Don't Let a Temporary Challenge Destroy a Successful Relationship
Contrary to popular opinion, marriages are not made in heaven. They take work. Lots of work. Successful marriages are created not just "divined."
While you may think that you have met your soul mate unless he/she can look you in the eye during the very worst of times and utter those all important words, "I love you."
Introducing Patrick Iwobi. Patrick says, "I have written "How to have a Good Marriage in a Bad Economy" to capture the positive aspects of a true marriage."
If you have been meandering through the morass of negativity that the current economy has brought down, have you found that your relationship has suffered?
The chances are that it has. Go ahead, admit it. No one is looking over your shoulder. The first step to correcting a challenge is to admit that it exists. Once you've done that, Patrick has the plan to set your marriage right!
One of the concepts he describes is "absence." Now, you might ask absence of what? Well, that's explained inside but rest assured once you grasp this part of his plan you have half the battle won.
Is that all there is? No way! Take a look: