All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
Juvenal, (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

Thrillers ebooks

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Category: Thrillers, Mystery, Action

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Title: TO HIDE from DEATH
Author: Theresa Mortimer

Kelly Price believed her nightmare was over.  The man trying to kill her was finally dead.  WRONG AGAIN!  Her nightmare has only begun.

As she awakens from her nap after Tom has left, Kelly hears a tapping on her window and the window is streaked in blood.  She frantically dials 9-1-1 in the hopes of someone helping her.  The operator tells her to stay put until someone arrives.

When the deputy does arrive he discovers a gruesome scene and tries his best to shield Kelly from it.  Kelly had tried to reach Tom, but to no avail.

The person wanting her dead is still very much alive and Kelly is really running out of time trying to find out who it is before it's too late.  

With so many scenarios dancing through her head she has a hard time trying to decipher fact from fiction and friend from foe.  Will she ever be able to find someone she can trust?  Will she be able to discover who the sadistic stalker really is?  Find out the answers to these and many more questions in Theresa Mortimer's TO HIDE from DEATH II: When death comes stalking.

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Category: Mystery, Thrillers, Action

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Title: TO HIDE from DEATH
Author: Theresa Mortimer

TO HIDE from DEATH is a fiction novel loosely based on the author's own life, lending it an air of real-life, draw you in drama.

Kelly Price is a domestic violence victim that had left her husband.  She receives a phone call from him one day out of the blue and the sound of his voice draws her in.  Not wanting to go down that same road again, Kelly agrees to meet with her soon to be ex-husband, Eric, to allow her children to visit with him and eat lunch.  After the lunch date Kelly agrees to go back to Eric's house to discuss their impending divorce.  After she arrives, she finds that things aren't as she expected them to be.

Kelly meets State Trooper, Tom Fielder when the roads are flooded and she needs to get to the hospital.  Tom is horrified at the condition Kelly is in. After her visit to the ER. Trooper Fielder follows her home and gives her his business card to call him at any given time if she needs him.  Tom can't understand why he is so drawn to this woman. 

Kelly files for a protective order against her husband believing this would save her.  WRONG! Someone wants her dead and will stop at nothing to make sure it happens.  She needs to find out who wants her dead and why before it's too late.  Will she find out who it is before it's too late?  

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Category: Science Fiction, Thrillers, Mystery

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Title: Astronomicon: The Beginning
Author: Paul Vincent

Three space craft, 240 colonists, 25 trillion miles and a discovery that will change everything.

This is the first novel in the Astronomicon science fiction series, charting the first human steps into interstellar space. A colonisation mission to Proxima Centauri is in danger of failing when the colonists discover that the extreme distance and harsh conditions are not all that stand between them and survival. What should have been a momentous landing becomes a near catastrophic crash.

A chance discover on their new home planet becomes the strongest evidence yet that mankind is not alone in the cosmos. The Astronomicon could become a source of information vital for mankind's ongoing survival, but only if the authorities can be made to believe its importance.

We also find out about some of the political machinations that are unfolding back on Earth, which threaten to end space exploration permanently. With established colonies on the inner planets and a thriving mining community on the Jovian moons, will everyone want to come home?

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Category: Adventure, Horror, Thrillers

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Title: Dead Air
Author: Jon Schafer

Dead Air is not your typical zombie apocalypse novel.
While most zombie books don't explain where the dead come from, Dead Air starts out by giving a realistic explanation of how they evolved. It then follows how the highly communicable disease they carry spreads rapidly across the United States, and then the world.
It features Steve Wendell, a manager of a radio station in Clearwater, Florida, who after reading a news story of a man attacking and biting hospital staff in in little Rock, Arkansas, gets an idea for an upcoming live show on Halloween. Little does he realize that the report is only the first of what will become a flood of people being infected, dying, and rising up to attack, kill, and eat their friends, neighbors, and relatives.
Then these people get up to do the same.
Taking refuge with 8 other people in the 15 story building that houses the radio station he manages, Steve and his fellow survivors barricade themselves and continue to broadcast live as the dead surround them and search for a way in.

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Category: Mystery, Thrillers, Travel

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Title: The Origin of Murder
Author: Jerold Last

The Origin of Murder is a suspenseful tour of the Galapagos Islands with a killer on board!  Roger and Suzanne take a vacation cruise through the islands, 600 miles west of Ecuador.  The biology of the islands is presented with introductory quotes from Charles Darwin.  Suzanne finds a dead body with a couple of bullet holes floating in the Pacific Ocean and we're off to solve another complex and deadly mystery.  Among the suspects is a mysterious Ecuadorian travel agent with an eye-opening secret, a cheerful bird watching couple from Germany, a happy honeymooning navy couple, two sensual sisters from San Francisco, and a couple from Uruguay seeing the wonders of the world.  Lurking in the background are a shadowy Ecuadorian Air Force general and a Paraguayan policeman.  

From a 5-star reader review, "When a luxury cruise ship full of hard to predict eco-tourists is confronted with a murdered passenger, survival of the fittest takes on a whloe new meaning."  FREE from Kindle Unlimited.

