Pontius Pilate was the first great censor, and Jesus Christ the first great victim of censorship.
Ben Lindsey

Weight Loss ebooks

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Category: Weight Loss

Underground Obesity Fighter System

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Title: Underground Obesity Fighter System

Warning: Obesity kills.

"Who Else Wants to Get Rid of those Stubborn Body Fats, Lose Weight Easily, and Maintain a Healthy, Sexy Body?"

You've done a lot of techniques to achieve the figure you've been dreaming of. But nothing seems to work for you... And then, you gave up.

You've accepted the fact that your case is hopeless and there is nothing that can be done about it.

So, you left it that way with regretful thoughts like: There's nothing wrong with being obese. At least, I get to eat anything I like; or, Who cares? It's my body. It's me who will decide what to do with it.

What you might not know is that there are far worse consequences of being obese. Overweight people have a much higher risk of having heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, gallbladder illness, osteoarthritis, and even some types of cancer! And since it's your body that is involved in such illnesses, you need to be most alarmed and concerned.

So are you willing to live a vibrant healthy life and boost your self-esteem by having a fit and sexy body?

Luckily, there is one proven and powerful ebook that will teach you the proper ways on how to end the dangerous effects of obesity, and at the same time get that attractive figure.

"Underground Obesity Fighter System - Let This Secret System Take You Out Of The

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Weight Loss

Fat Free Forever

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Title: Fat Free Forever

Finally - The Fastest, Easiest Way To Not Only Lose The Weight But Keep It Off!

"Learn Why All Those Other Diet & Exercise Programs You've Tried Simply Don't Work"

And discover the one simple secret that will guarantee you stay fat free forever...

  • Fed up with trying and failing to lose the weight and keep it off?
  • Sick of exercise routines you can't stick to and diets that leave you half starved?

I know. I've been there too. Trying to lose that extra weight and ending up losing my mind instead. You see, that's where it all starts - in the mind. And that's the reason almost every other diet & exercise program fails. Thing is, most of us end of running out of motivation way before we run out of steam on the treadmill. We get bored. We feel deprived. We don't care enough to carry on.

That's where this program is different. It sets your head straight so your body can follow. It gives you the oh so simple but little known techniques that will guarantee success this time. Until sooner rather than later you wake up and realise that you've done it. You're fat free. What's more, you're going to stay that way. Sounds easy? It is.

Introducing The Easiest Way Ever To Lose The Weight And Keep It Off - Permanently!

Fat Free Forever is a scientifically prove program that guarantees to get you in your best

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Weight Loss

How to Get from Fat to Flat!

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Title: How to Get from Fat to Flat!

Weight Loss, Carbs, and Evolution
If you are struggling to lose weight, you are in good company; billions of people around the globe are fighting an uphill battle in the weight loss war as well. Yes, billions!

Studies show that two out of three Americans are overweight or obese. According to the World Health Organization, 1.6 BILLION people worldwide are overweight.

Interestingly, however, in some parts of the world, there are societies of people who stay trim and healthy well into old age and beyond. They are not plagued by many of the diseases that affect people in industrialized areas of the world, and they do not suffer many of the aging related diseases that people in Western countries suffer as they age.

Scientists have studied the diets and lifestyle of these cultures, and diet is believed to play a hugely important role in their longevity and physical health.

Before we talk about the dietary selections made by these people, however, let us look at how our bodies developed over the course of millions of years of evolution, and why the current dietary choices that are available to us are contributing to the challenges we face when attempting to lose weight.

A large portion of the foods that are available today in grocery stores are presented to us in a form that was never available to our ancestors: refined carbohydrates that have been stripped of any nutritional benefits.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Diet, Health, Weight Loss

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-27
My Rate 5
World-Famous TV Lady Doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keep you unhealthy, fat & just plain sick

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-27
My Rate 5
Be strong enough to face the world each day.
from at Fat Loss Secret

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-26
My Rate 5
this book is very weight loss
the very import your life

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Title: Fat Loss Secret
Author: Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst

World-Famous TV Lady Doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keep you unhealthy, fat & just plain sick...

"The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!"

"...And Now I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!"

I already know exactly what responses you'll get from them:

  • "There are more fatty foods out there today." (And you know this is a load of crap because $100 millions of dollars are being spent on the manufacture of so-called healthy foods today than ever before - yet a
  • "The answer is far more complicated than the question." (Not really, what are you hiding, doc?)
  • "She [me] is only interested in selling you her diet book." (I'm really just trying to save your life!)
  • "People have no self-control." (If this were true humans would have died off ages ago due to eating themselves to death - and many doctors rely on this answer above most of the others! Ridiculous!!)
  • "It's not an easy thing to answer." (Yes it is - just say it, doc!)

