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Adventure ebooks

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Category: Adventure, Children, Classic


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Author: Mark Twain


[Footnote: Strange as the incidents of this story are, they are not inventions, but facts -- even to the public confession of the accused. I take them from an old-time Swedish criminal trial, change the actors, and transfer the scenes to America. I have added some details, but only a couple of them are important ones. -- M. T.]
WELL, it was the next spring after me and Tom Sawyer set our old nigger Jim free, the time he was chained up for a runaway slave down there on Tom's uncle Silas's farm in Arkansaw. The frost was working out of the ground, and out of the air, too, and it was getting closer and closer onto barefoot time every day; and next it would be marble time, and next mumbletypeg, and next tops and hoops, and next kites, and then right away it would be summer and go- ing in a-swimming. It just makes a boy homesick to look ahead like that and see how far off summer is.
Yes, and it sets him to sighing and saddening around, and there's something the matter with him, he don't know what. But anyway, he gets out by himself and mopes and thinks; and mostly he hunts for a lone- some place high up on the hill in the edge of the woods, and sets there and looks away off on the big Mississippi down there a-reaching miles and miles around the points where the timber looks smoky and dim it's so far off and still, and everything's so solemn it seems like everybody you've loved is dead and gone, and you 'most

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Category: Adventure, Children, Classic


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Author: Mark Twain


DO you reckon Tom Sawyer was satisfied after all them adventures? I mean the adventures we had down the river, and the time we set the darky Jim free and Tom got shot in the leg. No, he wasn't. It only just p'isoned him for more. That was all the effect it had. You see, when we three came back up the river in glory, as you may say, from that long travel, and the village received us with a torchlight procession and speeches, and everybody hurrah'd and shouted, it made us heroes, and that was what Tom Sawyer had always been hankering to be.

For a while he WAS satisfied. Everybody made much of him, and he tilted up his nose and stepped around the town as though he owned it. Some called him Tom Sawyer the Traveler, and that just swelled him up fit to bust. You see he laid over me and Jim considerable, because we only went down the river on a raft and came back by the steamboat, but Tom went by the steamboat both ways. The boys envied me and Jim a good deal, but land! they just knuckled to the dirt before TOM.

Well, I don't know; maybe he might have been satisfied if it hadn't been for old Nat Parsons, which was postmaster, and powerful long and slim, and kind o' good-hearted and silly, and bald-headed, on account of his age, and about the talkiest old cretur I ever see.
For as much as thirty years he'd been the only man in the village that had a reputation -- I mean a reputation for being a traveler, and of

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Category: Adventure, Classic

The Hound of the Baskervilles

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Title: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle


MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES, who was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he was up all night, was seated at the breakfast table. I stood upon the hearth-rug and picked up the stick which our visitor had left behind him the night before. It was a fine, thick piece of wood, bulbous-headed, of the sort which is known as a "Penang lawyer." Just under the head was a broad silver band, nearly an inch across. "To James Mortimer, M.R.C.S., from his friends of the C.C.H.," was engraved upon it, with the date "1884." It was just such a stick as the old-fashioned family practitioner used to carry -- dignified, solid, and reassuring.

"Well, Watson, what do you make of it?"

Holmes was sitting with his back to me, and I had given him no sign of my occupation.

"How did you know what I was doing? I believe you have eyes in the back of your head."

"I have, at least, a well-polished silver-plated coffee-pot in front of me," said he. "But, tell me, Watson, what do you make of our visitor's stick? Since we have been so unfortunate as to miss him and have no notion of his errand, this accidental souvenir becomes of importance. Let me hear you reconstruct the man by an examination of it. "I think," said I, following as far as I could the methods of my companion, "that Dr. Mortimer is a successful elderly medical man, well-esteemed, since those who know him give him this mark of their

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Category: Action, Adventure, Nature

Light Weight Camping Equipment and How to Make It

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Title: Light Weight Camping Equipment and How to Make It


