Affiliate Sales Booster Ebook
Title: Affiliate Sales Booster
Author: Gabriel Aguinaga
Convert Your "Ugly" Affiliate Links That NOBODY Wants To Click On, Into Cash-Cranking Click-Magnets That Literally Force Prospects To Visit Your Affiliate Page... And BUY!
Dear Fellow Marketer,
If you'd like to easily boost your affiliate earnings by up to 600% or more (starting today!), without having to spend hundreds of dollars on those expensive "make money with affiliate programs" eCourses or software programs, then this might be the most important letter you'll see this year.
My name is Gabriel Aguinaga. I am not a professional copywriter that gets paid thousands of dollars, nor am I one of those "gurus" or even claim to be one! I am just a regular 22 year old college guy with one tiny addiction... I love to work-at-home... but more specifically, I love selling other peoples products and collecting large affiliate checks sitting right in front of my "eMachines" PC :-)
Now that you've gotten a feel for who I am, I wanted to share one tiny little secret with you.
You see, for the past two months I have been using a simple technique that has increased my affiliate earnings by 600%.
It is a technique used ONLY by professional affiliate marketers (most paid $97 to discover this technique) and for the first time ever, I have dared to reveal how anybody can apply this amazing system to their own affiliate marketing... for FREE!
You'll literally want to slap yourself once you realize how much money you have been leaving on the table.
I am referring to the large amount of profits you have been losing because you have not been encrypting your affiliate links... The Right Way!
Sure, everybody and their dog can encrypt an affiliate link, but only those using "advanced encrypting" are noticing 600% more sales.
How does a 600% more affiliate sales, just by changing the format of your affiliate links sound? Amazing, Right?!
I know you are eager to discover more, but before I give you the whole scoop...
Allow me to quickly point out 3 ways you're losing money with affiliate programs right now.
1) People Are Hijacking Your Hard-Earned Commissions Right Under Your Nose.
Link Hijack
Below is my affiliate link for (with geh82gp being my CB ID)
Most people will simply replace my Clickbank ID with their own, make the purchase, and use the commission as an instant rebate.
Guess what?
This is EXACTLY how YOU are losing tons of commissions!
2) You Are Literally Begging Prospects To Bypass Your Affiliate Link!
Link Bypass
Most prospects will not click on your affiliate link if they suspect you'll earn a commission off them. They will instead bypass your link by copying the main url of the link, and then pasting it in their address bar.
Below is my affiliate link for
Most people will simply copy & paste the main url into their address bar, which is
Like I said, they hate to think you'll earn a commission, so they rather bypass your link and buy straight from the product owner. (Instead of you)
You Just Lost Another Commission!
3) You Are Losing Sales Because Your Affiliate Links Look Unprofessional.
Unprofessional Links
I always know when a newbie marketer's email slips in my inbox... how? They promote that long and ugly link... and you know what I do? I delete the email instantly. If I am going to buy something, it'll be from marketers that know what they're doing.
Be honest, would you click on my iPowerWeb affiliate link?
This is my affiliate link for iPowerWeb Web Hosting:
Are you serious?
The link looks horrible, unprofessional, and I bet not even my own mother would click on it!
How To Encrypt Your Affiliate Links For Maximum Profits!
The majority of the "gurus" are now creating professional affiliate links to boost their profits...
You have probably seen these type of links already, the most popular is the "Recommends" style link ==>
The "RECOMMENDS" Encryption Method Is Extremely Powerful!
Here's Why:
Number one: It tremendously reduces the possibility of prospects "Hijacking & bypassing" your affiliate link. (That's more money in your pocket!)
Number two: The "Recommends" link looks professional and gives your prospects the impression that you are just recommending a product, therefore, they will not hesitate to look into your recommendation!
Conclusion: More people will click on your affiliate links and your chances of making sales will immediately skyrocket!
The Test Results Are In
Here are the results from a split-test email promotion to a small list of 1,062 subscribers. The two emails were identical, only the format of the affiliate link was changed.
- 50% of the emails went out using the "Recommends" style link.
- 50% of emails went out with the ugly affiliate link that the program owner provided.
Email A
Subject: {!firstname_fix}, times running out... hurry!
Hey {!firstname_fix},
Gabriel here...
Email Text Goes Here (removed for this example)
My advice to you is:
Make sure you join "The Subber" before they
close their doors {!firstname_fix}.
Below is the direct link to the signup page, Go Now:
Take Care and God Bless!
Gabriel Aguinaga
RESULTS: 21 clicks to my affiliate link. ( click-thru rate = 4%)
Not Bad...
Email B
Subject: {!firstname_fix}, times running out... hurry!
Hey {!firstname_fix},
Gabriel here...
Email Text Goes Here (removed for this example)
My advice to you is:
Make sure you join "The Subber" before they
close their doors {!firstname_fix}.
Below is the direct link to the signup page, Go Now:
Take Care and God Bless!
Gabriel Aguinaga
RESULTS: 169 clicks to my affiliate link! ( click-thru rate = 32%)
Email "B" Received A Mind-Blowing 800% More Click-Thrus!
And Resulted in 6 Times more PAID Signups! (600% More Sales!)
Affiliate Sales Booster Convert Your "Ugly" Affiliate Links That NOBODY Wants To Click On, Into Cash-Cranking Click-Magnets That Literally Force Prospects To Visit Your Affiliate Page... And BUY!
FIVE Benefit-Packed Reasons To Grab These Amazing Videos Today!
- Instantly explode your click-thru rates by 800% or more! (This is the easiest way to multiply YOUR chances of making sales by a factor of EIGHT!)
- You'll finally start promoting affiliate links that do NOT scream: "I am a total newbie!" (This is your chance to present yourself as a professional, increase your credibility and make more sales!)
- Fully protect yourself from dirty commission thieves! It is painful... you waste your money, time, and energy promoting a "HOT" affiliate program, then... some petty hijacker robs you in raw daylight! You'll Never Get Denied of Your Rightful Commissions Again!
- Track your click-thrus for even bigger profits. Learn how to easily imbed a tracking code in every link that you promote... no more shooting in the dark - you'll know EXACTLY which promotions are pulling the most clicks!
Just imagine what you can do with this information!
- Save A Whooping 97 Bucks! Why spend up to $97 on expensive software... create unlimited "Recommends" affiliate links yourself... in a flash... and use the $97 to grow other aspects of your online business!
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