Okay, we've all heard that quote, "The only thing to fear is fear itself." And, it's all well and good to intellectualize that content. But, it's been so over used that it's become more of a cliché than words to live by. It's pretty sad when you think about it. Here we are in the future that so many who've gone before us dreamt about. In less than 100 years we've conquered outer space as well as inner space. We are smarter, healthier and wealthier than any society that has gone before us. But. . .there it is. . .but with all of these advancements many of us are paralyzed by fear. Someone once said that fear is merely "False Evidence Appearing Real" (FEAR). Well that works - as long as you aren't the one who is experiencing the fear. Not everyone can be a Tony Robbins. If you are reading this letter, it's a good bet that you suffer from one of the deep seated fears that renders you helpless to forge ahead to try and shove that fear out of your reality. What are some of your fears? Are they:
If you recognize yourself in any of those fears, then you are ready for the first step in learning how to overcome them. Not only is it possible to overcome those fears,