Hyper Niche Your Business For Huge Profits Learn how to tightly focus your business on a very targeted niche and become the leader in no time flat. Become the big fish in a little pond and generate huge profits. Terry: Hey there. You're listening to Terry Telford from TheBusinesssProfessional.com and today we're very fortunate to have Kelly Robbins here with us on the call. Kelly is a copywriter and a marketing expert in the healthcare field. She specializes helping hospitals and non-profit organizations with their copywriting and marketing efforts. Her niche is very specialized, but her formulas and principles that she uses are very universal. What that means is that the information that Kelly is going to provide for us today, is something that you can use immediately in your own business. Kelly operates two businesses: she has KellyRobbinsLLC.com, which focuses on the healthcare side of thing, and is working on TheCopyWritingInstitute.com with a partner, which is more focused to what you're looking at as a general entrepreneur and learning the ins and outs of copywriting. Kelly has been in the business for about 15 years and has won various awards including the 40 Under 40 award, as well as getting many accolades from her clients and subscribers. You'll see that on her websites. I could go on and on about Kelly, but I think it's