"Video Marketing Is Literally On Fire... Do You Have What It Takes To Use This Medium To Catapult Your Internet Business To The Next Level Of Online Success Or Will You Be Left Eating The Dust Of Your Competition?" Finally, The Secrets Of Video Marketing Are Revealed! Know Everything That You Need To Know To Master This Field And Discover A Whole New Plateau Of Online Wealth Just Waiting To Be Conquered!" Dear Online Marketer, Back in 2004, article publishing became one of the biggest Internet marketing weapons in cyberspace. Many NETrepreneurs realized the amazing power of original, well-written articles in building a sizable number of back links that generated loads upon loads of traffic for their websites. Then, in 2005, blog and ping became the hottest online marketing strategy in existence. Blogs, after all, are simplified content management systems that empower just about anybody - including those who absolutely do not have a clue on how a computer works - to publish content on the World Wide Web. Additionally, by using the ping strategy, you'll be able to draw the attention of the search engine spiders, which will eventually result in the rapid indexing of your latest blog entries. Given the fact that search engines adore regularly updated content, blogs DO appear prominently in relevant search engine results pages. The result is a higher