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Category: Mystery, Thrillers, Travel

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Title: The Body in the Bed
Author: Jerold Last

The Body in the Bed is a suspenseful whodunit mystery set in exotic Montevideo, Uruguay.  Murder and espionage are seamlessly mixed with the political and cultural aspects of modern day life in Uruguay.  The protagonists include Los Angeles-based private detective Roger Bowman, his wife, Biochemist Suzanne Foster, and Paraguayan policeman and international spy, Eduardo Gomez.  And, of course, the body in the bed, who we meet very early in the novel.  Who killed him and why?

The reader will not only enjoy a good mystery, but will smell and taste (at least virtually) the local foods and wines of Uruguay, visit the local attractions of Montevideo, and learn a little history of a small corner of South America half a world away from the United States.  The plot is carefully researched and based on real events occurring in today's news. 

The Body in the Bed is part of the author's South American mystery series, all e-books available on-line from Amazon's Kindle Store.  Each book in the series can be read on its own, in any order.  The series does feature recurring characters, so you can revisit the series to find out more about what happens to the characters, at least the ones who survive to the end of this thriller!

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Category: Adventure, Romance, Thrillers

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Title: Alva Madrugada
Author: J. P. Madeira
Language: Other

Quando um infeliz acidente vira a vida do avesso de André, ele resolve começar de novo como voluntário em Moçambique. Vende tudo o que possui para que o começo seja mesmo a sério, desprovido de pedaços de passado agarrados ao seu ser. Leva um objetivo como sua unica bagagem. Uma singela homenagem a que perdeu na sua vida passada. As peripécias sucedem-se a um ritmo avassalador, de quem se envolve em guerras que não têm finais certos. É raptado e conhece o inferno na terra, num mundo que é verdadeiramente estranho e bizarro. O resgate não é um resgate mas sim uma assinatura de morte para todos os que com ele sofrem o cativeiro. Escapa com vida e quando a vida parece voltar a sorrir-lhe, algo torna-a  afinal em algo que não é o que parece.

Porque as Alvas Madrugadas podem acontecer em qualquer vida de um qualquer humano... em qualquer lugar.

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Category: Action, Fiction, Thrillers

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Author: David Carl Mielke

AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK! Over a three day period, coordinated bombings have destroyed six American iconic landmarks, killing and injuring thousands, staggering the economy and triggering riots in cities across the nation. One of the targets is the world's largest cruise ship that is destroyed by a hijacked airliner. Former FBI agent SHARON RICHARDS is on board with her husband and twin sons. Sharon's family is killed but she miraculously survives and vows to avenge their murders. Lacking adequate proof and restricted by constitutional law, the government seems helpless to prevent further bombings. In a strange quirk of fate, Sharon is recruited by the President of the United States to penetrate a suspected mosque housing a home-grown terrorist cell and gather evidence. But time is running out before the next round of devastating explosions. Sharon must act outside the law to save the country from unbridled anarchy and total economic collapse. If she fails, it could be the END OF AMERICA!

Author's Note: AMERAGEDDON is a story that could be eerily prophetic. According to a recent national poll, over 70% of Americans think that an incident like 9-11 or worse will occur within the next two years. The question is: ARE WE READY? 

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Category: Mystery, Thrillers, Travel

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Title: The Matador Murders
Author: Jerold Last

The Matador Murders is set in Montevideo, Uruguay and Santiago, Chile, both cities the author has lived and worked in and knows well, where Roger and Suzanne have to solve another murder.  With apologies to reality, the novel's Montevideo is much like the lawless Chicago of the prohibition years.  That's part of the fun of writing fiction--an author can turn one of the most law-abiding and civilized cities in the world into the wild west of the 19th Century U.S. frontier with the stroke of a pen.  Actually, it's more the click of a keyboard nowadays.

The plot of this suspenseful whodunit thriller is based very loosely on Dashiell Hammett's classic novel, The Red Harvest, the basis for the movie Last Man Standing.  The book features lots of action and a suspenseful storyline.  Who is the mysterious Mr. X behind all the killings?

The cover photo is of the Pocitos neighborhood of Montevideo, on the Rio de la Plata.  If you use a very strong magnifying glass, you can actually see the apartment we rented while we were living there.

The novel may be downloaded FREE from Kindle Unlimited.

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Category: Mystery, Thrillers, Travel

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Title: Five Quickies for Roger and Suzanne
Author: Jerold Last

Five Quickies for Roger and Suzanne is an anthology of shorter mystery stories featuring characters from the popular South American mystery series solving murders in South America and at home in Los Angeles. The collection features a new novella set in northwest Argentina's Andes mountains featuring Roger and Suzanne meeting for the first time in The Empanada affair.  This is a completely revised version of the previous novel with the same title.  A short story entitled The Haunted Gymnasium set in Fortaleza, Brazil features Roger and Vincent Romero investigating an apparent murder in the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  Another short story for dog lovers and others entitled The Dog With No Name tells the story of Roger's first case as a private detective.  In Los Angeles we have the noir short story Someone Did It To the Butler and the novella The Body in the Parking Structure (also available separately as a $0.99 Kindle e-book) featuring Roger, Suzanne, Bruce, and Vincent.  Enjoy the Quickies, which introduce several of the recurring characters in the series and are a great place to begin it.  FREE to download from Kindle Unlimited.

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