88 Ways to Read Her Mind… Ebook
Title: 88 Ways to Read Her Mind…
Author: Bobby Rio
Discover 88 Sneaky Tricks to Read a Girl's Mind...
And Know Exactly What She’s Thinking, Predict Her Every Move, Pass All Her Secret Tests, Kiss Her with Ease, Get Her Back to Your Bedroom, Have Her Begging to Be Your Girlfriend… & Finally Escape the Friend Zone
I’ve created this special “user manual” to the female mind where you’re going to learn exactly how to spot patterns, give tests, and recognize the signals that are going to get her back to your bedroom.
I’ll show you how to quickly size a girl up, determine how likely you are to sleep with her, the odds of making her girlfriend, and even how to pin-point other things about her like how good she’ll be in bed, how faithful she’ll be, is she lying to you?
Here’s small taste of what you’ll discover…
- The silent clue girls give off when she’s falling in love with you
- What it really means when she doesn’t call you back, ignores a text, or takes forever to respond to you… (HINT: sometimes she’s playing hard to get… sometimes she’s just not interested- THIS is how you tell the difference.)
- Decode her texts –how to ‘read between the lines’ of every text she sends
- How she responds to this one word “INNOCENT” TEXT secretly reveals her feelings about you (send it, then sit back and wait – the results are nearly 100% accurate)
- She goes from HOT to COLD: One minute she’s super attracted to you… the next minute she acts like you’re not even alive… USE THIS quiz to find out what happened… (And what your next move should be)
- Gut feelings about her you should NEVER ignore
- When she acts WEIRD around you- there is “good weird” and “bad weird” and we explain the difference…
- Girlfriend Habits: When she starts doing any of THESE things it means she thinks she’s your girlfriend (even if you haven’t had the conversation yet)
- 4 Tricks to get her to confess her TRUE feelings (and have her think it was her idea)
- The Friend Zone Test: Before you make your move use THIS TEST to avoid getting the awkward friend zone speech.
- Does she touch you?… A. Nervously? B. Often? C. Never? We decode her caresses and what they really mean to your chances of getting her into bed.
- If she does THIS… stop talking and KISS her immediately (If not, you’ll ruin the moment and look socially clueless)
- YOUR HANDS: Why THESE are your biggest weapon in reading her mind… (And how to use them to uncover how she really feels about you- without her realizing what you’re doing)
- BEWARE this subtle move … she’s silently telling you she’s uncomfortable and you’re starting to appear CREEPY.
- When her compliments mean you’re in the friend zone… THESE type of compliments are NOT a good sign
- Freaky signs a “female friend” is falling for you (clue #1: she seems distant all of a sudden. Clue #2….)
- 7 “Approach Me” Signs nearly all guys miss. Spotting these signs is the difference between going home alone OR waking up naked in bed next to a young hot girl.
- How to develop a “Filter Mechanism” so you can zone in on the girls that want you to approach them. And avoid the ones likely to reject you.
- She’s giving you PICK UP LINES- 5 things girls will do so that you have something to say to them (never again let a girl slip by because you can’t think of anything to say)
- Does eye contact = attraction? Answer: Sometimes, it all depends on how her body is positioned. THIS is what to pay attention to…
- 6 Things all girls are pre-programmed to notice about you INSTANTLY- these things can make you or break you so you MUST be aware of them…. (And use them to your ADVANTAGE)
- When she walks past you; look for THIS CLUE that lets you know if she wants you to talk to her… (When you notice it- approach IMMEDIATELY and she feel like you just read her mind)
- The clumsy mistakes 90% of all men make when they get THIS SIGN…
- Sneaky “tests” girls use to Size You Up (most guys completely fail them but when you’re prepared for them it puts you in total control)
- NEVER walk away from a girl who’s giving you these 3 signs (she’s practically begging for you to ask for her number)… yet most guys completely miss them.
- 30 Second Trick to know exactly how much CHEMISTRY a girl feels towards you. (Its so SIMPLE yet reveals so much)
- The #1 WORST thing to do when a girl calls you a “player”, “jerk” or “asshole” … she’s TESTING you and THIS is how you should respond.
- Is She Just a Tease? These 3 signs together almost always means she’s an attention seeking tease… don’t waste your time she’s just an attention junkie.
- Steal this trick- Next time you’re talking to a girl and you’re wondering if she’s attracted to you… DO THIS… within 15 seconds you’ll know how much she’s into you. (The best part is its completely under her radar)
- The Window of Opportunity: Why you must act FAST when a girl displays interest, or forever be banished to the friend zone prison, or worse, have her think you’re too shy (or gay) to make a move…
- She’ll do THIS SNEAKY MOVE when she wants you to kiss her…
- The surprising TOUCH that almost always means you’re gonna get lucky later…
- Is she ready for SEX? Ask THIS series of three innocent questions that quickly discover if she’s ready to have sex with you… Her answer to the third question is a SURE FIRE clue she wants to have sex with you… and its time to act NOW.
- This ONE signal displays more SEXUAL INTEREST than ANY other sign she sends… here’s the weird part- sometimes she can appear totally “disinterested” but if she’s sending this signal she’s TURNED ON – BIG TIME.
- 4 signs she’s looking to get laid- why end the night with a hug or a handshake when she clearly wants to go home with you? Don’t miss these signs…
- Could she be a closet slut? The foolproof sign…
- Is she faking orgasms? You’ll learn how to tell if it’s REAL…
- What is she thinking during sex? Pay attention to THESE 3 things and you’ll know if you’re satisfying her…
- How dirty is her mind? Use this technique to quickly “gauge” how sexual she’s willing to get with you… (Without seeming creepy or perverted)
- Naughty Party girls – how to INSTANTLY spot them, and take advantage before some other guy has all the fun.
- The Blockbuster Preview Kiss: This is a ballsy move that lets you judge her interest level… while also massively SPIKING HER ATTRACTION toward you.
- The weird reasons she’ll act tired. HINT: one of them is bad… the other means she’s ready to sleep with you…. Learn the subtle ways to tell the difference.
- The Morning After: Signs she REGRETS hooking up with you (and was only looking for a one night stand)
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