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Category: Fiction, Thrillers, Action

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Title: Saving Rose Green
Author: Richard Shekari

Saving Rose Green is a short story that tells the tale of Rose Green, who is an inch away from unravelling the truth when the key witness to exposing one of the most ugliest crimes ever committed is killed.

Thinking she is backed by the most trusted organisation she gets caught up in the never-ending war between two worlds and their idea of a free world.

About the Author:

Richard Shekari is a singer, lyricist, poet and novelist. Author; The Broken Wings of Forgivenss, Anna the Human, Saving Rose Green.

He currently lives in Abuja, Nigeria and works as a Humanitarian agent with the National Emergency Management Agency, Nigeria.

An Alumnus of the Federal Universitty of Technology, bauchi,

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Category: Action, Mystery, Thrillers

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Title: Silent Russian
Author: Valerie Biamonte

Chicago 1968 saw more than its share of violence. Patrolman Mick Ivanov's beat is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the Windy City. While training hard to defend against rioters at the Democratic National Convention, Mick is looking forward to doing his part to protect the innocent. What he doesn't count on is a killer in the midst...

A vigilante killer, dubbed The Impaler, is terrorizing citizens on Mick's patrol. But his true agenda is a vendetta against Mick. He sets out to destroy the patrolman's career.

As they discover the multiple victims, Mick and his partner, Tom Peterson, search through Mick's murky past to find the key to capturing the madman. The search turns desperate when the unstoppable Impaler sets his sights on what Mick loves the most: his family!

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Action, Romance, Adventure

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Title: A Tale Two Hotels
Author: Elizabeth Cooke

It was the best of hotels, the Hotel Marcel, a pocketsize essense of France. It was the worst of hotels, the Hotel Majestic, a behemoth of anonymous overkill. The two hotels, side by side on one of the more elegant boulevards in all of the capital of Paris, present a rivalry of taste, amenities, experience and cliente. 

"A Tale of Two Hotels," the 4th and latest volume in the exciting series about Hotel Marcel, a small hotel near the Eiffel Tower, involves a duel beteen two hosteleries, one simple and dimunitive, the other large and grandiose, side by side on a Parisian avenue. Trouble is compounded when a sheikh's beautiful daughter sheds her burka, much to the outrage of her father, who blames the small hotel for harboring her. Other passions from adultery to attempted arson, take place in this City of Light, even a wedding, all of which is of fascination to the narrator, an American widow in her 60's. The 'hotel series' includes: "There's a Small Hotel," "Secrets of a Small Hotel," The Hotel Next Door," and this latest one, "A Tale of Two Hotels."

In the works is fifth in the series, "Rendezvous in a Small Hotel."

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Category: Romance, Fiction, Action

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Title: Onto the Stage
Author: BS Murthy

"Slighted Souls" is a poignant love story set in rural Telangana, beset with feudal exploitation of the downtrodden dalits. Besides forcing the dalits to toil in the fields as bonded labor without impunity, the land owning doras had no qualms in reducing the womenfolk of this ilk as sex slaves in the gadis.

And this unabated exploitative social order of the Nizam era left the dalits economically depressed, socially degraded and morally debased that was until the changing times in the independent India led to their armed rebellion against their oppressors that ironically pitted them against the State power and it is in this backdrop that Slighted souls takes one Onto the Stage.

"Men at work on Women at work" is a tragic-comic episode depicting the fallout of sexual harassment at the workplace in the Indian urban setting with its traditional cultural underpinnings.

"Castle of Despair", built on the slippery ground of man's innate urge for one-upmanship, portrays its facade of falsity on the grand stage of human tragedy.

The radio play, "Love on Hold", lends voice to the felt anxieties of a man and a woman as their old flame gets rekindled felt and the dilemmas of possession faced by the couple in a conservative cultural background.

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Category: Military, Action, Nonfiction

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Title: Policing America's Empire - Pax Americana
Author: Fred Dungan

Forty-five years ago I was drafted into the U.S. Army during my sophomore year at the University of California at Irvine, despite earning good grades. The draft board ruled that my Social Science major wasn't essential to the war effort. After completing Basic Training, I attended Military Police School at Fort Gordon, Georgia, for twelve weeks. Following graduation, I was sent to the 534th Military Police Company at Fort Clayton in the Panama Canal Zone. My duties were to eliminate communist insurgents infiltrating the border, maintain discipline, and enforce the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

This is a non-fiction account of my 18 month tour of duty. At 19 years old I was given almost unlimited authority. As long as the Provost Marshal judged my actions to be in the best interests of the U.S. Army, I could get away with murder.