Watching a large and enthusiastic man and his family unload their gear from the car on a recent camping trip, we became more and more fascinated trying to guess what their plans might be. They seemed to be a family on vacation at a fairly remote lake in the Rockies, but the longer we watched the less sure we were. We weren't at all sure they weren't on a practice run for a projected African safari. The man and his wife, both strong looking, pulled and tugged until they finally had a tent spread on the ground. Three strapping children staggered under the weight of rolls that could be sleeping bags, somewhat disguised. The heap on the ground grew with cartons of canned foods, assorted hardware, clothing, ropes, packs-we finally lost track. Long after dark we could still hear these intrepid campers trying to get their tent secured and their gear stowed away.
We left camp the next morning with four days' supplies on our backs and astonishment on the faces of our neighbors. They were as securely attached to their camp as if they had been nailed into position.
Repetitions of this scene have convinced us that there are many people who would like to know how to go light. Some people, of course, want to set up a home away from home and relax without ever stirring, but many others, like our neighbors, just don't have any idea how to go light.
The following discussions and projects will

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Category: Action, Adventure

Small Game Hunting

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Title: Small Game Hunting

This ebook deals with small game hunting, a sport which makes a direct contribution to big game hunting skills. The relationship between big and small game hunting is seldom stressed, and when it is stressed, it is seldom that tech-niques are examined in detail to show how small game hunting improves big game hunting skills. One cannot be a mediocre squirrel hunter, and at the same time a skillful deer hunter. The two techniques go together.

Of course, small game hunting is an end within itself. There is no more satisfying hunting than taking squirrel in the autumn hardwoods, cottontail rabbit when the first frost touches the upland pastures with its magic, ruffed grouse in heavy cover and raccoon along the river bottoms and swamps. Truly, one could spend a lifetime in the small game coverts, finding the game always worthy of the best hunting skills. They are our best teachers of woodcraft, rifles and shotgun field techniques.

Rifles, handguns and shotguns considered in this ebook are those which I have found well qualified for small game hunting by personal use. I have followed common hunter word usage in calling all auto-loading firearms "automatics."

I am going small game hunting-you come, too!

FRANCIS E. SELL Riverton, Oregon,

When Art Richardson dropped us at the starting point of our hunt near

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Category: Adventure, Relationships

Adventures In Friendship

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Title: Adventures In Friendship


This, I am firmly convinced, is a strange world, as strange a one as I was ever in. Looking about me I perceive that the simplest things are the most difficult, the plainest things, the darkest, the commonest things, the rarest.

I have had an amusing adventure-and made a friend.

This morning when I went to town for my marketing I met a man who was a Mason, an Oddfellow and an Elk, and who wore the evidences of his various memberships upon his coat. He asked me what lodge I belonged to, and he slapped me on the back in the heartiest manner, as though he had known me intimately for a long time. (I may say, in passing, that he was trying to sell me a new kind of corn-planter.) I could not help feeling complimented-both complimented and abashed. For I am not a Mason, or an Oddfellow, or an Elk. When I told him so he seemed much surprised and disappointed.

"You ought to belong to one of our lodges," he said. "You'd be sure of having loyal friends wherever you go."

He told me all about his grips and passes and benefits; he told me how much it would cost me to get in and how much more to stay in and how much for a uniform (which was not compulsory). He told me about the fine funeral the Masons would give me; he said that the Elks would care for my widow and children.

"You're just the sort of a man," he said, "that we'd like to have in our lodge. I'd enjoy giving... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Adventure, Hobbies, Nature

Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches

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Title: Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
Author: Theodore Roosevelt

When we became a nation in 1776, the buffaloes, the first animals to vanish when the wilderness is settled, roved to the crests of the mountains which mark the western boundaries of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas. They were plentiful in what are now the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. But by the beginning of the present century they had been driven beyond the Mississippi; and for the next eighty years they formed one of the most distinctive and characteristic features of existence on the great plains. Their numbers were countless−−incredible. In vast herds of hundreds of thousands of individuals, they roamed from the Saskatchewan to the Rio Grande and westward to the Rocky Mountains. They furnished all the means of livelihood to the tribes of Horse Indians, and to the curious population of French Metis, or Half−breeds, on the Red River, as well as to those dauntless and archtypical wanderers, the white hunters and trappers. Their numbers slowly diminished, but the decrease was very gradual until after the Civil War. They were not destroyed by the settlers, but by the railways and the skin hunters.

