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Cooking ebooks

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Category: Cooking, Food

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Title: Beginning Sous Vide: Low Temperature Recipes and Techniques for Getting Started at Home
Author: Jason Logsdon

Want to learn sous vide cooking? We give you foundation you need to cook great sous vide food at home.

We also include over 100 of our favorite sous vide recipes and time and temperature combinations for more than 175 cuts of meat and types of vegetables and fish to get you started sous viding right away!

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Category: Cooking, Finance, Garden

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Title: Money-Saving Tips from a Stay-at-Home Mom
Author: Melanie Casey

Would you like tips for raising a family on one incom?. Of you answered yes, this ebook could do that! It shows how to cut your grocery bill in half and save money when cleaning, cooking, gardening and on household bills. There are also tips for creating a budget and getting out of debt.

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Category: Cooking

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Title: 11 most fabulous dishes you would ever try!
Author: Rohit Sejwal

11 most fabulous dishes you would ever try! It is a must for those who are always attracted towards the exotic taste of Indian food. You would obviously love every single dish right from the time you will cook it till you eat and admire its taste.

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Category: Cooking, Diet, Food

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Title: 177 Ways To Burn Calories Safely For Diabetics

Many diabetics struggle with their weight.

Perhaps you have had to work really hard to keep off those unwanted pounds, too. Or maybe you'd just like to fit into those favorite pair of jeans of yours.

In this fantastic book, you'll learn how you can take off the weight in complete safety.

Developed for diabetics just like you, this amazing ebook can help you maintain your weight, lose a few extra pounds from those problem spots, or drop pounds, inches and dress or pant sizes... all in a diabetic-friendly way.

Bonus to the "The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook "

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Category: Cooking, Diet, Food

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Title: The Diabetics Guide To Lowering Your Cholesterol

Unfortunately, as you probably already know, people with diabetes often have high levels of "bad cholesterol" and low levels of "good cholesterol."

This is a particularly nasty combination that can have all sorts of negative health effects - from heart disease to stroke.

In this comprehensive book, you'll have all the information you need about cholesterol and diabetes all in one place.

With a tremendous discussion on natural treatments and herbal remedies as well as traditional medications, you'll be equipped with the knowledge you need to make an informed choice with your health provider on what is right for you.

You'll learn what cholesterol is and does in your body, but more importantly, you'll learn what your options are in terms of keeping your cholesterol levels safe.

You never want to leave your cholesterol levels up to chance and this ebook will make sure that never happens again. 

Bonus to the "The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook "

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Category: Cooking, Diet, Food

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Title: Insiders Guide To Living With Diabetes

In this eBook, you'll learn the inside scoop on how best to live with diabetes.

Whether you've had the illness for years or you're just newly diagnosed, Coping with Diabetes is a truly valuable resource to have.

Using easy to follow examples, the ebook breaks down the facts we know about diabetes. Then, it goes one step further and follows you throughout your day - breakfast, lunch and dinner - and helps you to understand why you need to eat what you eat.

Truly extraordinary!

Bonus to the "The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook "

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Category: Cooking, Health, Food

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Title: Six Basic Gluten-Free Doughs
Author: KN Schultz

For those suffering from gluten intolerance and celiac disease, they find themselves adjusting to their new diet of gluten-free breads poorly.

I was no different. Gluten-free baking is quite different than traditional and so often, the recipes found tend to be complicated and expensive, using xanthan and guar gums to raise the yeast as they try to mimic gluten laden bread.

Gluten-free bread doesn't need to be complicated or ridiculously expensive to make. And unlike most gluten-free breads commerically available, it doesn't have to be painful to taste and digest. Gluten-free bread can and should be tasty and affordable to bake at home with ease.

It might seem scary and daunting at first, but once you start baking your own gluten-free bread with basic and wholesome ingredients, you can have your daily bread and a happy body.

My six basic recipes help achieve that goal with doughs for breads, biscuits, crackers, and noodles. The key is to take the time and love to mix and knead the dough. Simple and edible gluten-free breads are at out finger tips.

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Category: Cooking

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Title: Slutty Potatoes
Author: KN Schultz

 Our food is boring and our recipes trite. We don't have the time, patience or resources to even make a lowly potato appealing. Woe is our age of culinary stagnation and degeneration. Our palates become bland and desensitized to the realm of possible flavors and innovations lurking within our kitchens.

 Our excuses deny us the joys and freedoms of impromptu cooking with a simple nutritious ingredient like a potato. We deny ourselves the opportunity to dress our food up with new choices and supporting ingredients; some wholesome, others not.

 But what if we dare walk into that unspeakable place where bland food resides and shake it, slap it, and tease it into another realm, a realm of things more unstable and unnatural, that realm of mad genius and perverted desire? Could we not bring savory decadence back to our food, our potatoes?

 We can. Inside are some of the simple recipes I made impromptu while preparing potatoes, looking for something saucy, forbidden, and dare I say even slutty.

 As always, my recipes are gluten-free.

 The spuds await.

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Category: Cooking

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Title: Bastard Bread
Author: KN Schultz

  In the realm of gluten-free baking, cooking, and diets, the need for simple and tasty grain-free recipes emerges as those living with gluten intolerance require regular systematic reprieve from the hardships of digesting grains.

  Although gluten-free diets prevent extensive or worsening injury to the afflicted's digestive tract and subsquent body, minor flare-ups do occur occaisonally from other types of exposure.  And during those flare-ups, any grain isn't friendly. Hence, the need for the healing power of grain-free recipes. Grain-free recipes provide the injured intestines and immune system time and space to heal and rebound faster.

  However, grain-free bread recipes tend to be far more complicated in design, requiring more moisture and binders. Often these recipes are too rich and insane to craft and eat, like calling for half a dozen eggs for one small loaf of bread.

  But like any gluten-free recipe, grain-free recipes can be made rather simple and tasty using various gluten-free starches and milk with coconut flour.

  The following recipes use coconut flour, milk, and potato starch instead of vast amounts of eggs.

Take a look for yourself and try them at home.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Cooking, Food, How To

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Title: Historic Cocktails: Pre-Prohibition Recipes for Crafting an Excellent Drink
Author: Dawn Irion

Discover 174 pre-Prohibition cocktail recipes for all occasions! How much do you know about the glory days of the cocktail, before Prohibition, and the rich history of alcohol in America? Historic Cocktails uncovers secrets from our colorful past that were almost lost to us due to the "Noble Experiment."

This picture packed book shares over 170 historic cocktail recipes favored by bartenders excellent at their craft. All of the recipes were perfected before Prohibition and may have a few surprises. In fact, some aren't even alcoholic! Learn the secret tricks of an ancient trade and be known as the best host in town. Historic Cocktails includes history, photos, terms and definitions, and instructions for both individual cocktails and party sized punches.

Be part of restoring cocktails to the prominence they once held by learning the old techniques along with some fascinating history that will take you all over the world. With Historic Cocktails on your bar (or in your kitchen) you'll impress your guests with your knowledge of classic liqueurs and these amazing pre-Prohibition cocktails.

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