Fish and Fishing ebooks

Keeping Fish
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Keeping Fish
Learn How To Setup And Maintain A Tranquil Aquarium Environment For Hours Of Sress Free Relaxation!
Dear Would-be Aquarist,
Have you always wanted to set aside a section of your home where you can retreat and enjoy endless tranquil moments in front of your very own aquarium?
Before you embark on creating your own fish environment, there are some essential processes that you'll need to know to ensure a healthy and stable environment for your fish.
For example, have you pre-planned the details for your aquarium setting before purchasing one? Do you know what kind of aquarium to purchase? What kind of fish species? What kind of fish requires what kind of water environment? How to create and maintain a stable fish environment?
Despite facing these basic questions, learning all of the ins and outs of creating your own tranquil fish paradise is NOT as complicated as you may think. In fact, keeping fish is one of the simplest pets to care for! After the initial setup, the hardest thing an aquarist deals with is... routine.
And the trade-off?. . .
One of the most effortless and relaxing environments you can cultivate in your own home!
Keeping Fish
Fish keeping is one of the oldest forms of relaxation and home aquariums are becoming
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-01-25
My Rate 5
This is really great info and really help me to know so much info
Reviewed by jon saunders on 2010-08-31
My Rate 5
excellent package
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Title: Flyfishing Unleashed
Author: William Carter
Discover, Learn and Master Powerful Fly Fishing Techniques, That Will Have Hungry Fish Fighting to take your Fly In Just Days!"
Here is Just a Taste of What You Will Learn!
- The Equipment. Don't waste money on the wrong gear. The info' in this section alone could save you $100.00's if not $1000.00's. Also included here is a very important tip that could Save your Life.
- Rods and Reels Explained. Flex index, Reel drag, Line weight. Get the rod and reel that's right for YOU, and you'll increase your catch straight away.
- How To Fly Fish in Different Water Conditions. These are little known tips and tricks to use for different water conditions. You'll be catching fish at times and places you wouldn't even think of trying.
- Techniques and Strategies That Make The Difference. Start using these simple but hugely effective techniques to improve your catch tenfold from day one.
- Casting Techniques. From Beginner to Advanced.
- Knots. Know which knots to use and how to tie them properly. Don't lose valuable equipment, and fish, due to poorly tied knots. This is a big subject so I've included them in a free bonus ebook.
- Included in this section is an almost unknown, casting technique that you would use when fishing in a tight spot. I have never seen this technique... Click here to read the full description!
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Title: Get Paid To Fish
Author: Greg Rouse
ATTENTION! If You or Someone You Know Loves to Fish, Then You Need To Look At This...
Here's some of the main benefits to buying this eBook:
- SATISFACTION! - You get PAID to do what you love... How many people can say that?
- NO MORE NAGGING! - No one can nag at you about being gone fishing to much... because you're just at the OFFICE... You're making money Fishing!
- TAX WRITE OFFS! - Maybe you already love your job but just want some tax write offs... The average outdoorsmen spends THOUSANDS of dollars a year for gear, licenses, fuel, etc... I'll show you how to write it ALL OFF?
- BE YOUR OWN BOSS! - If you want, you can even quit your job and do the things you always wanted to do, like FISH MORE... Oh, I forgot... you now get paid for that, so I don't know if you can call it work or PLAY?
- FREEDOM! - How about a business that lets you do WHAT you want, WHEN you want, and WHERE you want... You can set your own hours... You can live anywhere... You can fish whenever the urge strikes... The sky is the limit!
- SIMPLE! - You don't have to be a rocket scientist to do this... I'll give you EASY step-by-step directions for all the different methods.
- OUTDOORS! - Need I say more... You GET to make a living in the great outdoors!
- MORE TIME FISHING! - Let's be honest here...
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Title: The Book of Fishing Secrets
"219 pages and over 300 Fishing Tips from a Captain with over 60 years of saltwater experience..."
Here's a little taste of what you can find in The eBook of Fishing Secrets - Saltwater Edition:
- Cobia fishing without a tower in Pensacola (he'll tell you EXACTLY how to do it and where to go)...
- Sheepshead fishing tips that will turn your fishing days into catching days...
- Want to know to learn (and REALLY LEARN WELL) a new area WITHOUT spending $200 on a guide?...
- One VERY simple thing you can do to make your flats fishing more successful...
- How to build a Tarpon rig that was banned in Boca Grande fishing tournaments...
- Stealth fishing techniques to keep YOUR honey-hole yours...
- Want to make a drop-shot rig that is snag-proof?...
- Unbelievable Chum tips (including Chum type most effective by species)...
- How about how to build 4 basic bottom fishing rigs?...
- How to turn a $5 bag of Gulp into over 50 fishable lures...
- What one thing can you do to make your knots bulletproof...
- Anchoring demystified (and tips that could save your life)...
- How to fish a Gulp shrimp and never get double-hooked....
Rating: (4 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-04-21
My Rate 5
i find this ebook good and rich with info and tips about fishing
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Title: Surf Fishing The Quick Start Guide To This Exciting Sport
Author: Randy Meyers
Ultimate Quick Start Guide To Surf Fishing!
"Who Else Wants to Easily Find, Hook, and Land More & Bigger Fish....
On Any Beach?"
You shouldn't even think about heading to the surf until you've read every word of this letter.
The so much information out there. It all works, but when you try it, why doesn't it work for you?
I'll tell you why!
Go to the local tackle shop. What do you see? Tons and tons of gear. You think: "What should I get"? "This looks good, maybe I should try that". "Wow, there's a lot of different hooks & sinkers, I wonder which ones I need"?
You have no clue and you don't know where to start. You've tried everything that was supposed to catch fish but it doesn't work for you.
