In Research Your Product, Teresa King shows you how to research your ideas to see if there is a market for you to quietly sit back and open your email to the coveted "You Have Made a Sale!"
Introduction to Researching!
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one...Mark Twain
Great, you've brainstormed and you have a lot of cool ideas. It's exciting, isn't it!
The first step you must take is to start searching the keywords. I use the free Overture box for this.
When you use this box, you can see how many people searched for the product you have in mind. If no-one has searched, there is just no sense whatsoever in creating your product. (I will go into the sole exception to this rule later, but forget it for now.)
Your job is to create a product that will bring you $900.00 plus per month. Once you have that income coming in and you know how to do it, then you can venture to another product. You'll see how it is done, you'll see the money coming in and you'll see that you really like having that money coming in ?
So, for the sake of our looking for your product, let's get clever here:
Pretend that you are the person on the Internet and you NEED the product that you are thinking about developing. What keywords would you search for? You