are they cute and cuddly, your pet rabbit has his or her own distinct personality.
Whatever your interest, exotic pets have different needs and equipment from your standard pets, so getting the right information will help you get the pet you want and ensure it enjoys a long and healthy life.
What Special Needs Do Bunnies Have?
There are some definite elements you need to consider before you make your selection. Will your rabbit need a special cage or heater? What will your rabbit eat?
Who will care for your pet if you need to be away for any period of time. This is an important consideration. Rabbit care is not like a simple cat or dog. Their care can be tricky for the uninitiated!
Where Can You Find the Answers?
Before you get your pet you can get the important information you need right here! Find answers to common questions about rabbit ownership and prepare for bringing your pet rabbit home!
Ebook Type: PDF

Raising Goats
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Title: Raising Goats
Ever Thought What It Would Be Like To Raise Goats?
Learn The Secrets to Raising & Caring for Goats the Easy Way!
Dear Friend,
Raising goats is not something that a lot of people would think about doing. However, if you like pets, then having a goat is an animal that could peek your interest. Before you start that journey, there are a few things that you need to know. You must be committed to taking care of them because they need more care than other animals. Or you would need someone who could assist you when you needed help or if you needed to go away.
In Raising Goats - Easy Manual to Raising & Caring for Goats, you will see how a goat is being cared for. There are certain things that these animals are particular about and once you read this manual, you will see what you need to do to keep them happy. When you are raising and caring for them, you must be their nurturer, provider, protector and friend. They will depend on you every day to help take care of them and keep them healthy.
There will be people who probably think that you are nuts for wanting to take on this kind of task. However, if you are very fond of animals, it should not matter. This is a step-by-step comprehensive manual that you can use in order to raise and take care of your goat the right way. You can get lost if you don't have the proper information to take care of these herd animals. Taking care of... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Bird Watching For Beginners
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Bird Watching For Beginners
"Get In Touch With Nature! Bird Watching is Said To Be The Most Relaxing And Peaceful Hobbies That Anyone Can Do. Don't Pass On The Ebook That Can Make You An Expert Birdwatcher!"
This E-Book Will Give You Hints, Tips, And The Know How To Find Certain Birds As Well As Identifying Them. This Ebook Is Not Only Perfect For The Amateur Bird Watcher But It Also Gives Great Information To The Professionals To.
Dear Bird Lover:
Have you ever listened to the birds singing outside and wondered about the awe and joy that is our world? We can discover a lot about the human race just by observing the natural world around us.
A great way to do this is to explore bird watching as a hobby.
The theatre of nature is opened up to you through this wonderful hobby for an entire lifetime! Bird watching is the very best kind of fun. It's easy, inexpensive, healthful, and satisfying.
Henry David Thoreau once said,
"Any day that you don't go for a walk and enjoy nature is a wasted day."
He couldn't be more right.
Bird watching is growing in popularity around the world. In fact, it is only second to gardening! To the average person, bird watching may not seem to be too exciting or even insightful, but oh how
wrong that image is!
Birds give us beauty, entertainment, observational skills, and so much more! It can be
Ebook Type: PDF

Pet Birds
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(priced for $3.95 or less).
Title: Pet Birds
Everything you need to know...
Learn The Secrets to Choosing, Caring For, and Enjoying Your New Pet Bird!
Dear Friend,
Are you thinking about purchasing a new pet for your family? Perhaps you are considering a number of different possibilities, or perhaps you have already decided that a pet bird is exactly what you want. Either way, a new bird can be the ideal addition to your family!
In today's busy world, owning a pet of any kind takes dedication and a bit of work. The good news is a pet bird requires very little maintenance. Most of the time you put into your brand-new pet will be lots of fun for you and your whole family!
Even the basic upkeep of your new bird can fit nicely into your busy schedule. You will be delighted to find that the new member of your home is easy to care for, quite accommodating, and is a wonderful experience for everyone!
You keep having these symptoms that feel like a heart attack. Pain in the chest, pressure in the chest, and so on. So you decide to go to the emergency room to get it checked out. However, much to your surprise, they tell you that you are not having a heart attack. You spend a few hours taking all of these tests only for them to tell you that it's not what you thought it was.
All it takes is a little knowledge and preparation...
Owning a pet of any kind is a serious responsibility. Too many... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

The Art of Taming and Training Wild Horses!
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Title: The Art of Taming and Training Wild Horses!
Learn the Secrets to Taming and Training Wild Horses!
Now you can use a practical, step-by-step manual to taming and training wild horses.Guaranteed!
Dear Reader,
Have you ever admired beautiful, wild horses? Have you ever wished that you could train and tame them?
Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to discover the secrets and techniques to successfully taming and training wild horses. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to discover how to tame and train wild horses.
Now there's good news ....
I won't deny that there are a ton of ebooks out there on horse training. Unfortunately the problem with most ebooks on the subject of taming and training wild horses is that they are either filled with plenty of promises and no solid techniques and strategies to back up those promises or they contain only one or two pieces of useful information and not a comprehensive look at everything you need to know to succeed in all areas of taming and training wild horses.
A Manual to Taming and Training Wild Horses breaks the mold of all the other hunting ebooks and guides you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help you discover how to successfully tame and train wild
Ebook Type: PDF

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Title: Wake-Robin
Author: John Burrows
Table of Contents
This is mainly a ebook about the Birds, or more properly an invitation to the study of Ornithology, and the purpose of the author will be carried out in proportion as it awakens and stimulates the interest of the reader in this branch of Natural History.
Though written less in the spirit of exact science than with the freedom of love and old acquaintance, yet I have in no instance taken liberties with facts, or allowed my imagination to influence me to the extent of giving a false impression or a wrong coloring. I have reaped my harvest more in the woods than in the study; what I offer, in fact, is a careful and conscientious record of actual observations and experiences, and is true as it stands written, every word of it. But what has interested me most in Ornithology is the pursuit, the chase, the discovery; that part of it which is akin to hunting, fishing, and wild sports, and which I could carry with me in my eye and ear wherever I went.
I cannot answer with much confidence the poet's inquiry, "Hast thou named all the birds without a gun?"
Ebook Type: PDF

Iguanas - Your Complete Iguana Survival Guide
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Title: Iguanas - Your Complete Iguana Survival Guide
Have You Ever Wanted To Own Your Very Own Iguana and Never Did Because You Didn't Know How To Care For It?
"Look No Further, I Have Compiled the Most Informational and Easy to Read EBook That Will Turn You Practically Into a Professional In No Time At All!"
Dear Friend,
What I am about to show you will make most Iguana specialists nervous...
There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people like you!
From now on you don't have to ever have to wonder what it is like to take care of your iguana in a professional manner. I myself, have always wondered what it was like to have my very own pet Iguana - I no longer need to ask myself that! I have the knowledge about Iguana care that some professionals do NOT!
You'll never find another ebook that gives you the information that I do in this e-book!!!
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This ebook covers everything there is to know about Iguana care. In fact, some people have called it "the Iguana care ebook for anyone in the world!"
With This Ebook You Will Not Only Discover The Basic Care For Iguana's, You Will Also Discover The Secrets That Only Professionals Know And Never Tell Anyone...
You'll uncover a wide array of tips
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