What if you had someone to take you out? Teach you everything you needed to know. Taught you what to do, when to do it and put it together in a system so you could do it too.
What if that person was around whenever you needed a little more coaching and some one on one instruction.
Well I can't be there in person but I can do the next best thing for you. I put everything I know together into a package and turned it into a system. You can use my
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-04-21
My Rate 5
nice ebook about fishing i like it and it help me to discover new stuff
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Title: Snook Samurai
Author: Mike Gregory
A Guaranteed Course On How To Catch Snook - Become A Snook Fishing Master In Just 7 Days!
Here’s What You Will Discover Inside Snook Samurai
- Little Known, yet simple ways to catch live bait..
- How to locate Snook with a few simple techniques…
- What are the best live baits to use…
- 2 Simple keys to selecting a fishing guide…
- Secrets of expert Snook fisherman that few people ever know about…
- The correct method of reading and understand tide charts…
- You’ll discover in just a few short minutes how to properly set up your rig…
- WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to fishing for Snook…
- Time tested and proven strategies for enticing Snook to bite…
- What are the best knots to use for snook fishing…
- When to fish for Snook…
- How to strike …
- The Best Techniques for fishing the beach, passes or piers
- The secret that instantly allows you to locate Snook regardless of the time of year…
- Where to find the big ones !
And much, much more…
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Title: Caring For Betta Fish
Author: Marcus Song
An Insider's Guide For Betta Lovers
Here's a quick look at just a few of the valuable techniques I'll share with you:
- A guide to boosting your betta's life expectancy. It's normal to become highly attached to your little one. Follow these unbreakable rules and your Betta will be alive and thriving for as long as possible.
- If you do decide to get your betta from a pet store (as most hobbyists do) watch for these 7 danger signs and you'll maximize the chances of bringing home a happy betta.
- Good news: despite what you might have heard, bettas don't necessarily have to live by themselves, as long as you follow these 9 rules.
- My very private method of giving your betta the means to live a long, vigorous life.
- When you put a betta into a brand new tank, there can often be high levels of ammonia build-up, which makes your fish sick. You'll learn how to avoid that, using my very private "seeding" method.
- What it means when the tank keeps getting a foul smell even though you cleaned it... and what you can do to get rid of the odor once and for all.
- Give even the most aggressive male bettas the best possible life of socializing with other bettas -- without any risk whatsoever of there being a fight!
- How to safely and humanely prevent your Betta from jumping out of his bowl. (Bettas must not dry out -- which is what could happen if they
Title: Tropical Fish And Fish Aquarium
The Greatest Gold-Mine Of Easy "Tropical Fish And Fish Aquarium"
Advice Ever Crammed Into One Product!
"5 Minutes From Now You Could Be On Your Way To Having Thriving Tropical Fish Like Never Before... And A World-Beating Aquarium...
All in Easy To Use Downloadable Video And Book Format..."
Here's a Small Sample of What You'll Learn:
- Why you are in big trouble if your fish are darting around your aquarium and what you can do to prevent imminent death.
- Monitor and maintain the correct Ammonia Nitrate and Nitrate levels, pH levels and General Algae levels in your aquarium
- learn about better and cheaper alternatives to "off the shelf" products,
- reduce the number of partial water changes you have to make without putting your fish in jeopardy...
- Wanting to introduce new tropical fish to your aquarium?... do it successfully and safely.
- timing is key... learn when the right time is to add fish... don't risk inflicting pain on your fish by having the water at an incorrect temperature...
- learn all about cycling... you NEED to know this,
- Maintain your aquarium to keep it looking pristine and fresh
- Rest easy with the knowledge that you have happy fish that will live long and healthy... Click here to read the full description!
Title: Koi Fish Pond Construction Made Easy
Author: Michele
"The Complete And Easy Guide To Koi Fish Pond Construction"
Build Your Own Back Yard Koi Fish Pond That Will Be The Envy Of Everyone!
"Building a Koi Fish Pond doesn't have to be overwhelming or complicated once you have the correct pond construction information at your fingertips!"
Koi Fish Ponds are very popular with more and more people adding a Koi fish pond to their backyard every day! The brightly colored Japanese fish are a delight to watch and feed, and having a beautiful Koi pond in your backyard is a feature to admire.
Here's What You'll Learn About Building Your Koi Fish Pond...
- plants can be poisonous to your fish, so you must be careful what you
- The importance of plants in your pond and what plants to add. Some
- How to test and how often, and how to correct imbalances - How to
- The importance of bottom drains and where to place them, (diagrams
- You'll learn what depths are best for your Koi fish and why this is so
- you need them for your Koi fish pond
- You'll learn about mechanical, biological, and vegetable filters and why
- concrete and PVC
- lose your fish very quickly. A good filtration system is the difference
- maintain your pond year
Title: Koi Fish For Beginners
Right here... "Koi Fish For Beginners" Contains The Vital Secrets You Must Have To Create The Koi Pond of Your Dreams!
Inside this amazing ebook you will find a complete collection of all the specialized information you need:
- How to create a functional pond... clever ideas and useful tips for optimizing your Koi's environment.
- How to maintain quality conditions in your Koi pond and quickly deal with sick Koi yourself...
- How to quickly and easily get started with your dream Koi pond... explained in a step-by-step format.
- How to avoid the common beginner mistakes and what to look for... planning to save time, money and frustration.
This is just a small sampling of the vital step-by-step information available. "Koi Fish For Beginners" has the unique information and ideas you need to create that Koi pond of your dreams!
Don't waste another minute, get started on planning your dream Koi pond today!
What Valuable Secrets Are Revealed In Koi Fish For Beginners?
Here's just some of what you're going to learn...
- 4 dangers of not properly acclimating your Koi to their new pond!
- A crash course on filtration needs. Without the proper
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