Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more human world.
Andre Maurois

Jobs ebooks

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Category: Hobbies, How To, Jobs

Successful Beekeeping A-B-C's

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Title: Successful Beekeeping A-B-C's
Author: Terry Martyn Jr.

Find the Perfect Avocation Learning the A-B-C's of Beekeeping!

Eliminating Stress Has Never Been This Much Fun!

Without a doubt, you know that stress is a killer, and we know that you want to do something about it.

If you're here, then you're probably looking for something to relieve the stress. This is especially true when the economy seems to be pulling us in different directions.

So, what does this have to do with Bees? More than you might think.

If you have ever given any thought to a hobby that might just morph into an answer to your financial woes, you are in the best possible place you can be and at just the right time!

Now, beekeeping may not be what you imagined could be your ticket to leading a stress free life. It may not be what you thought of as a vehicle for adding supplemental income.

But, ask yourself this, if you continue doing exactly what you are doing now where will you be in six months? A year? Five years? You owe it to yourself to investigate every possibility.

If you are socially conscious about our environment, you need to know that you won't find a business more in tune with that responsibility than Beekeeping. Bees are active, natural pollinators.

Research shows that the dollar value of pollination by domesticated bees and beekeepers to a range of

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Category: Business, Home, Jobs

Crafty Selling

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Title: Crafty Selling
Author: Wal Shermann
How to Cash In With Crafts & Build Your Own Cash Cow!

Are you a "crafty" person? Do you get rave reviews from family and friends after gifting them with your own creations? Is your hobby something that you love to do? Are you sick and tired of being stuck in a dead end job?

Every marketing book or report on the Internet tells you that you will only prosper when you actually create your own product to sell. Well, if you answered yes to those four questions above, you are more than half way there!

Yep, in order to truly succeed online, you need to have your own product. If you have a hobby that you love it's time to take a serious look at how to generate a business from your own creations.

The reason why we say that you are more than half way there is because you already have a product so you're way ahead of the game. Most folks have trouble coming up with something of their own to sell. You already have it!

Now all you need to do is fine tune it and set up your business and "Crafty Selling" is just what the net doctor ordered to help you do just that! An eye-opening read, "Crafty Selling" will give you all the information you need to take your hobby and launch that business that you've always dreamed of.

"Crafty Selling" is jam-packed with answers to every question you may have about turning your passion for crafts from a hobby to a full time, viable business. Discover things like:

  • Taxes and the Legal Stuff
  • First Steps from a Hobby to a... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, Jobs


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Title: Teenpreneur
Author: Stacy Fox


  • How Teenagers Become Successful in Life?
  • How Teenagers Can Start Their Own Businesses?
  • And, How They Can Have a Ball Doing it?

Are you sick and tired of hearing how bad teenagers are? Every time you pick up a newspaper or listen to the news there's another story about a gang or how an out of control teen has behaved badly.

We never hear about the kids who excel at their studies. We never hear about the kids who donate their time to help others. We never hear about the kids who hold down jobs plus doing well in school.
There's also another segment of the teen world that we rarely hear about and that's teens that are also entrepreneurs, or as we prefer to call them "Teenpreneurs."

These teens are very special. They have the foresight to see into the future and understand that having their own businesses is the key to their higher education and a prosperous future.

But, we're about to give you a picture of a few teens that are just like that. Reading their stories is inspirational. But that's not all. "Teenpreneurs" is really all about helping a teen of your own realize their dreams and live up to their potential.

Not only do we tell you all about teens who have done it, we also teach the readers how to do it themselves. That's right. There are tons of businesses that are geared for teens and "Teenpreneurs" teaches you everything you

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Category: Jobs

Quick Start Job Guide

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Title: Quick Start Job Guide

Become Your Industry's "Most Wanted"...

"Learn The Secrets To Instantly Receiving More Job Offers Than You Can Possibly Handle!"

Dear Job Seeker,

If you are anything like I was when I was busy hunting for a full time job, you've probably been sending in resumes left and right, spending hours scouring through online job ads with one hand, while flipping through the newspaper classifieds with the other.

Job Hunting.. it's not always the most enjoyable part of being an adult is it?

Not only do you have to deal with the frustration of trying to find jobs that you are qualified for, but once you have a list of 'possibilities', you learn that there are dozens of other qualified job seekers trying to land the same position!

Here's How To Catapult Leaps And Bounds Ahead Of Your Competition..

Imagine this for a moment, if you will..

You draft up one of the most impressive resumes that these hiring agents have ever seen. Anyone who glances at it, is immediately impressed. Your phone starts ringing off the hook.. companies.. employers, interested in having you come in for an interview.

Within days, you have a dozen lined up.. and each time you finish one, you leave with the satisfaction that you've got it in the bag.. and you do.. before too long, the phone is ringing off the hook

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Category: Jobs

Resume Writing Secrets

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Title: Resume Writing Secrets

If you're wanting to craft out an attractive and professional resume, then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!...

"Discover The Hidden Rules & Secrets Of Crafting A Professional Resume That Will Never Required You To Follow The Rules You Hear From The Grapevine And Easily Find Your Dream Job To Fit Like A Custom-made Suit!"

It doesn't matter if this is the first time you are trying to write a professional resume for finding your dream job, this guide will help you to get on a right track of resume writing.

Dear Internet Friend,

  • Are you in the right career?
  • Is it time for a change? Are you ready to begin a new career?

Do you or someone you know want a better way to navigate? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about resumes, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Some Useless Guides On Resumes That You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about resumes and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Resume Secret Recipe"!

