Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress.
Thomas Alva Edison

Adventure ebooks

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Category: Adventure, Children, Fantasy

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Title: Mr. Planemaker's Diving Machine

Dell and Emmelisa Planemaker have no sooner returned from their space mission to follow their dad's trail of light. than they are off on a new adventure!

They cannot contain their curiosity when another strange-looking man turns up on the old computer warning them not to go back to Hardwareland, where they'd trained to become astronauts,

A group of criminals attempt to steal money from Mrs. Planemaker, so Dell and Emmelisa set about learning how to stop them, and there's a great deal to learn! They return to Hardwareland to attend cyber crime courses, take scuba diving lessons and undergo submersible pilot training. When they've passed all the courses, the intrepid aquanauts are ready to begin their next mission: to fish out the cyber criminals.

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Category: Action, Adventure, Travel

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Title: Discount Camping Clubs - Can they change your life?
Author: Stella Markham

This report asks the reader if camping, especially with a discount camping club, has a profound effect on one's life. While on the surface the question is silly, the content of the report explains how membership in a discount camping club can extend your camping life, save you fuel, allow you to travel with beloved pets and more. This report also contains recommendations regarding the best of the discount camping clubs and what you get when you join. Also included is a discount referral code that will allow the reader to purchase a membership in Passport America, the oldest and largest discount camping club, at a deep discount. Lastly, the report includes six tips on how to improve one's camping experience, especially if you are a new camper or RVer.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Christian Books, Young Adult, Adventure

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Title: Adventures in Koba
Author: Kim Bond

Adventures in Koba is a fiction book for middle grade juveniles, young adults, and adults who are interested in fresh Christian literature. Sarah and Trip are twin teenagers who begin an exciting adventure through the land of Koba after they decide to protect a kindhearted fairy named Maria. After they leave the safety and comfort of their home in Green Hills, they realize the old myths are true! Frightening creatures, terrifying landscapes, and treacherous spiritual beings do exist in the land of Koba. The teenagers along with Sarah's friend, Rosa, face many trials as they journey to places like Bliss Mountain, Grande River, Rock Graveyard, and the Thorn Forest. This book is written in an easy-to-understand language with many layers of symbolism and depth so every age level can appreciate this modern classic. Both Christians and Non-Christians can enjoy this artful tale. Are you willing to journey to this mysterious land of Koba that exists somewhere between heaven and Earth?   

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Action, Adventure, History

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Title: Trust To A Degree

After narrowly surviving the fall of Berlin, book two in the series finds Karl Veth under arrest and on his way to being interrogated by a Russian Kommisar. It isn't long before Karl finds out that his knowledge of the Berlin subway system is the reason for his arrest and the high-ranking Russian offical wants to use that knowledge to his advantage.

Karl, as well as his friend Harold, are given two choices - agree to work with the Kommisar or be shipped off to the Russian labor camps. The boys agree to work with the Kommisar and complete the missions assigned to them. The final mission, however, does not end the way Karl had planned. Rather than being released as he had hoped, he must make a very difficult decision. He must agree to do the one thing he has never done - take the life of another or, risk the life of someone he holds very dear.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Adventure, Children, Fantasy

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Title: Duke & Michel: The Mysterious Corridor
Author: Elias Zapple

Follow the adventures of skateboarder Michel as his cousin goes missing and he meets up with a greedy, sarcastic, narcissistic, talking Basset Hound. Together they go on a mission to find Michel's cousin and do battle with the evil Master. 


A bizarre fantasy story set in an alternate-reality all linked together by a mysteriuos corridor. Each door in the corridor takes you to an even more bizarre world such as Skaters' Paradise, Candyland, Napland and Planet Football. You'll laugh until your guts explode. Get it now before Duke insults you.


Excerpt from Duke & Michel: The Mysterious Corridor:

 Duke to Michel: Even though I'm fairly certain you'd struggle in a quiz against a pigeon, you are capable enough of opening doors.


The first in the Duke & Michel series. The 2nd and 3rd books are now out!

2nd Book: Duke & Michel: The King Tingaling Painting

3rd Book: Duke & Michel: Return of the Nibbles


The final book in the series due out in 2016. 