WHOPPING 68% of most people living in North America alone are considered OBESE! - And even other nations are starting to see the

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Rating: (2.91 after 12 votes)
Category: Fitness, Weight Loss

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-29
My Rate 5
I like this book and i will give 5 stars to this book"Naked Beauty" it makes celluite free body within 24days by applying various ways given in this books such as rubberized pants blood circulation" rollers,special washcloths,gimmicky devices"dead skin" brushes.

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-03
My Rate 5
Ineffective "anti cellulite" products sold through, department stores, retail outlets, by mail order, through multilevel companies

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-08
My Rate 5
At best - some of these approaches may temporarily make the skin feel a little softer and smoother - but in terms of getting rid of the horrendous ripples and dimples

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Title: NAKED BEAUTY - Cellulite Free In 24 Days

"Would You Give 22 Minutes a Day to Get Rid of Your Cellulite?"

Ineffective "anti cellulite" products sold through, department stores, retail outlets, by mail order, through multilevel companies, and through the Internet including but not limited to:

  • rubberized pants
  • "blood circulation" rollers
  • special washcloths
  • gimmicky devices
  • "dead skin" brushes
  • cactus fiber scrubbers
  • "loofah" sponges
  • bio ceramic cellulite shorts
  • vibrational massagers
  • body wrap treatments
  • pills containing vitamins, minerals
  • powders or liquids containing herbs
  • horsehair mitts
  • bathing liquids or additives
  • cellulite reduction lotions...
  • creams and gels to "dissolve" cellulite


At best - some of these approaches may temporarily make the skin feel a little softer and smoother - but in terms of getting rid of the horrendous ripples and dimples, to give you the freedom to wear attractive swimsuits, dress in cute outfits and enjoy intimate times of being naked without being self conscious...

Your Nasty Cellulite is Gone for Good and No More Wasting Time or Money

This 22-minute, cellulite reduction, home exercise program makes it finally happen for you...

My... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (3.85 after 7 votes)
Category: Fitness, Health, Weight Loss

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Reviewed by honk dongler on 2012-01-06
My Rate 2

Reviewed by bnm on 2010-05-10
My Rate 3
Good book

Reviewed by kjhhkjh on 2010-02-23
My Rate 1
I hate this product

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Title: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
Author: Tom Venuto

Introducing "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle": A Complete Fat Burning System Based on The Secret Techniques of The World's Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models

"Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" (BFFM) is a 337 page fat burning success manual in downloadable ebook format, jam-packed cover to cover with all the fat loss methods previously known by only a small handful of the worlds best fitness models and bodybuilders. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to help you melt away body fat permanently without muscle loss and without using drugs or unnecessary supplements.

Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Success Coach From New Jersey Teaches You How to Turbo-Charge Your Metabolism, Gain Muscle, Burn Off Body Fat and Develop Unstoppable Motivation ... Guaranteed! Discover How He's Taught Thousands of People to Get Leaner Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible!

The ebook I'll Share With You:

  • Has nothing to do with worthless "fat burner" supplements...
  • Has nothing to do with dangerous weight loss surgery...
  • Does not require killing yourself in the gym...
  • And you definitely will NOT go hungry!

What we're talking about is quickly and happily going into "a zone" where you see real results...

... where you're going to feel incredibly powerful... and you're going to spring out of bed in the morning excited to embrace the day with a new... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (2.88 after 9 votes)
Category: Health, Weight Loss

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Reviewed by Sylvian Roberts on 2010-03-30
My Rate 5
great book, superb research

Reviewed by Rasika on 2008-02-24
My Rate 5
I second that. One of the best online products I have come across.

Reviewed by Kathy on 2008-01-24
My Rate 5
very original, based on a solid research, one of the few truly meaningful weight loss ebooks, well written, no fluff

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Title: Weight Loss Cover-Up EXPOSED
Author: Astrid Lasco

Here's what you will discover :