After the ending of the Civil War, the work of constructing trans− continental railway lines was pushed forward with the utmost vigor. These supplied cheap and indispensable, but hitherto wholly lacking, means of transportation to the hunters; and at the same

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Category: Adventure, Entertainment

Getting Most Of Your ATV

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Title: Getting Most Of Your ATV

A Manual On How To Maximize And Enjoy Your ATV!

Attention: If You Love ATVs, This Is An Important Letter For You!

Finally! A Ebook To Teach You About The Basics Of ATVs, How To Maximize The Use Of It And All Important ATV Safety.

Introducing! A Manual On How To Maximize And Enjoy Your ATV!

Getting Most Of Your ATV

Morethan 69 Pages Of Valuable Information About Everything You Want To Know About Enjoying Your ATVs.

The e-Book, "ATV Made Easy," with its 71 pages of amazing tips on ATV use, is a must read for all ATV users. The ebook deals with a variety of ATV related facts, including ATV helmets and how to procure the best of them, safety issues, various exciting models, and so on and so forth. Moreover, it is written in a fascinating style, is well-organized and simple, and can be understood even by a child.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Ebook :

Table Of Contents:

  • ATV Helmets: The Thor Brand
  • ATV Helmets: Protection For Young Riders
  • ATV Helmets: Buying The Perfect Helmet
  • ATV Helmets: For Paragliding
  • ATV Helmets: How Good Is Yours?
  • ATV for Beginners
  • Choices to Make for Your First ATV
  • ATVs and Land
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Category: Adventure

Bucks And Bows

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Title: Bucks And Bows
Author: Walter Perry


FOR information and courtesies received which have been invaluable in the composition of this work, the author is indebted to the following:

Dr. J. K. Doutt, Curator of Mammals, Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Professor Edwin L. Peterson of the University of Pittsburgh; Thomas D. Frye, Formerly Executive Director of the Pennsylvania State Game Commis- sion; Jim Ramsey; Roy I. Case; Edward B. Hagy, Jr.; and the Game Commissions of all the states mentioned in the chapter on "Hunting Laws." To all of them the author conveys his thanks and appreciation.


"So long as the new moon returns in heaven a beautiful bent bow, so long will archery keep hold of the hearts of men." - MAURICE THOMPSON.

WOULD that through some medium we could call in the ghost of Robin Hood; no doubt it could and would reveal the secrets of successful hunting with the good bow and shaft. But, be that as it may, we must rely on our own devices to ferret out these secrets as best we can.

From a practical standpoint, there are no real secrets about hunting the white tail deer with archery tackle. It is a matter of education. One must know a lot about the bow. One must become proficient with it. One must know a lot about the nature and habits of deer. When these things are mastered, the hunter may have hopes of being successful on occasion.

It must not be

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Category: Adventure, Nature

The Canoeing Manual

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Title: The Canoeing Manual


CANOEING as a recreation made its debut nearly a hundred years ago when John MacGregor built his canoe "ROB ROY" and in her made pioneer journeys along European waterways. His subsequent lectures and the ebooks that came from his pen introduced the sport to the public; and the young men who followed it up and persuaded MacGregor to found The Canoe Club in 1866 became responsible for popularizing the sport in Europe and America. As a result of this background, the early ebooks on canoeing were all written by British or American canoeists, and both from a technical point of view and as travel ebooks they made excellent reading.

Times have changed, and the last three decades have seen the sport make tremendous advances, particularly among non-English speaking nations in Europe. These have been reflected in a growing literature in many languages, to which Britain has contributed a fair share as can be seen from the bibliography at the end of this ebook. Some of these ebooks have been technical treatises on canoe building; some have been manuals to specific waterways; others were manual guides on particular aspects of the sport. But too little attention has been paid to producing a ebook with a general picture of the activity for the newcomer. This little ebook by my friend Noel McNaught does not pretend to be as detailed as an encyclopedia on all branches of canoeing, but it does aim to supply the interested inquirer with the

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