The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave Ebook
Title: The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave
Author: Bob Grant
"How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World."
Learn Top Relationship Expert's Proven Methods that shows any woman how to be irresistible to men.
For every woman who longs for the relationship of her dreams, this ebook gives both practical and inspiring guidance that any woman can immediately apply. Find out what hundreds of woman have already discovered!
And if you think that's exciting, wait till you see all the other mouth-watering secrets I reveal in The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave. Take a sneak peek below:
- The powerful ability a woman possesses that causes men to be interested in her -- even if she isn't the tallest, smartest, or the most beautiful woman around. Not even looks, sex appeal, money, power, or prestige rate as high as this ability when it comes to making yourself irresistible to men -- and you can easily have it with a little practice.
- 5 things men crave that women don't know about -- Nothing in the world is more exhilarating for a man than these -- and if you give them to him, you'll have his undying devotion.
- How to master the art of perfect timing to get what you want in a relationship.
- The things a woman does that makes a man shut down and feel alienated from her. If you're doing these things, you may be sabotaging your relationship.
- Pinpoint exactly what you're doing that makes men NOT want to be close to you. How to tell if you're unknowingly sending off a signal that says "You can only get this close, and that's it."
- How to make a man do what you want him to do - and make him think it was his idea! .
- How to influence or shape your man's opinion with the power of words -- even if he doesn't see the need to change. How you influence him will affect his behavior toward you -- for better or for worse.
- Why you should not compete with your man -- and when to allow your man to be your superior. Even when you're capable of being his equal, trying to be his equal in certain areas will drive him away, and won't lead to the intimacy you crave.
- Do you know what's the No. 1 "man repellant" in existence? Ignore this and you'll make him feel incapable of being your hero. This could very well be a major reason as to why "he's just not that into you."
- How to be yourself and still be loved by a man - I'll show you how to find the courage to be imperfect and be loved in spite of it -- and teach you how to remove the "layers' that keep a man from knowing and loving you.
- Discover the secret to making a man feel understood by you. Master this secret and you can ask your man for almost anything, and he'd be willing to give it.
- The main reason why men choose to get married (or stay married) to a particular woman. This can be summed up in 5 words. Carve these words in your heart and never forget them.
- How to use your femininity to disarm a man, break down his defenses -- and turn him into a caring and sensitive man you've always wanted.
- How to speak in a way that hypnotizes a man into feeling safe so that he'll allow you to influence him with no resistance.
- How to use your innate feminine power to make a man powerless to resist you. This is what separates women that men fall in love with from those that men ignore and take for granted.
- The ultimate secret that will give you more influence with men than you've ever imagined. This might sound silly -- but it works like magic when it comes to persuading men to your way of thinking.
- The kiss of death in a relationship -- and how to avoid it.
Rating: 4.42 after 14 votes)
My Rate 5
how do woman for man this book is very import
woman and man hight reading
My Rate 5
i dont know
My Rate 5
its true
My Rate 5
because in this book you will be able to find right way to your man heart
My Rate 5
Nowadays, there are too many men who find chance to find outside-home partner (girls) because they are stressful with the house and wife, and most of them explain that "their girl-friend or wife is so boring and didn't learn anything about him.". This is
My Rate 2
very good
My Rate 4
very lovely and educative
My Rate 1
dian ffg ef
My Rate 5
i am in love
My Rate 5
it's a wonderful book,although i'm yet to read it fully,but with the glimse of it ,i know every lady must have it.
My Rate 5
I love it
My Rate 5
it really tels how a woman should get what she want out of a relationship and how a man wants her to act. No more heartbreak!
My Rate 5
I totally love it
My Rate 5
it is excellent
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My Rate 5
how do woman for man this book is very import
woman and man hight reading
My Rate 5
i dont know
My Rate 5
its true
My Rate 5
because in this book you will be able to find right way to your man heart
My Rate 5
Nowadays, there are too many men who find chance to find outside-home partner (girls) because they are stressful with the house and wife, and most of them explain that "their girl-friend or wife is so boring and didn't learn anything about him.". This is
My Rate 2
very good
My Rate 4
very lovely and educative
My Rate 1
dian ffg ef
My Rate 5
i am in love
My Rate 5
it's a wonderful book,although i'm yet to read it fully,but with the glimse of it ,i know every lady must have it.
My Rate 5
I love it
My Rate 5
it really tels how a woman should get what she want out of a relationship and how a man wants her to act. No more heartbreak!
My Rate 5
I totally love it
My Rate 5
it is excellent
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