  • Why you'll never burn fat and lose weight by starving and skipping meals!
  • Why you should never, under any circumstances, follow the current official nutritional guidelines.
  • Why you should avoid genetically modified food and how to recognize it on the shelves.
  • Why the massive weight losses promised by some scammers are simply not possible.
  • Why fidgeting can help you lose weight.
  • Why eating herbs, fruits and vegetables can be detrimental to your health (That's a shocker isn't it? More of this in my ebook!).
  • Why baked potatoes are worse than refined sugar.
  • Why ' bad cholesterol' is a myth.
  • What widely used food additives can make you seriously ill.
  • What prescription diet pills currently on the market can make you fatter and sick.
  • What low-fat, no-fat or no-calorie foods actually make you gain more weight and why it happens.
  • What food, touted as the wonder food of the century and the answer to our society's obesity problem, is toxic and can actually cause obesity.
  • What exercises do not necessarily make you lose fat.
  • What drink, advertised as "healthy" can cause asthma and diabetes.
  • What diet supplements should be avoided and what can be eaten safely.
  • How to read a product label to extract the vital but hidden information, and how to read between the lines.
  • How to exercise... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 3 votes)
Category: Weight Loss

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Reviewed by Kelly on 2009-05-20
My Rate 1
I too am being riped off by this company and also a company called Insiders Secrets to Weight Loss. Maybe it is time we tell these companies that we will be suing them for ripping us off!!!

Reviewed by virna butterworth on 2009-02-20
My Rate 1
i too have been decieved by this company they said the goods would be with me in 4 to 5 working days and they woulnt take the $4.95 out of my account for 2 weeks ,i never got the goods and took $24 95 the day i ordered they must be making a fotune

Reviewed by dee on 2008-11-14
My Rate 5
I too have been decieved by this company....they should be stopped..... but where do u find them....the phone no. given is a recorded message that repeats itself over and over again......
Please somebody do something for us

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Title: The Weight Loss Handbook

Discover All 24 Keys To Losing Weight Without Dieting With The Weight Loss Handbook...

The Weight Loss Handbook is 54 pages packed full of the information you have been missing in your goal to lose weight.

But it is also so much more - it is the foundation block of a comprehensive coaching program which supports you while you achieve your goal.

No Diet Required

The Weight Loss Handbook and coaching program is not a diet but a step by step way of making 24 uncomplicated lifestyle changes which see you healthier, slimmer and fitter in the shortest possible time.

In this program over a few short weeks you'll discover a step by step method of changing your routines and behavior patterns which will not only help you lose weight but also ensure you stay that way forever.

Programs You for Success

The coaching program covers all the important aspects of successfully losing weight. You'll discover

  • how to get your mind to help you with your goal
  • how to fall in love with moving your body
  • how to enjoy your food and still lose weight

The coaching program covers all the important aspects of successfully losing weight. You'll discover how to enjoy your food and still lose weight, how to fall in love with moving your body and how to get your mind to help you with your goal.

The program gives you a series of simple

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Rating: (1.66 after 6 votes)
Category: Body, Fitness, Weight Loss

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Title: Gilad 12 weeks to Super Abs
Author: Gilad

The 3 Factors You MUST Implement to Develop Great Abs

We all want a flat stomach and a small waist.....if your abdominal needs improvement, Gilad has the solution! Gilad has developed a unique program that works great for both men and women. Gilad has designed a set of balanced abdominal exercises targeting all the muscles around your midsection giving you a flat stomach and a smaller waist in record time! BUT THAT IS NOT ALL.....

You need to be aware of this very important fact:
Spot training does not work. You can perform a million crunches a day and the fat on your belly will still be there! There are no exercises that alone can get rid of the fat on a particular area of your body

To develop a flat and sexy abdominal you MUST:

  • work you abdominal muscles. A progressive abdominal program will build strong quality abdominals that will look firm and sexy when you get the layer of fat reduced
  • eat right. You are what you eat!. To promote a high metabolism and avoid fat being stored on your body you must eat the right food!
  • do some form of vigorous aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, cycling, skipping and so on for no less than 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week. These exercises are a must rather than an option because they help increase the metabolic rate, causing your body to use up all stored fat.


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Category: Body, Health, Weight Loss

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Author: Steve G. Jones


Introducing The Most Powerful Weight Loss Hypnosis Program Available Without A Prescription! Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss Is An all Natural Weight Loss Hypnosis Program. Achieve Weight Loss Through Hypnosis

It's easier than you think. The mind is in charge of metabolism...change your mind, change your metabolism...it's really as easy as that. You'll see a new you and you'll feel great about it!!!

  • Suppresses appetite for sugar and other carbs (such as breads)
  • Reduce 40-70% overall Fat under skin
  • Lose up to 19% Total Body Weight.
  • Lose 20-35% abdominal Fat
  • Increase metabolic rate by 76.9% without Exercise.
  • Burns calorized
  • Boost your Confidence level and Self Esteem

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