It's like

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Category: How To, Jobs, Manuals

Welding and Cutting Metals

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Title: Welding and Cutting Metals

Start Your Own High-Paying Career In Welding With This Welding Course

At last you can now start to discover welding - the art of joining and cutting metals with The Welding Course - right at the comfort of your home in your free time!

A Career In Welding and Cutting Metals

Dear friend,

Would you like to start a potentially lucrative career or business with a welding skill?

Acquiring a new skill in welding could give you a potentially high-paying career (Salary Range: $13.00-$26.44 per hour).

It could also open for you a floodgate of new opportunities with various businesses and arts and crafts that you have only dreamt about of starting and enjoying.

At last you can now start to discover welding - the art of joining and cutting metals with The Welding Course - right at the comfort of your home in your free time.

The Welding Course is the textbook equivalent of a hands-on welding training. It prepares and orients you to the basic as well the advanced.

It contains all necessary information and data in one volume, making it possible for the workman to use one source for securing a knowledge of both principle and practice, preparation and finishing of the work, and both large and small repair work as well as manufacturing methods used in metal working.

With almost a hundred... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Jobs

Resumes with Impact

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Title: Resumes with Impact
Author: Lester Watts
Prepare a Powerful Presentation

It's an extremely competitive job market out there today. Unlike your parents or grandparents, it's very rare that someone has a single job in their lifetime. It's a foregone conclusion that you will never earn that proverbial "gold watch."

Today, it's all about survival of the fittest and it begins with your résumé. Of course you can pay someone a hefty fee to prepare a résumé for you. Or, you can choose to do it yourself.

Preparing your own résumé can be a daunting task without a mentor. We have just the ticket for you. Résumés with Impact is like having a mentor sitting by your side while you prepare for your career.

Writing your résumé requires skill and purpose. Slapping together a list of experience and hobbies doesn't even put you in the running, let alone winning that prize position.

The odds for employment being with they are today dictate that you will have to apply for new positions several times throughout your life. The sooner you get it together the better off your professional landscape will look.

  • Do you fully understand the position you are seeking?
  • Do you know what type of résumé you wish to prepare?
  • Do you know how to find out what the employer wants?
  • Do you know how long your résumé should be?
  • Do you know exactly what you must always... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Jobs

How to Love Your Job

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Title: How to Love Your Job

Even if You Don't

Table of Contents:

  • Money, Money, Money
  • Take this Job and Assess this Mess
  • Boooooring
  • The Boss Really is an Idiot
  • Jeez She Sure is Rude
  • Busy Bee
  • Conclusion

Take This Job and...

So, you hate your job and you are looking for strategies to survive. Or maybe, you don't really hate your job; it's just that you frequently find your mind wandering at times-like every minute of the day. Maybe you are at your wits' end. How will you get through another week without losing your mind?
Hey, don't feel bad, most people are in the same boat; studies show that very few people just love their jobs. So what do you do now; are you stuck being bored and unhappy at work every day for the rest of your life? It's possible, but all is not lost. Let's discuss a few strategies for successfully living through the employment blues.

Not all of these strategies will work for you. Every job is different and every employee has different reasons for not getting the most out of their job. Face it, some jobs really are awful, and some employers really are as grasping, selfish, and slack-witted as those bosses in the Sunday funny papers. So make sure that you try the methods that you feel most comfortable with, and remember that a convenience clerk might have a few options

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Category: Jobs

How to get the perfect job

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Title: How to get the perfect job

Tips, tools and advice to help you find your dream job.

How to Prepare for the Interview

In order to get the perfect job you have to first pass the interview process and get to the hiring manager. That means you have to know how to conduct yourself at the interview in order to even pass the first stage. There are some places that will hire you directly without going through the hiring manager but you still have to pass the interview process to be hired. Many people just go to an interview and have no idea what they need to do or how to conduct oneself and end up losing the job because of it.

One of the places many people go wrong at interviews is not having a clue about the company or the position. Not all companies ask that question but you have to be prepared. It makes you look foolish if you don't know anything about the company. They assume if you want to work for them you will take the time to find something out about the company. You do not have to know a great deal, but you should at least know what the company does and the types of products or services they provide.

Before the interview you should also prepare a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer. Most of the time the interviewer will ask if you have any questions, and if you don't have any, the consensus is that you are not concerned enough to ask any questions rather than that the

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Category: Jobs

Impressive Resumes And Cover Letters

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Title: Impressive Resumes And Cover Letters

How to win your dream job and triumph over the competition...

The Best Resume You've Ever Written Or Your Money Back!

Give Me 10 Minutes And I'll Have You Writing Resumes No Employer Can Resist!

Who else wants to force their resume to rise to the top of the stack?

Sometimes the only seperating you from a great job and unemployment - is a great resume. But the rules on how to write a resume that grabs the attention of an employer are always changing.

Chances are, if you learned how to write a resume back in high school. Your techniques are outdated.

It's a question of who wants it more. And if you need that job like a chocoholic needs a Hershey's bar. You better take the time to learn...

How To Write Impressive Resumes And Cover Letters!

Greetings Friend,

Are you looking for a job? Do you want to make certain that you have every possible advantage going for you?

One of the most important parts of the hiring process is the resume. (How many jobs do you know of that do not require one?) And it's important you put your best foot forward with a great resume.

A resume that sells yourself to the company. In a way that any employer would be crazy not to hire you.

See How Easily You Can Prove You're The Right Person For The... Click here to read the full description!

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