Attention Home Workaholics! Stay Ahead In The Rat Race But With A Stress-Free Mind. Here's A Chill Pill to Help You Strike the Right Balance between Work & Fun. Dear Reader, You are reading this letter either because you are a workaholic or you know someone who might be so. Well, in that case you have hit this letter at the right time because workaholism is like a contagious disease and is not only fatal for you but also for those around you. Depression and stress related diseases are just some of the problems that hit those who are workaholics. The advancement of modern insight Internet business has given birth to several home based business opportunities and more and people are increasingly joining the race of running their home businesses to earn a livelihood. This a wonderful opportunity to tap and bank upon however it has some disadvantages too and the biggest one being people tend to become, what we call these days - the home workaholics. How to prevent boredom and stress and add fun to work: In order to work and succeed, just earning money is not enough, you need to give enough attention to your health and spend some time with your loved ones to enjoy the bliss for which you are working so hard. Home based businesses are different from the usual office work. In office, over work to please the boss,