I'm About To Finally Answer Once And For All 15 Of The Biggest Questions In Online Marketing And Remove The Barriers Holding You Back From Achieving The Business You Desire
Let me take you back a bit just for a short moment. Back in mid 1999, I was sitting down at my computer for the first, and somehow (To this date I still don't remember how it happened) got myself involved in online business. All I wanted was to replace my job with something I could do whenever I wanted, and something that actually paid me what I was worth instead of what some guy in a suit sitting in a big chair thought I was worth. (You know how it is).
Anyway, during my first five or six months in the business, I met around thirty people, and now, almost seven years later, there are only two of us from that group that started around the same time that have been successful in reaching our goals for the future. (That two includes me also, so that's a pretty low number after almost seven years).
So what went wrong?
Well, that's what I wanted to know too. I got together with the other guy that had become a success too, and we invited all of our contacts that we'd met when we first started to ask us fifteen questions that they didn't yet know the answers to, yet would change their business for the better, and put them on the road to success if someone would just give them a straight answer.
Here's what we did..
Alright, I know this this