I have PTSD. This book was my effort to dredge up incidents that were buried dep in my subconcious and restore my sanity.                                                                                                                                                  

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Ebook Type: OtherAudio Included,
Category: Action, Military, Thrillers

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Title: Quest for Honor
Author: David Tindell

What price would you pay to restore your honor?

Jim Hayes lives a quiet widower's life in Wisconsin. Unable to prevent the murder of his pregnant wife six years ago, Jim has trained in the martial arts and studied the warrior ethos, vowing that the next time he is called upon to act in defense of the innocent he will not fail, and his honor will be restored.

His estranged younger brother Mark, a career Army officer commanding a base in Afghanistan, approaches the end of his military career and wonders if civilian life will provide him with the same sense of honor he has found in uniform.

In lawless Somalia, terrorist chieftain Yusuf Shalita, tired of endless jihad, has decided to defect. Armed with intelligence about an imminent and massive attack planned against the US homeland, he tells CIA he will turn himself over to the only American he has ever known who was an honorable man: his old college friend Jim Hayes. This condition will bring the Hayes brothers back together in a way they never would have imagined.

Jim Hayes' time is now.

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Category: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

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Title: Tales of the Dreamer Witch
Author: Tanya Ferris

Sandra Nox is a young space traveller, who defies the interstellar Palladian tyranny and ventures to various fantastical places all over the known universe, experiencing the most incredible adventures.

In the first story (Theft of a Myth) Sandra Nox manages to become a star gladiator on planet Phaon, but this is not why she arrived there on the first place: in fact, she is pursuing a much more challenging goal.

In the second story (Distant Planet) the heroine visits an isolated, frozen planet, in search of an ancient jewel which enhances mental powers. However, this is not the only thing she finds there.

In the third story (Descent to the Nether Zone) the dreamer witch goes all the way down to the Nether Zone, in order to help her beloved Arion save his world from extinction.

In the fourth story (A Ship Called Destiny) Sandra goes aboard and investigates an odd ancient ship, where unholy secrets are lurking.

In the fifth story (Beyond Heaven) Sandra travels beyond the limits of the known universe.

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Ebook Type: ePUB
Category: Action, Fiction, Young Adult

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Title: The Lucky Boy
Author: Caroline Gerardo

A Coming of Age story becoming cult fiction. Rated R for violence and some sexuality. Seth McGrath is a teenager who is cast off by his parents a cold neurosurgeon father and a socialite mother who drinks and takes prescription drugs to dull her pain. When they send him away to be raised by his Grandmother in inner city Philadelphia of the 1960's he meets the girl he decides at first site he will marry. Suddenly Grandmother dies and he is again shipped off to a dark house. Seth decides he must raise ten thousand dollars in a month to go find his lost love. Seth makes every bad choice on impulse. He sells drugs, steals, and lies to build his savings. Then he meets Jon who teams him up arranging illegal fights. The ypose homeless persons against one another and charge for attendance and betting. Seth loses all moral compass to raise his $10000. What will it take for him to find connection when he has the money and takes the journey? A story of a man's climb to riches and power.
Catagories: Thriller, Literary written in a very new style, Classic,Literary, Cult Fiction, Men's Fiction, Mature, YA, Bildungsroman, Palahunuik, Brett Easton Ellis, Spirtituality, Men, Books

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Ebook Type: Audio Included, Video Included,
Category: Fiction, Adventure, Action

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Title: Anna the Human
Author: Richard Shekari

The Puricans are a savage rage whose main source of food are the Humans but they are running out of food supplies and so must attack their rival race the Redicans who they believe are the cause of their growing food shortages.

Buga, a young and most fearful  Purican warrior in the midst of the war, finds himself caught in between two choices; his secret love for a human and the loyalty to his race.

                    About the Author

Richard Shekari is a novelist, a song writer, singer and a poet from Abuja, Nigeria.

Author The Broken Wings of Firgiveness and Anna the Human, he is a Humanitarian officer with the National Emergency Management Agency and an architect by profession.

He enjoys scienve fiction, comedy and adventure movies. richard started writing at a very young age and is a recording artist as well. You can search for his single Celebrate life by Rex Razor.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Action, Adventure, Travel

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Title: Discount Camping Clubs - Can they change your life?
Author: Stella Markham

This report asks the reader if camping, especially with a discount camping club, has a profound effect on one's life. While on the surface the question is silly, the content of the report explains how membership in a discount camping club can extend your camping life, save you fuel, allow you to travel with beloved pets and more. This report also contains recommendations regarding the best of the discount camping clubs and what you get when you join. Also included is a discount referral code that will allow the reader to purchase a membership in Passport America, the oldest and largest discount camping club, at a deep discount. Lastly, the report includes six tips on how to improve one's camping experience, especially if you are a new camper or RVer.

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