101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination! Ebook
Title: 101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination!
Are you ready to start ramming your head into the wall as a punishment for repeated procrastination?
No matter what you do, what you promise yourself, you never seem to be able to get your work, chores, or projects done. It can happen to the best of us and it's a hard habit to break.
Let me ask you this...
...As a procrastinator, are you having trouble meeting your personal and professional goals? Are you in the same place you were a year ago?
These are the terrible effects waiting 'til the last minute can place on all of us. If procrastinating is slowing your life down to a halt, you need to do something fast. You need...
...101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination!
Greetings Friend,
Feel like you've hit rock bottom yet?
It hurts to procrastinate. Your boss sets your due date a few weeks away and you promise you'll get started right away. But for whatever reason, despite your best intentions, somehow you always seem to wait 'til the last minute.
Living for weeks with a project over your head can be tough. And very stressful. Especially when finishing it late means getting a late start on your next project.
If you want to reach your personal and professional goals, you must attack procrastination like Mr. Clean attacks a kitchen.
Give Me 45 Minutes And You'll Have A Battle Plan For Attacking Procrastination At It's Source!
Have you been a procrastinator your entire life? If you have, isn't it time you do something about it?
Within my 50 page guide, "101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination," you'll learn all the tricks, methods, and strategies for beating down your bad habit. And you can start the battle in minutes from now by downloading my guide to your PC.
...here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:
- 12 ways people procrastinate everyday (sometimes without realizing it).
- How to prepare yourself for the battle against procrastination.
- How you can get the upper-hand on procrastination (by dealing with consequences).
- 21 phone numbers to have nearby to save you time... and keep you from getting distracted.
- The secret tool you can create in your mind (kind of like a mental calculator) that will help you open your eyes to the problem.
- Why successful people are used to getting things done (which keeps them from procrastinating) and how you can be too.
- An easy way people who beat procrastination keep from dwelling on their past failures.
- When you need some inspiration, here's a mantra you can recite to revitalize your energy and finish out your day strong.
- 11 time-wasters you and your family may be suffering from day-in and day-out.
- The secret to using small steps to complete huge tasks.
- How to handle chores without wasting time.
- How procrastinating can lead to huge bills (that you've never even considered).
- How to keep your significant other from being your biggest distraction (and excuse).
- When you need to keep up with schoolwork, here's how to use the professor to your advantage.
- The secret to tackling a huge report, project, or term paper.
- An easy way to take care of email and voicemail messages that really aren't so important.
- How to seek out friends at work who want you to get things done - and how to avoid the backstabbers.
- Why the hardest job to do is the job you should do first.
- How to make sure you're not procrastinating by "working" with someone else.
- Why you should stay away from the water fountain at work.
- The secret to getting other procrastinators to leave your office when you're working (without being rude or saying a word).
- How straight-forward people (who get things done) make sure their family isn't keeping them from completing their work.
- 5 reasons to stop putting off breaking up with your partner.
- When to tell your friends NO!
- 5 reasons to stop waiting to lose the weight.
- 13 health symptoms you should not procrastinate in getting checked out.
- How to know when it's time to see a psychologist.
- 16 things to do today you've probably been procrastinating on.
- When procrastination can lead to serious health concerns.
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!
Are You Ready To Say "Good Bye" To Procrastinating For Good?
Do you procrastinate in more areas than just work? If so, there's a good chance it'll end up costing you a lot of cash. That's reason enough to get a handle on your bad habit right now!
Let alone the fact that it's keeping you from reaching your goals. The office can be a tough place to fight off procrastination. Especially when there are others trying to get you to slack off with them.
My report will teach you how to put a stop to that (and without being rude). See page 32 to find out how to get other procrastinators to leave your office without saying one word. Not even by saying "get out!"
The truth is there are people at work who'd rather take you down with them (by keeping you from working) than go that route themselves. And you can put a stop to it!
My guide teaches you how to say "NO!" to friends, family, significant others and co-workers who compete for your time. And most importantly, how to get yourself to feel like saying "no" is the right thing to do.
If you have trouble starting a project before the last minute, my report will be your secret weapon for fighting off procrastination. 50 pages full of (101) tips, tricks, and tactics for eliminating your bad habit from your life.
Time is money. Can you imagine how much it would be worth to you, your company, and your future goals if you could cut out hours of procrastinating from your life?
How much do you make an hour? And how many hours do you spend wasting time with a deadline looming over your head?
If my guide can help you beat procrastination, it would be worth thousands in the long term. But you can get it today. And I promise it will do the trick.
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