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Adventure, Horror, Thrillers

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Title: Dead Air
Author: Jon Schafer

Dead Air is not your typical zombie apocalypse novel.
While most zombie books don't explain where the dead come from, Dead Air starts out by giving a realistic explanation of how they evolved. It then follows how the highly communicable disease they carry spreads rapidly across the United States, and then the world.
It features Steve Wendell, a manager of a radio station in Clearwater, Florida, who after reading a news story of a man attacking and biting hospital staff in in little Rock, Arkansas, gets an idea for an upcoming live show on Halloween. Little does he realize that the report is only the first of what will become a flood of people being infected, dying, and rising up to attack, kill, and eat their friends, neighbors, and relatives.
Then these people get up to do the same.
Taking refuge with 8 other people in the 15 story building that houses the radio station he manages, Steve and his fellow survivors barricade themselves and continue to broadcast live as the dead surround them and search for a way in.

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Category: Adventure, Fiction

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Title: destinul unui print
Author: T.I. Horia
Language: Other

Este vorba despre un tanar care afla ca este print si ca actualul rege ia omorat ambi parinti. iar el acum trebuie sa uneasca toate rasele si sa porneasca la razboi nu inainte de a-si recapata propiu regat. are de ales in a indeplini dorinta tatalui sau si de a se duce direct la cel ce ia ucis parinti ne pasandu-i de soarta celorlalti. inainte sa afle despre destinul lui, el este doar un simplu satean care isi ajuta prieteni sa adune lemne pentru iarna ce urma sa vina. dar se nimereste ca intr-o zi afla ca in drum spre satul lui se indrepta o armataa de orci. el reuseste sa ii incetineasca dar nu inainte de asi pierde prieteni. ducandu-se spre satul lui vede ca satul arde atunci isi da seama ca e prea tarziu. in calatoria lui intampina multe peripeti dar isi face si prieteni. doi dintrei ei il urmeaza pe tot parcursul drumului si il ajuta sa faca alegerile corecte. intampina greutati in ai convinge pe celelalte regate sa reinoiasca trataul dintre ei ce a fost rupt cu multi ani in urma. 

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Adventure, Animals, Children

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Title: Gemma At Rainbow Farm - The Beginning
Author: Sally James

Gemma is 7 year old little girl who moves with her parents from the townhouse where she has always lived, to a farm in the country. Even though it's difficult moving and leaving old friends behind, Gemma is excited about living on a farm.

When she arrives at Rainbow Farm, Gemma begins exploring right away. To her delight, she soon finds out that Rainbow Farm is no ordinary farm - but a magical place where she can talk to the animals and they can talk to her!

Gemma's first day at Rainbow Farm is full of adventures as an old red hen takes her under he wings and acts as a guide. As the days comes to a close, Gemma realizes that at Rainbow Farm, anything is possible.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Adventure, Children, Young Adult

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Title: Duke & Michel: The King Tingaling Painting
Author: Elias Zapple

The incredible sequel to Duke & Michel: The Mysterious Corridor is here and things get a lot worse for Michel.

Having returned home after his adventures in that strange universe, Michel has to return. He reunites with Duke, the talking, greedy, sarcastic, food-obsessed, narcissistic, lazy, arrogant Basset Hound. Michel's super happy to have to get Duke to join him again.

Unfortunately, they become pawns in an evil game between the Master and King Tingaling, who's still royally riled about a painting depicting him in a compromising position with his favourite pig, Buttercup.

Will Michel and Duke survive? Will Duke & Michel find out what's happened to Michel's family? Read it to find out.

Read Duke & Michel: The King Tingaling Painting already? Don't worry, the sequel, the third Duke & Michel book, is already out! Duke & Michel: Return of the Nibbles is out now and things get even worse. Will light ever shine again in Michel's world? More hilarity and adventure awaits!

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Adventure, Romance, Thrillers

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Title: Alva Madrugada
Author: J. P. Madeira
Language: Other

Quando um infeliz acidente vira a vida do avesso de André, ele resolve começar de novo como voluntário em Moçambique. Vende tudo o que possui para que o começo seja mesmo a sério, desprovido de pedaços de passado agarrados ao seu ser. Leva um objetivo como sua unica bagagem. Uma singela homenagem a que perdeu na sua vida passada. As peripécias sucedem-se a um ritmo avassalador, de quem se envolve em guerras que não têm finais certos. É raptado e conhece o inferno na terra, num mundo que é verdadeiramente estranho e bizarro. O resgate não é um resgate mas sim uma assinatura de morte para todos os que com ele sofrem o cativeiro. Escapa com vida e quando a vida parece voltar a sorrir-lhe, algo torna-a  afinal em algo que não é o que parece.

Porque as Alvas Madrugadas podem acontecer em qualquer vida de um qualquer humano... em qualquer lugar.

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