10 Steps To Explosive Product Launches Ebook
Title: 10 Steps To Explosive Product Launches
Listen In As I Show You Step By Step The Methods I Use To Successfully Launch My Online Products To An Audience That I Can Guarantee Will Buy From Me..
- And Discover How You Can Get Access To Them Too
You know, back when I first started out in online marketing in mid 1999, there was always one thing that amazed me about this business. This is it: I'd wake up in the morning, and on checking my mail I'd see an ad for a product that would claim that they're only selling 500 copies before pulling it off the shelf forever. I'd think nothing more of it, go about my daily business, then wake up the next morning and check my mail again.
What I found never failed to shock me.
This $500 product they were only selling 500 of before pulling off the shelf forever had already sold 250 copies! Now in my naivety I did wonder if they were serious about this or it was just a marketing ploy. Several years down the line however, on meeting these marketers and actually seeing this in action..
I now know this is a fact.
My next plan of action was to find out how they were doing this. Was it simply through a bunch of joint ventures? Maybe it was because they were already established and they have a huge list to promote to I thought.
I was even more astonished at what I found to be true.
It wasn't their big lists that were selling them 250 copies of their premium products in 24-48 hours. It wasn't even their joint ventures, it was their plan. You see, they had a very specific start to finish launch day plan that started two weeks before their product was even ready to go, and ended two weeks afterwards. So after almost 7 years of asking questions, and over $38,000 of testing later, I finally figured out what was going on.
Here's what I found out.
- 1 reason why a majority of marketers are failing to successfully launch their products by breaking the natural flow and chain of events surrounding a successful product launch. Are you breaking that chain? We'll show you how to avoid this pitfall that can ruin your chances several weeks before you even launch.
- A full 4 week start to finish, step by step launch manual for your products. From the planning stages, all the way through to launch day and beyond, ensuring that your product launches have the potential to reach circulations in the hundreds of thousands within weeks. Imagine what those numbers would do for your sales.
- 6 aspects of a successful pre-launch. A short but simple checklist to ensure you have all the tools you need set up and ready to pull in huge amounts of leads and make large numbers of sales in the most efficient way possible, and pave the way for the future at the same time. Miss one of these and the chain is broken. 5 are useless with the 6th. Are your tools letting your sales down?
- How to almost never run out of prospects to promote to for free ever again. All it takes is a single product launch done correctly, and you could wake up and launch a new product every day for the rest of the year and still have people to promote to and people to promote for you without having to reach into your wallet to pay for anything. Memorize this and you'll be set for years to come.
- Looking beyond immediate profits is ultimately the key to product launch success. What would you prefer, $10,000 today, or $100,000 in a week? I know which I'd choose, and it makes me wonder why the majority of marketers select option one by concentrating on immediate profit instead of the future of their business. I'll show you exactly what they're doing wrong to devastate their profits and how you can ensure it won't happen to you. (It's tips like these that force me to limit the number of products I sell so that they don't become saturated. For the special few only!)
- Are you going to attract affiliates, and are they going to promote for you? If the answer isn't a surefire yes, then I'm going to show you exactly how to make it so through methods that some marketers would call me crazy for. The fact is however, I've proved that they work once and for all. This could easily increase your chances of pulling affiliates by ten times or more.
- Are the sales of your digital or info product netting you less than $100 profit per product that you designed specifically to make you money? If so, you could well be missing out on big money. I'll show you exactly how I discovered this by accident at the start of my marketing career, and show you how if you look carefully, you'll see it in action all around you by the big guys pulling in the big pay cheques (proof it works beyond a doubt).
- Are you pulling in $60 per sale when you should be pulling in nothing? It might amaze you to find out this key to success. I doubled my income the moment I stopped promoting to make money. I believe anyone can do this with their business if they know how. I'll show you how. Best of all, it can take less than an hour to complete!
- Are you building your business for the future correctly through lead generation and list building? I'll show you why you should have not one, but three separate lists of prospects, and how to you can immediately increase your sales by 80% simply by tailoring specific offers to each individual list. 80% more profit for less than 15 minutes of your time per week. Not bad at all.
- Are you carrying out joint ventures for profit? If so, you're potentially losing hundreds of thousands in circulation numbers for your products. Imagine what that would mean for your sales. Often, it's just this one factor alone holding marketers back from their income and lifestyle goals. I'll show you how to fix this problem and never have it rear it's ugly head in your business again in under 20 minutes.
- 3 list building and lead generation mistakes of the online marketing newbie. I'll demonstrate why throwing all your prospects on one single big list is losing you money right now, and 3 additional factors you can take advantage of to increase your sales the moment you launch your next product.
- 4 launch day tips that almost ensure your product launches will go down without a hitch. Imagine you've just secured yourself a circulation of several hundred thousand viewers through your joint venturing. Now imagine waking up in the morning to find your site was down when the mainstay of your promotion went out. Devastating. I'll give you four launch day tips that will help cut the chances of this happening to almost non existent levels.
- 4 tell tail ad tracking signs that will show you what promotion to do and when to do it even after your products have launched, potentially adding thousands of dollars to your final sales figures before the first week of your launch is even over.
- 6 methods of successful post launch day promotion. Most marketers stop promoting after launch day, when in fact it's far easier to make sales post launch. Discover these six methods, put them to work, and if your results are anything like mine, you'll be able to double your launch day sales with ease.
1. Introduction
2. Goals Of This Section
3. Promotion Preparation: Getting The Word Out Part 1
- Getting Started
- A Heads Up
- The Checklist Begins
- The All Powerful Resource Snowball
- The Structure
- Pre-Launch Checklists
- Sorted
5. Goals Of This Section
6. Getting The Word Out 2
- JV's. Cards On The Table
- Circulating Your Resources: New Blood
- It's All About The Resources
- 2 Weeks & 10 JV's Later
- Trouble With JV's
- Watching & Listening
8. Goals Of This Section
9. Getting The Word Out 3
- What We've Achieved So Far
- The Day After
- Back To Business
- Promotion Re-Visited
- Research: Numbers Don't Lie
- Bringing Your Resources Back Into Play
- What You've Gained With This Promotion Drive
1. Introduction.
Every week, hundreds if not thousands of online business owners launch new products, yet, only a small minority of them make any profit, never mind survive the year.
It's time to hit this problem head on. Listen in while I show you exactly why the above is true and how, when you come to launching your products you can have massively improved success potential with just a few little known smart moves.
Understand the value of this. What I'm about to show you isn't something that you can just use once. It isn't something that's going to stop working any time soon either (in fact it's been working since the first online businesses hit the net). This elevates your chance of a successful product launch immensely now, and far into the future of your business' life.
Ebook Type: PDF
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