Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots Ebook

A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots
Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Science
Ebook cover: A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots


Title: A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots

Actually, the title has to be taken quite literally: the book is written as a guide for - not to - social robots. It addresses the many challenges you might face, being an artificial intelligence and being made to be of service to humans.

These humans are not that easy to understand. They are full of paradoxes; they are really not that rational though they think they are; they behave like they are the main thing in the universe, although they should know that they may be everything but that, and they think they're so smart, they actually call their mobile phones 'smartphones'.

But fortunately these humans also have a few things that are remarkable in a very positive sense. They are good in dressing things up, they are truly capable of feeling empathy, and - perhaps the crucial thing - they have a unique talent called 'suspension of disbelief'.

 The author is a researcher, who worked on using social robots for people with special needs (like children with autism, people with dementia and long term hospitalized children). His experiences inspired him to write this book, which addresses philosophical, social and psychological issues. 

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